
List of issues
JENKINS-75267branchSpec variable resolution does not work when fetching pod definition
JENKINS-75202Orphaned agents not being cleaned up
JENKINS-75138Volume Mount sub path for Secrets
JENKINS-75105Powershell and batch commands are invalid when using the binary wrapper and kubernetes plugin
JENKINS-74989Static Pod Template does not have RunURL and BuildURL
JENKINS-74960Temporary Nodes on master server ddos Kubernetes Cluster on startup
JENKINS-74843set-up-jenkins-agent initcontainer missing limits
JENKINS-74801Unable to define hostAliases on pod-template
JENKINS-73993Access kubernetes node name to expose it in jenkins logs
JENKINS-73985Kubernetes pod not containing activeDeadlineSeconds
JENKINS-73977Retry didn't work for repulling images
JENKINS-73872Folder credential injection in kubernetes cloud from declarative pipeline
JENKINS-73826Thread dead lock causing jenkins to unresponsive after updating kubernetes plugin
JENKINS-73789Certificate should not be mandatory in FIPS mode
JENKINS-73779PeriodicGarbageCollection Delete Non-Orphan Pods
JENKINS-73717Public key of the first certificate in chain
JENKINS-73632add actual node name to podtemplate log details.
JENKINS-73538GKE integration issue
JENKINS-73406Kubernetes Pugin cloud's default agent broken with failing to save jgit config file
JENKINS-73401Add minimum spares feature in Kubernetes plugin
JENKINS-73393Argument list too long thrown by DurableTaskStep
JENKINS-73383Can't use yaml anchors/aliases in pod definition
JENKINS-73372When using containerLog, the log does not display completely and stops in the middle.
JENKINS-73351io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Received 401 on websocket . Message: Unauthorized.
JENKINS-73349Terminate dynamic template agents quicker when pipeline is aborted
JENKINS-73293Excessive Node creation/deletion when hitting Resource Quotas
JENKINS-73231Kubernetes Plugin: podTemplates not persisting between Controller deployments
JENKINS-73222Show provisioning error of K8s global agents in console output
JENKINS-73103A user with Jenkins.MANAGE can manage clouds/pod templates/container templates
JENKINS-73102Failure to parse Jenkinsfile Node block in pipeline-model-definition
JENKINS-73003Login using Google Service Account from metadata
JENKINS-72943inheritFrom ignores affinity rules
JENKINS-72818inheritFrom ignored when getting pod from shared-library with libraryResource
JENKINS-72798Reconsider Reaper.TerminateAgentOnImagePullBackOff
JENKINS-72797Health Check is failing on kubernetes cloud agents
JENKINS-72792Builds hang sometimes for withMaven and ssh-agent steps execution
JENKINS-72763Extra asterisks in the output logs
JENKINS-72662Connectivity issue with cloud agent post upgrading Jenkins to latest
JENKINS-72586Got intermittent issues in Jenkins with error Queue task was cancelled
JENKINS-72569kubernetes plugin Allow variables to be passed from Jenkinsfile to the pod template
JENKINS-72463Support for hybrid and multi cloud
JENKINS-72375kubernetes plugin - NullPointerException: trustManager.acceptedIssuers must not be null
JENKINS-72355Dynamic agent not setting the right namespace from yaml
JENKINS-72296Jenkins builds not starting - getting namespace cannot be null error
JENKINS-72286ClosedChannelException occurring immediately after pod detected as running
JENKINS-72234Deadlock when saving configuration with kubernetes
JENKINS-72211Add seccomp securityContext configuration for a container
JENKINS-72187Kubernetes plugin: Retain pods on job failure.
JENKINS-72112Allow merge strategy inheritance in PodTemplates
JENKINS-71967kubernetes-plugin creates 2 pods per run
JENKINS-71886Jenkins Pod on Kubernetes Exposing Host System Free Space on Nodes
JENKINS-71875K8s plugin seems to be incapable of intercepting SIGTERM 143 error codes and automatically launching replacement jnlp pods
JENKINS-71816Kubernetes agent environment not working with Git Parameter branch variable in SCM
JENKINS-71796Some times the kubernetes just stops creating agents.
