Jenkins plugin providing IBM i pipeline steps such as command execution, Db2 queries execution, Save Files transfer and IFS transfers.
One or more IBM i servers need to be declared in Jenkins System settings before the IBM i steps can be used.
- Open the System settings:
Manage Jenkins -> System
- Scroll down to the
IBM i Servers
section and clickAdd IBM i
- Fill in the
fields, then select theCredentials
to use to connect to the server. Click on the+ Add
button to add new credentials. - Click on
to show optional fields to force a CCSID and enable secure connection
Every IBM i step below must be run inside an onIBMi
step block. This step opens the connection to the IBM i server and makes it available to the other IBM i steps. Once the end of the onIBMi block is reached, the connection is closed, related resources are freed and the IBMI_
environment variables are removed.
This steps loads the following environment variables during its execution. These variables are accessible through the env
object (e.g. env.IBMI_PROFILE
Name | Description |
IBMI_HOST | The connected IBM i hostname |
IBMI_PROFILE | The user profile used to connect to the IBM i |
IBMI_CCSID | The current CCSID |
IBMI_COMMAND_JOB | The IBM i command job identifier (i.e. number/user/name ) |
IBMI_VERSION | The OS version of the IBM i (i.e. version.release ) |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
name | ☑ | String |
The name of an IBM i server, as defined in the System settings. |
iasp | ✖ | String |
The name of an iASP that will be set for this connection (in both command and database jobs). |
traceEnabled | ✖ | boolean |
When true , more logs will be printed during IBM i steps execution; defaults to false . |
onIBMi('PUB400') {
print "Command job is ${env.IBMI_COMMAND_JOB}"
print "Current CCSID is ${env.IBMI_PROFILE}"
//Some pipeline steps running on PUB400
ibmiCommand "SNDMSG MSG('Hello from Jenkins') TOUSR(ESPENGLER)"
onIBMi(server: 'DEVSERVER', iasp: "IASP1") {
//Some pipeline steps running on DEVSERVER with iASP IASP1 enabled
onIBMi(server: 'PUB400', traceEnabled: true) {
//Some pipeline steps running on PUB400 with more logs
ibmiCommand "SNDMSG MSG('Hello from Jenkins again') TOUSR(PVENKMAN)"
Runs a CL command and returns a CallResult
Name | Required | Type | Description |
command | ☑ | String |
The CL command to run |
failOnError | ✖ | boolean |
v |
A CallResult
//Create a library
//Create a library and carry on only if it exists
def library = 'COOLSTUFF'
def result = ibmiCommand(command: "CRTLIB LIB($library)", failOnError: false)
if (!result.successful) {
if (result.getMessage('CPF2111') != null) {
echo "Library $library already exists"
} else {
//Any other error is reported and stops the pipeline
error result.getPrettyMessages()
//Delete a library; carry on whatever happens
ibmiCommand(command: "CRTLIB LIB(MAYBELIB)", failOnError: false)
Executes a Db2 for i SQL query and returns an SQLResult
Name | Required | Type | Description |
sql | ☑ | string |
The SQL query to run |
An SQLResult
//List all listening ports
def result = ibmiRunSQL "SELECT * from QSYS2.netstat_info where local_address = ''"
print "Query returned ${result.rowCount} row(s)"
//Print well-known ports
result.rows.each { row ->
def portName = row.get("LOCAL_PORT_NAME")
if (portName != null) {
print "${row.getString("LOCAL_PORT")} ($portName)"
//Run a delete query
def delete = ibmiRunSQL "Delete from QTEMP/OBJECTS"
print "Query deleted ${delete.updateCount} row(s)"
Downloads a Save File by copying it to a temporary stream file on the IFS and downloading it. The temporary stream file is deleted once the step is done. The step returns the description of the Save File as well as its content.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
library | ☑ | String |
The Save File library. |
name | ☑ | String |
The Save File name. |
toFile | ☑ | String |
A local path where the Save File will be downloaded. |
A SaveFileContent
def savfContent = ibmiGetSAVF(libray: "QTEMP", name: "BACKUP", toFile: "backup.savf")
print "${savfContent.entries.size} object(s) saved"
//Print each saved object
savfContent.entries.each { entry -> print " - ${} (${entry.type})" }
