Job Import

List of issues
JENKINS-74949Report any Plugins Installed During Job Import
JENKINS-71220Job Import Plugin Cast exception
JENKINS-70134Unicode characters imported as character entities �
JENKINS-67871Job Import Plugin not importing jobs
JENKINS-64121Jenkins ImportPlugin - Error '/' unsafe character
JENKINS-56933job import plugin failed,Jenkins Server widget nothing there!!
JENKINS-56503DOCTYPE is disallowed when the feature "" set to true.
JENKINS-56128Job import plugin allows credential dumping
JENKINS-53902Jobs in folders are not copied from Remote Instance
JENKINS-51746Job Import Plugin does not import jobs
JENKINS-51120Allow uploading of config.xml as another means to import
JENKINS-51095after successfully importing job in destination folder, the success-prompt offers an invalid URL to visit
JENKINS-48005Error importing jobs within folders if project naming strategy is in place
JENKINS-47983tries and fails to resolve subdomain after entering fqdn as part of import
JENKINS-47471Job Import plugin is throwing 'Unable to read' error
JENKINS-43042jobimport-plugin HTTP response code: 403
JENKINS-39872Getting "FAILED - Unable to delete" error when attempting to import a job
JENKINS-38084Add support to mark jobs as disabled on import
JENKINS-25255a "Check all" option would be welcome
JENKINS-24739import additional job properties
JENKINS-20918Copy job with promotions not work, information from promotions/*/config.xml missing
JENKINS-20659Job Import plugin is unable to import jobs from cross linux platforms
JENKINS-10963Allow to filter jobs which are imported from another instance
JENKINS-10962Add a field which will allow renaming jobs that are pulled