JENKINS-71779Unable to use latest version of Kubernetes with Jenkins LTS
JENKINS-71696Failing agents cause controller memory leak
JENKINS-71632Multi-cloud load distribution
JENKINS-71631PodRetention Always: Pod stays up but jnlp container is completed
JENKINS-71552Backslashes (\) in volume's mount path are always replaced with forward slashes (/)
JENKINS-71504inheritFrom cannot overwrite inherited images
JENKINS-71500"When { branch: }" does not work inside of podTemplate's node, stage or container
JENKINS-71451Invalid cloud label specified for multiple clusters
JENKINS-71450Kubernetes Cloud Config Missing after upgrading Jenkins LTS version
JENKINS-71437Tolerations are not getting overwritten via "Raw YAML for the Pod"
JENKINS-71389Kubernetes Plugin consumes a lot of threads when managing many Kubernetes Clouds
JENKINS-71380Still waiting to schedule task --> pod not created
JENKINS-71217Optimize checkout performance issue
JENKINS-71168Failed to set mounts and volumeMounts of jnlp container using yaml field in podtemplate
JENKINS-71135NullPointerException at ContainerExecProc.join(ContainerExecProc.java:89)
JENKINS-71097Jenkins Jobs spwaned by Kubernetes plugin do not restart/continue when there is a Jenkins controller restart
JENKINS-71083For not existing Docker image pipeline result is Aborted instead of Failure
JENKINS-71005Jenkins agents intermittently experiencing: Failed to start websocket connection: io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException
JENKINS-70883WORKSPACE not defined properly when node steps are nested inside other node steps
JENKINS-70840Agents (pods) are significantly over-provisioned when using a parallel step
JENKINS-70829Jenkins failed to spawn kubernetes cloud agents
JENKINS-70819serviceAccountName for yaml pod template
JENKINS-70764non_proxy var validation is broken
JENKINS-70733In parallel stages, each stage is configured with kubernetes agents that mount the same persistent volume claim in the workspace. But at building, some dynamic agents have been unable to connect to Jenkins?
JENKINS-70723Pod templates removed after a Jenkins restart
JENKINS-70701K8s plugin: Pod Template Inheritance not working in declarative pipelines
JENKINS-70612Kubernetes plugin pod templates not respecting instance cap
JENKINS-70473Contradiction in podTemplate inheritance
JENKINS-70436Kubernetes plugin fails to read kubecfg from yaml
JENKINS-70333Default for Declarative agent retries
JENKINS-70287Kubernetes plugin doesn't respect privileged=false in jnlp container if it is defined differently in multiple Pod Templates and inheriting from a parent with privileged=true
JENKINS-70190Pod template env var and pipeline global env var of same name and value causes env var to disappear
JENKINS-70146Honor instanceCap for ephemeral pod template (podTemplate step)
JENKINS-69594Add support of ReadWriteOncePod access mode in PVC spec
JENKINS-69591Jenkins does not wait for "Back-off pulling image" to resolve
JENKINS-69285Kubernetes agent windows pod workspaceVolume
JENKINS-69167Jenkins slave pod Templete lack replication
JENKINS-69166Jenkins slave pod Templete lacks scheduled deletion
JENKINS-69152Remote call on JNLP4-connect connection from XXX failed
JENKINS-69104Inconsiste between plugin description and readme when "cloud" is not defined
JENKINS-69014Restricted clouds not visible in folder configuration
JENKINS-68978When I use the persistent volume claim of kubernetes plugin and set read-only, readonly is now set under volumes, which should be under volumemounts
JENKINS-68931nodes/config.xml not cleaned up after failed provisioning
JENKINS-68896Pod Retention on JOB FAILURE STATUS Implementation
JENKINS-68883GKE "dynamic" credentials support
JENKINS-68821Jobs deadlock when using multiple pods and container cap
JENKINS-68757adding subPath support for PersistentVolumeClaim volumes
JENKINS-68736Kubernetes container does not respect tty: true
JENKINS-68716Add a setting to provide a default global value for connectTimeout
JENKINS-68661Recent security changes in kubernetes-plugin increase security risks.
JENKINS-68606Wrong cloud node configuration selected while using inherit from
JENKINS-68574can't get podtemplate in helmrelease mount secrets or configmaps
JENKINS-68409kubernetes plugin can create a new pod every 10s when something wrong
JENKINS-68371NodeProvisioner stuck / slow under load
JENKINS-68332kubernetes.pipeline.ContainerExecDecorator.websocketConnectionTimeout currently set at 30 seconds
JENKINS-68322sh command hangs, no errors, pod hangs. sporadic.