Uploads a local file on the IFS and restore the Save File as an Object in a library
with the given name
. The local file must be a stream file of a Save File. The uploaded stream file is deleted once the step is done. The step returns the description of the Save File as well as its content.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
fromFile | ☑ | String |
The local path of the Save File's stream file to upload. |
library | ☑ | String |
The Save File library. |
name | ☑ | String |
The Save File name. |
A SaveFileContent
def backupContent = ibmiPutSAVF(fromFile: "backup.savf", library: "QTEMP", name: "BACKUP")
imbiCommand "RSTLIB SAVLIB(${backupContent.savedLibrary}) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QTEMP/BACKUP)"
Downloads a remote IFS file or folder and puts it in a local folder. The local folder is created if needed.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
from | ☑ | String |
The remote IFS path of the folder or file to download. |
to | ☑ | String |
The local path of the folder where the from IFS target will be downloaded. |
//Copy an IFS folder to the local workspace root
ibmiGetIFS(from: "/home/rstanz/library", to: ".")
//Copy an IFS file to the local folder named "download"
ibmiGetIFS(from: "/home/wzeddemore/paycheck.txt", to: "download")
Uploads a local file or folder and puts it in a remote IFS folder. The remote IFS folder is created if needed.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
from | ☑ | String |
The local path of the folder or file to upload. |
to | ☑ | String |
The remote IFS path of the folder where the from IFS target will be uploaded. |
//Put a single local file into the remote /tmp/toBeDeleted IFS folder
ibmiPutIFS(from: "jail/slimer.png", to: "/tmp/toBeDeleted")
//Put a local folder into the /home/pvenkman folder (resulting path is /home/pvenkman/tests
ibmiPutIFS(from: "tests", to: "/home/pvenkman")
Downloads spooled files from a Job into a local folder and returns the spooled files list.
Name | Required | Type | Description |
jobName | ☑ | String |
The Job name. |
jobNumber | ☑ | String |
The Job number. |
jobUser | ☑ | String |
The The Job user. |
to | ☑ | String |
The local path of the folder where the spooled files will be be downloaded. |
clearTo | ✖ | boolean |
If true , the local folder is cleared before downloading the spooled files; defaults to false . |
A SpooledFiles
//Put all spooled files from a job into the local splfs folder
def spooledFiles = ibmiGetSPLF(jobName: "SPMM", jobNumber: "50484", jobUser: "GOZER", to: "splfs")
//Print information about the downloaded spooled files
print "${spooledFiles.size} spooled file(s) downloaded"
spooledFiles.each { splf -> print "${} (${splf.number})" }
Methods | Return type | Description |
getMessages() | List <AS400Message> |
Returns the list of AS400Message generated during the command execution. |
getMessage(String messageId) |
AS400Message | Look for the first AS400Message whose ID is messageId and returns it. Returns null if not found. |
getPrettyMessages() | String |
Returns a String resulting from the concatenation of every AS400Message returned by the command, one per line, formatted using this pattern: [{id}][{severity}] {text} . |
isSuccessful() | boolean |
Returns true if the command execution was successful, false otherwise. |
Methods | Return type | Description |
getColumns() | List <SQLColumn > |
Select statements only : the definition of each columns returned by the query. |
getColumnCount() | int |
Select statements only : the number of columns returned by the query. |
getRows() | List <SQLRow > |
Select statements only : the rows returned by the query. |
getRowCount() | int |
Select statements only : the number of rows returned by the query. |
getUpdateCount() | int |
Insert/Update/Delete statements only : the number of rows affected by the query. |
toJSON() | String |
Select statements only : a JSON representation of the rows. |
toCSV() | String |
Select statements only : a CSV representation of the rows. First line is the header, then one line per rows returned |
Methods | Return type | Description |
getName() | String |
