
List of issues
JENKINS-72480Admin access for BrowserStack's app on Jenkins marketplace
JENKINS-67561Connection is rejecting while trying to connect slave to master
JENKINS-65201org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
JENKINS-60961Not able integrate Jenkins with Cloud JIRA
JENKINS-60616Jenkins Tomcat process getting killed
JENKINS-59820Getting 403 error when builds are triggering.
JENKINS-58918Not able to clone bitbucket repo from Jenkins
JENKINS-53853Load Balancing for Nodes
JENKINS-51510AWS Cloudformation stack update not working
JENKINS-50423Please stop removing stable releases
JENKINS-45445Stack Configuration Parameters not applying/saving
JENKINS-42424Ability to pass IAM role while creating stack using CFT
JENKINS-38504Make AWS Cloudformation Plugin Pipeline compatible
JENKINS-38374Cannot change user.timezone value
JENKINS-36979"Template format error: JSON not well-formed" error while updating Cloud Formation stack with AWS Cloudformation Plugin
JENKINS-33977Ability to pass UsePreviousValue option for parameters in CloudFormation plugin
JENKINS-33976Ability to read parameters from file in CloudFormation plugin
JENKINS-31777A job instance will delete other instance's Stack
JENKINS-30819AWS Cloudformation stack update not working
JENKINS-30391Unable to run 2 builds of same job with CloudFormation plugin
JENKINS-28740Can't use variables in "Cloud Formation recipe file. (.json)" field
JENKINS-28534Adding Proxy adds a password automatically
JENKINS-28089CloudFormation plugin should store sensitive information as encrpyted value in job configuration
JENKINS-28088Support Using Proxy
JENKINS-28007CloudFormation Plugin should use password fields for secret information
JENKINS-26573REQ: EC2 IAM role support to inherit credentials
JENKINS-26304Output variables missing while using AWS CloudFormation as build-step
JENKINS-25752List of regions should be updates because of a new AWS region. ( eu-center-1 Frankfurt)
JENKINS-24643Unable to launch large templates
JENKINS-22392hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: Unable to read /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
JENKINS-17306Problems with Validating String Parameter Plugin
JENKINS-14601Continuous job status doesn't display during MultiJob execution
JENKINS-13924Very inefficiently deleting CloudFormation stack
JENKINS-13924Very inefficiently deleting CloudFormation stack
JENKINS-12392lease 30-Nov (version 1.424.1) onwards - Each job's 'Workspace' folder is not a subfolder of the same under 'jobs' - On Windows 7
JENKINS-11980some unit test failed but build is passed
JENKINS-11833Add a Post-build action to create AMI
JENKINS-11687jenkins commandline
JENKINS-10591Parallelize multiple stacks creation