JENKINS-68234Kubernetes pod failed with WebSocketHandshakeException
JENKINS-68232Failure of agent pod immediately aborts build
JENKINS-68186Problem Pod Yaml Kubernetes Plugin
JENKINS-68152Pipeline fails with java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException Also: hudson.remoting.Channel$CallSiteStackTrace: Remote call to JNLP4-connect connection from
JENKINS-68072Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to setup network for sandbox
JENKINS-67951Jenkins kubernetes plugin creating multiple pod requests in a short span
JENKINS-67795Jenkins on EKS dynamic PODS
JENKINS-67715using 'path' in a pipeline param breaks powershell with kubernetes
JENKINS-67709POD inheritance in declarative Pipeline documentation unclear
JENKINS-67622Kubernetes Plugin 1.31.3 Errors Connecting to host Cluster
JENKINS-67621Order of environment variables differ from config.xml and YAML
JENKINS-67592Jenkins starts pipeline before the agent pod is ready
JENKINS-67575"cannot start writing logs to a finished node" from PodTemplateStepExecution.onResume
JENKINS-67509Pod inheritance not working as expected for declarative pipeline
JENKINS-67423Websocket timeout defaults to 5000 ms in declarative pipeline container tasks
JENKINS-67390Kubernetes agents can stay in suspended state if Jenkins restarts while provisioned
JENKINS-67294kubernetes plugin picks first cloud without considering inheritFrom field
JENKINS-67285if jenkins-agent pod has removed fail fast jobs that use this jenkins-agent pod
JENKINS-67269Kubernetes workload fails after few hours
JENKINS-67256Integrate Kubernetes plugin with Cloud Statistics
JENKINS-67196Pods are terminated after ~110s and ignore PodTemplate.connectionTimeout when containers start
JENKINS-67167in a kubernetes pod sh steps inside container() are failing sporadically
JENKINS-67156Kubernetes plugin creates workspace with linux-style root path on a Windows node
JENKINS-67115need admin permission on jenkins server to enable restricted kubernetes clouds in folders
JENKINS-67111Kubernetes nodes sometimes reconnect after jobs complete, when configured to never reconnect
JENKINS-67100KubernetesProvisioningLimits has race condition during initialization
JENKINS-67097Cannot cleanly delete namespace in which controller & agents run
JENKINS-67014ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in KubernetesLauncher
JENKINS-67007not able to launch the jnlp process with upgrade plugin version of jackson2api
JENKINS-66995Readiness probe for kubernetes plugin
JENKINS-66957NodeSelector values typecasted
JENKINS-66886slaveConnectTimeout not honored
JENKINS-66822Jenkins is trying to create an agent pod forever
JENKINS-66747Create agents on other cluster using kubernetes plugin running behind an Ingress controller.
JENKINS-66604Resetting the Kubernetes plugin settings after restarting
JENKINS-66599GERRIT_REFSPEC not recognized during scm git checkout - Jenkinsfile declarative with Kubernetes agent
JENKINS-66528Kubernetes plugin should update default inbound agent image
JENKINS-66512Allow visualization of pod events and logs without ADMINISTER permission
JENKINS-66510503 error unable to connect to cluster to create pods behind proxy
JENKINS-66437Error create pod
JENKINS-66378Podtemplate not taking cloud parameter
JENKINS-66337Kubernetes Plugin IllegalStateException: Not expecting pod template to be null at this point. On master restart for long lasting slave.
