#44 | FreeStyle Not Working in some cases | | |
JENKINS-45677 | Ivy multi-project build to trigger other non-ivy builds when ALL modules complete | | |
JENKINS-44146 | Changeset matching for multiple SCM checkouts broken - missing trigger for incremental builds | | |
#22 | Upstream UNSTABLE dependency build does not trigger downstream modules | | |
JENKINS-33277 | ivy plugin triggers build although module does not longer exist (with this name) | | |
JENKINS-33224 | mask-passwords plugin does not mask in ivy-project's modules | | |
JENKINS-32141 | Possibility to add credentials to Ivy settings | | |
JENKINS-30193 | Jenkins hangs on circular dependency | | |
JENKINS-25246 | IvyPlugin incorrectly calculates triggers builds for nested modules | | |
JENKINS-22124 | IvyPlugin seems defect / no downstream triggers | | |
JENKINS-21975 | Add notice about the combination of ivy plugin and parameterizrd-trigger plugin | | |
JENKINS-18790 | Ivy job type should support fingerprinting of consumed dependencies | | |
JENKINS-15899 | Use extended revision matching enhancement | | |
JENKINS-15779 | Parsing ivy descriptors step fails on a slave when custom ivy settings file is used | | |
JENKINS-15775 | Ivy job type should support any builders, not only ant | | |
JENKINS-15774 | Add ability to specify custom ivy settings file in global configuration for ivy job type | | |
JENKINS-15002 | Parameterized trigger passes no parameters from Ivy Project | | |
JENKINS-13782 | It should be possible to reorder publishers on Ivy projects | | |
JENKINS-13727 | FileNotFoundException "Can't stat file" with slave projects | | |
#4 | Extended revision matching does not work w/explicit revision #s | | |
JENKINS-13604 | On startup, Error injecting constructor, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hudson/ivy/AntIvyBuildWrapper | | |
JENKINS-11659 | Release plugin is not available for Ivy projects | | |
JENKINS-11350 | If there are no changes hudson.ivy.changedModules property is set as empty and other properties are then ignored | | |
JENKINS-11331 | "Build modules as separate jobs" fails to run Post-build Actions correctly | | |
JENKINS-10473 | Project configured to use CRON job gets built because of ivy dependency | | |
JENKINS-9917 | plugin should load project specific ivysettings.xml file automatically | | |
JENKINS-9279 | Make it possible to use project name to match downstream/upstream projects | | |
JENKINS-8741 | Extended Revision Matching does not work for 'delivered' Ivy.xml files | | |
JENKINS-8331 | Add an option for the Ivy plugin to automatically add the ivy jar to Ant's classpath | | |
JENKINS-8229 | Ivy plugin not trigger changed modules build if modules is linked as svn:external | | |
JENKINS-7334 | Rewrite the schedule downstream builds logic to be cleaner and more sensible | | |
JENKINS-7324 | Allow modules to be built on separate hudson slaves | | |
JENKINS-7183 | Error finding org.apache.ivy.Ivy from ArtifactoryIvySettingsConfigurator | | |
JENKINS-5755 | Definition of the revision for the latest strategies | | |
JENKINS-5337 | Huge logs if there is a problem initializing ivy based project | | |