The column's name. |
getTypeName() | String |
The columns's database-specific type. name. |
getSize() | int |
The column's size. |
getScale() | int |
The number of digits to right of the decimal point. 0 is returned for data types where the scale is not applicable. |
Methods | Return type | Description |
getCells() | Map <String ,Object > |
A Map whose key is the column name and the value is the column's value. |
get(String columnName) |
Object |
Returns the value of the given columnName . |
getString(String columnName) |
String |
Returns the String value of the given columnName . |
getInt(String columnName) |
int |
Returns the int value of the given columnName . |
getDouble(String columnName) |
double |
Returns the double value of the given columnName . |
getFloat(String columnName) |
float |
Returns the float value of the given columnName . |
getShort(String columnName) |
short |
Returns the short value of the given columnName . |
getBigDecimal(String columnName) |
BigDecimal | Returns the BigDecimal value of the given columnName or null if it cannot be cast. |
getDate(String columnName) |
Date | Returns the Date value of the given columnName or null if it cannot be cast. |
getTime(String columnName) |
Time | Returns the Time value of the given columnName or null if it cannot be cast. |
getTimeStamp(String columnName) |
Timestamp | Returns the Timestamp value of the given columnName or null if it cannot be cast. |
Methods | Return type | Description |
getName() | String |
The Save File name. |
getCreationLPAR() | String |
The name of the IBM i on which the Save File was created. |
getSavedLibrary() | String |
The library saved in the Save File. |
getDescription() | String |
The Save File description. |
getTargetRelease() | String |
The SAVxxx command's TGTRLS parameter; If *CURRENT or *PREV was used, this will return the actual VxRyMz value. |
getSize() | long |
The Save File size in bytes. |
getEntries() | List <SAVFEntry > |
The list of objects saved in the Save File. |
toJSON() | String |
The JSON representation of the SAve File metadata and its content. |
Methods | Return type | Description |
getName() | String |
The name of the saved Object. |
getDescription() | String |
The description of the saved Object. |
getExtendedObjectAttribute() | String |
The extended information about the object type. |
getLibrary() | String |
The library from which the object was saved. |
getOwner() | String |
The object owner's user profile. |
getSize() | long |
The total size of the Object in bytes. |
getType() | String |
The type of the object. |
isDataSaved() | boolean |
Indicates whether the data for this object was saved with the object. |
All the methods from List
< SpooledFile
> and the methods below.
Methods | Return type | Description |
toJSON() | String |
The JSON representation of each SpooledFile in the list. |
Methods | Return type | Description |
getName() | String |
The name of the spooled file. |
getNumber() | int |
The number of the spooled file. |
getSize() | long |
The spooled file size in bytes. |
getJobName() | String |
The name of the job that owns the spooled file. |
getJobNumber() | String |
The number of the job that owns the spooled file. |
getJobUser() | String |
The user of the job that owns the spooled file. |
getUserData() | String |
The user-specified data that describes the file. |
getFileName() | String |
The local file name of the spooled file. |
node {
stage('IBMi') {
onIBMi(server: 'PUB400', traceEnabled: true) {
def saveFileContent = ibmiGetSAVF library: "QTEMP", name: "MYSAVEFILE", toFile: "COOLSTUFF.savf"
writeFile encoding: "UTF-8", file: "output/downloadSAVF.json", text: saveFileContent.toJSON()
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "output/*.json"
node {
stage('Save') {
onIBMi(server: 'IBMI_1', traceEnabled: true) {
ibmiGetSAVF library: "QTEMP", name: "BACKUP", toFile: "ecto1.savf"
stage('Restore') {
onIBMi(server: 'IBMI_2', traceEnabled: true) {
def content = ibmiPutSAVF(fromFile: "ecto1.savf", library: "QTEMP", name: "BACKUP")
ibmiCommand "RSTLIB SAVLIB(${content.savedLibrary}) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QTEMP/BACKUP)"