JENKINS-66239Read agent logs with read permission
JENKINS-66193yamlMergeStrategy merge() clears not specified lists
JENKINS-66166Jenkins 2.289.2 版本的jenkins-slava 主动请求master主节点连接超时, 构建失败
JENKINS-66164Stashing doesn't work in containers and there's no way to debug it
JENKINS-66103Windows workers locked to UTF-8 code pages, causing issues with subshells
JENKINS-66058Cannot start jenkins agent pod from podTemplate in a separate yaml file
JENKINS-66046Can't override jnlp podTemplate & container - Jenkins declarative pipeline
JENKINS-65984BourneShellScript background process should be an option for sh step
JENKINS-65957Kubernetes plugin creates backlog of workloads in GKE when failed scheduling and job aborted
JENKINS-65945After Jenkins restart kubernetes agents cannot be provisioned
JENKINS-65942java groovy libraries are not executed on kubernetes slave pod
JENKINS-65934Maven Container Slow to Download Artifacts - Times Out
JENKINS-65916Cannot define a different default jnlp container
JENKINS-65878PodTemplateStepExecution.step may not be marked @Inject
JENKINS-65769Jenkins Kubernetes plugin referencing config map as environment variable
JENKINS-65727hudson.remoting.ChannelClosedException: Channel "hudson.remoting.Channel@6b5d6424:JNLP4-connect connection from IP"n.n.n.n/n.n.nn":49060": failed. The channel is closing down or has closed down
JENKINS-65723Allow to run Kubernetes plugin from agent node
JENKINS-65674mesos stage agent fails when top-level agent is kubernetes (MesosSlave cannot be cast to class KubernetesSlave)
JENKINS-65627Jenkins build stuck on 'All nodes of label...are offline' forever, without timeout
JENKINS-65488Gradle Artifactory plugin hangs in "run step" with Kubernetes Pipeline
JENKINS-65453LivenessProbe not inherited on ContainerTemplates
JENKINS-65425Add Volumesnapshot as option for Kubernetes pod workspace volume
JENKINS-65411connection leak
JENKINS-65402Newline added to environment variables when running agents in Linux container from Windows controller
JENKINS-65391Container not found error although it's started in the pod
JENKINS-65249Pods are destroyed/recreated if image pull takes longer than retention timeout
JENKINS-65207Automatically managed workspace PVC volume type for pods
JENKINS-65176K8s Jenkins slave pod error "SEVERE: http://jenkins:8080/ provided port:50000 is not reachable"
JENKINS-65126specified Linux capabilities via yaml override gets ignored
JENKINS-65074upgrade Kubernetes plugin to 1.28.6 break our pipeline flows
JENKINS-65031Kubernetes plugin nodeSelector
JENKINS-64968Incompatible plugins - kubernetes 1.29.0 + config-as-code 1.47
JENKINS-64934Set PriorityClass for k8s agent in config rather than yaml
JENKINS-64909NullPointerException when there's an empty volumeMounts in YAML
JENKINS-64904kubernetes agent: sometimes, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
JENKINS-64885Queued Kubernetes destined jobs do not execute in FIFO order.
JENKINS-64863Example multi-container.groovy pipeline failing
JENKINS-64849custom image ignored by kubernetes plugin.
JENKINS-64848Shell step failing randomly
JENKINS-64802Kubernetes Declarative Agents is causing race conditions which results in random build failures or instance limit is not respected
JENKINS-64787YAML Merge/Combine doesn't honor all Pod spec fields
JENKINS-64758Option to pass in the master certificate for the jnlp container
JENKINS-64740Don't create pod names containing dot
JENKINS-64664Kubernetes plugin jCasC compatibility issue
JENKINS-64643Add abilty to list all avaialble containers in a pod
JENKINS-64628Stop using random PodTemplate.id (was: Kubernetes Plugin IllegalStateException: Not expecting pod template to be null at this point)
JENKINS-64599 yamlMergeStrategy merge() doesn't inherit volume mounts from parent pod template
JENKINS-64443EOF from OkHttp in kubernetes plugin 1.23.4 during building job
JENKINS-64322Invalid DER: object is not integer - Plugin doesn't seem to support Kubernetes config with EC keys
JENKINS-64306Unable to create pod - metadata.labels: Invalid value
JENKINS-64268Add ability to run pod without "steps"
JENKINS-64020/computer/api/json returns null value for "currentExecutable" field for non-idle KubernetesComputer defined in a pipeline
JENKINS-63911separate the cluster usage permission from the folder configuration permission
JENKINS-63826Improve UX of jnlp container
JENKINS-63679Provide a way to pass multiple yamlFiles
JENKINS-63558When using "Git Parameter PlugIn" and "Kubernetes PlugIn" at the same time, the variables in "Branches to build" cannot be assigned values
JENKINS-63143Restricted cloud doesn't work if cloud name contains a dot.
JENKINS-62990kubernetes-plugin not understanding env variable in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-62794Pipeline jobs running in K8s agent hangs if server pod is restarted 2 or more times
JENKINS-62732Custom JNLP Image is unable to run the "ENTRYPOINT["jenkins-agent"]"
JENKINS-62665Enhance kubernetes plugin to add initContainers
JENKINS-62615WorkingDir set in jnlp container changes workingDir for other containers
JENKINS-62504Can't get streaming pod events log in jenkins console
JENKINS-62412When changing directories in Job within Kubernetes worker, durabletask returns a nonexistent error
JENKINS-62252Working directory of jnlp container has changed
JENKINS-62226After moving Jenkins to another node of Kubernetes cluster, we are experiencing such a issue during build job: "All nodes of label is ... offline"
JENKINS-62204Build pods not removed after build finished
JENKINS-62042Log on which k8s node the slave has been scheduled
JENKINS-62012Allow global yaml to be merged into yaml of jobs
JENKINS-61994kubernetes pipeline hangs forever when pod creation is rejected by kubernetes
JENKINS-61852Allow use of Kubernetes Jobs
JENKINS-61626Using post section in kubernetes agent
JENKINS-61625Using post section in kuberenetes agents (kuberenetes-plugin)
JENKINS-61624Using post section in kuberenetes agents (kuberenetes-plugin)
JENKINS-61623Using post section in kuberenetes agents (kuberenetes-plugin)
JENKINS-61446Improve setup docs for kubernetes-plugin
JENKINS-61387SlaveComputer not cleaned up after the channel is closed
JENKINS-61360Support disable yaml output for declarative pipeline
JENKINS-61339volumemount of workspace using subpath fails
JENKINS-61060Cannot use windows net pipe for host path volume
JENKINS-60987How to terminate Job container with non-0 gracePeriodSeconds
JENKINS-60977Setting working directory to '/home/jenkins' does not persist
JENKINS-60936Lack of log information in job when pod creation fails
JENKINS-60775Kubernetes Plugin - Intermittent Provisioning Error
JENKINS-60574Allow override of JENKINS_DIRECT_CONNECTION in Jenkins k8s plugin
JENKINS-60547KubernetesDeclarativeAgent workingDir is ignored in templating Jenkins agent pod
JENKINS-60463Connect to kubernetes through a proxy agent
JENKINS-60396Setting default directory when using container()
JENKINS-60343java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /home/jenkins for specific workingDir during NodeProvision by kubernetes yaml syntax
JENKINS-60339Inherit pod template from shared library for declarative pipeline
JENKINS-60249Pod retention policy onFailure is not applied
JENKINS-60134Add different mount path at container level for Jenkins slaves.
JENKINS-60087Kubernetes nodes failed not removed
JENKINS-60054Wrong umask? Containers with non-root user don't have permissions to agent durable script folders
JENKINS-59984Simplify handling of Pod vs. PodTemplate
JENKINS-59959The Concurrency Limit is not always respected.
JENKINS-59909Easier setup of Windows pods
JENKINS-59880Kubernetes PlugIn is not spawning Pods as expected when using an external Podtemplate file
JENKINS-59832Multiple inheritFrom templates ignored in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-59826Error launching agent into second cloud
JENKINS-59789Cleanup/GC Jenkins Slaves when Jenkins Master is removed
JENKINS-59769Testing a unix Pipe fails when run using kubernetes-jenkins
JENKINS-59652[kubernetes plugin] Protect Jenkins agent pods from eviction
JENKINS-59649Inter-pod and external communication
JENKINS-59632Plugin does not respect the jenkinsUrl configuration from configuration-as-code
JENKINS-59443Kubernetes plugin volumeMount turns backslashes to forward slashes
JENKINS-59192configFileProvider fail after kubernetes plugin update to 1.18.3 on structured pipelines
JENKINS-59189Provide Jenkins managed files and credentials as k8s config maps and secrets
JENKINS-59160Cannot Override workingDir for jnlp container
JENKINS-59099Environment variables with '$' in their content get corrupted in the container step in declerative pipeline
JENKINS-59087Credentials get stale when using Kubeconfig file rotating periodically
JENKINS-59074Kubernetes plugin multiple jobs are running on the same cloud (k8s cluster)
JENKINS-59019kubernetes-plugin should allow pre-warming of slaves
JENKINS-58906PreStop hook is not run
JENKINS-58812Support job restrictions in kubernetes plugin
JENKINS-58711"Container does not exist" error using "sh" in a declarative pipeline
JENKINS-58709Nested pod templates inherit container of upper level pod
JENKINS-58656Wrapper process leaves zombie when no init process present
JENKINS-58541Ability to hide RawYaml in Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-58513Flake in RestartPipelineTest#terminatedPodAfterRestart
JENKINS-58301Kubernetes Plugin Repeated Socket Ping Timeout Exceptions
JENKINS-58148Jenkins pod reuse defeats cloud restrictions
JENKINS-57995Zombie pods are created when resources are not sufficient for pods and idleMinutes is set to a non-zero value
JENKINS-57916Container not created using YAML
JENKINS-57871Input directive is blocking executor in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-57825Support pre-creating k8s agents so builds don't have to wait
JENKINS-57704Run JNLP container as side car to default build container
JENKINS-57184Kubernetes Plugin inversely applies NodeSelector
JENKINS-56992When a pod dies in kubernetes, we should be able to dump out the pod logs somewhere
JENKINS-56781Option to use a variable for 'container' reference
JENKINS-56687Restrict pipeline support to authorized folders not working correctly
JENKINS-56467Blank Working Dir gets reset to /home/jenkins on subsequent Saves
JENKINS-55887Allow addition of custom resource limits in kubernetes containers
JENKINS-55611Make EXECUTOR_NUMBER available for yaml definition
JENKINS-55228Kubernetes Pod/Container disappears after timeout or delay in build
JENKINS-55123Kubernetes plugin does not respect 'no_proxy' configurations when calling Kubernetes API
JENKINS-55094"commands" and "args" are being defaulted using Kubernetes plugin
JENKINS-54837Cannot override workspace-volume
JENKINS-54692system cloud podTemplate support defaultContainer
JENKINS-54683Pods entering error state due to ConnectionRefusalException: Unknown client name
JENKINS-54540Pods stuck in error state is not cleaned up
JENKINS-53926Builds hang ocassionally on resume after Jenkins restart
JENKINS-53612Kubernetes plugin keeps trying to build when quota reached
JENKINS-53472Expand environment variables in yaml
JENKINS-53427Agent creation failure because of concurrent attempts to schedule a pod
JENKINS-53228RFE: Convert edit window for raw yaml to use a monospace font
JENKINS-53205Validate Pipeline Pod Template Values
JENKINS-53094Option to expand variables in yamlFile
JENKINS-53062 k8s slave should automatically deleted
JENKINS-52978Improve image definition of jnlp container
JENKINS-52805Option to disable dynamic k8s podTemplates
JENKINS-52656Pod fails to create a Nodejs container
JENKINS-52500cloud agents are not used if labels overlap with permanent agent
JENKINS-51811KubernetesSlave should override getWorkspaceFor(TopLevelItem)
JENKINS-51273Inconsistent Declarative Behavior in Yaml File vs legacy podTemplate
JENKINS-50735Using pods in a Kubernetes deployment as slaves via Kubernetes plugin
JENKINS-50312Build hangs when invalid envVar key is used
JENKINS-50236Add documentation on how to pass through docker configuration
JENKINS-49759Can't create temp file in Kubernetes Plugin Pipeline
JENKINS-49700nested pod template in library doesn't work as documented
JENKINS-49554Multiple executors for a single agent in a Kubernetes pod
JENKINS-48612Inconsistent Environment Variable interpolation in Declarative k8s agent
JENKINS-48585must specify image in containerTemplate when inheriting
JENKINS-47962Improved containers support
JENKINS-47615failing container in pod triggers multiple restarts
JENKINS-47164point slave/agent pod owner ref to jenkins pod
JENKINS-47144Kubernetes pod slaves that never start successfully never get cleaned up
JENKINS-47062Kubernetes template instance cap not respected when multiple templates have same label
JENKINS-46003Restrict ability to allow privileged containers to only exist in System Configuration
JENKINS-45772Build cannot be aborted when plugin is in waitUntilContainerIsReady
JENKINS-45680Allow non-admins to manage kubernetes pod slaves
JENKINS-42422Add support for directory caching in pod jobs
JENKINS-40717Enable authentication using Kubernetes service account token