HashiCorp Vault

List of issues
#344Use `jenkins.baseline` to reduce bom update mistakes
#341Refresh plugin for September 2024
#339VaultTokenCredentialBinding should create child tokens if limited policies are configured
#338Add support for creating child tokens for token credential binding
#337Jenkins vault plugin cannot read secrets that aren't KV if engine version 2 is used
#335Add Apache Commons Text to dependencies list
JENKINS-73641Update Hashicorp Vault plugin to use AWS SDK for Java 2.x
#333Enable Jenkins Security Scan
#332Add X509 client certificate credential type
#331Using docker withVault fails
#328error 412 while calling withVault
#326Upgrading to the lastest plugin (364.vf5d54b_3dc313) breaks any Org or pipeline that uses with Vault.
JENKINS-72324Raise exception when access is denied instead of silently failing
#322jcasc integration with kubernetes auth not working
#321Removed 1 unnecessary stubbing in AbstractVaultTokenCredentialWithExpirationTest.java
#320Removed 9 unnecessary stubbings in VaultConfigurationIT.java
#319Removed 2 unnecessary stubbings in FolderIT.java
#318Removed 1 unnecessary stubbing in AbstractAuthenticatingVaultTokenCre…
#317Removed 2 unnecessary stubbings in VaultBuildWrapperTest.java
#312Approle namespace is missing after jenkins restart
#310Using approle for Vault secret source in JCasC results in 403
#308Preferred and available auth backend documentation might be updated
#307Base64 decoding in JCasC
#306https://plugins.jenkins.io/hashicorp-vault-plugin/#plugin-content-what-about-other-backends is incorrect
#305Illegal character(s) in message header; Vault response returned 0 for secret path
#304Parameterized loginByJwt method
#303withVault prints "Access denied to Vault Secrets at " for 403 rather than raise an exception
#302Add STS Regional support
#301Handle AWS IAM login in different regions
#300Incomatibility with Open telemetry plugin
#299Jenkins Podtemplate with k8s authentication not working - serviceaccount token not exist
#295Cache Vault secrets using the plugin
JENKINS-70714Getting Failed to serialize hudson.model.Project#buildWrappers when VaultPlugin and Build Alias plugin are used in the same job
#293Bump checkstyle from 8.31 to 10.8.0
#292Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.12.246-349.v96b_b_f7eb_a_c3c to 1.12.406-370.v8f993c987059
#291Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.4 to 1.6
#290Bump plugin from 4.46 to 4.55
#289Disable masking of usernames
#283Added VaultAwsCredentials
#282Do not make two calls to vault to retrieve username and password
JENKINS-70502Intermittent VaultPluginException on retrieving secrets
#280How to use vaultCredential with in the configuration block in Jenkins?
#279Jenkins environment variables substitution
#278Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1
JENKINS-70310Getting UnsupportedOperationException: Refusing to marshal java.io.PrintStream when disabling Maven Job. The UI says it's disabled but it is not
#274java.lang.IllegalStateException: Vault plugin has not been configured.
#272Bump vault from 1.15.2 to 1.17.6
#269Authenticate to Vault using JWT
#263Not able to configure vault plugin using Folder-Level configuration
JENKINS-69781DurableTaskStep experimental USE_WATCHING breaks secret masking
#261Fix token caching for multi-cluster multi-namespace environments
#260`AbstractVaultTokenCredentialWithExpiration` is broken for multi-cluster setup
#248Create jenkins-security-scan.yml
#242What's the future of this plugin?
#225Vault PKI secrets support
#224KubernetesAuthentication not working
JENKINS-68481Retrieving SSH private key stored in Hashicorp Vault results in serialisation error
#222FATAL: java.io.IOException: Unable to serialize UserRPCRequest:org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient.addCredentials[java.lang.String,com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardCredentials](3)
#217Unable to fetch value from vault with CasC
#216withVault should not need any parameters. Empty withVault provides Global or Folder or Job level credentials (aka VAULT_TOKEN and VAULT_ADDR)
#215Unable to use VaultSSHUserPrivateKey where SSHUserPrivateKey is required
#212Jenkins CasC Folder Configuration has no Possibility for Approle
#211Vault credentials not found for KV version 2 based secrets using Vault token as credential
#208Feature decoding ssh key
#204Intermittent access denied to Vault secrets errors since SOS Vault upgrade to version 1.5.9
#203Secrets not masked in Stage Logs UI when using wrap([$class: 'VaultBuildWrapper'...
#202Feature Request: add vault based OpenShift Token for OpenShift Client Plugin credential
#197Plugin not compatible with Vault in Hyperspace
#196Vault credentials not found using Vault plugin, but works with VaultTokenCredentialBinding
#194Support for AWS Credentials
#193withVault dynamic credentials revoked in mid-build
#192Error while configuring the plugin in jenkins
#190Let specific version of secrets be selected
#189Allow * in CASC_VAULT_PATHS
#188withCredentials VaultTokenCredentialsBinding SSL Verify can't be disabled
#187Vault Global Tool Configuration
#185vaultUsernamePasswordCredentialImpl crashes when used concurrently
JENKINS-65972[hashicorp-vault] Use SecretPatterns API
#184How to integrate with AWS dynamic secrets?
#183Jcasc folder vault url not working.
#182Multiline secrets are not masked in console output
#181Refresh Jenkins credentials when they expire
#173JCasC Vault secret source not working
#172Missing Docs for SKIP_SSL_VERFIY
#171Question: How to get all values dynamically
#169Support hudson.util.Secret for JCasC SecretSource variables
#165Using vaultUsernamePasswordCredentialImpl when Number of threads to use when updating submodules is greater than 1 causes an error
#164[Question]Use of dynamic credentials causes CredentialsUnavailableException
JENKINS-65037hashicorp-vault-plugin: bug in documentation examples
#162Plugin version 3.7.0 results in "Access denied to Vault Secrets"
#161Is there a way to get the token that the AppRole Auth generates?
JENKINS-64890hashicorp-vault-plugin fails on Self-Sigend Certificate after Jenkins Update 2.279
#160Vault username-password credential is not working with git plugin
#159Added regexp to split CASC_VAULT_PATHS by comma, space and their combinations
#158JCasC HashiCorp Vault Secret Source: Add support for space separated vault key paths in CASC_VAULT_PATHS
#156Token expiry not respecting num_uses
JENKINS-64796Vault Kubernetes Auth using build node instead of Jenkins Master
#155ssh key w/ credentials binding variable names always default to defaults
#153Save all variables to a file
#152Can't create 2 or more vault configuration in Jenkins freestyle UI
#151Wrong token re-use with multiple vault instances
#150Refactoring token expiry check
#149Q: dynamic credentials
#148Feature Request: Add skip SSL verification in environment variable list in Secret Source for JCasC
#146Token file credential java.io.FileNotFoundException
#145Feature Request: Azure Secrets
#143Revoking LeaseId's via the Disposer
#141Unit tests fail when trying to upgrade from Jenkin.version 2.164.3 to 2.235.5
#139write secrets in vault
#130Support GCE authentication for secret source
#128KV v2 credentials wrong path
#127Any documentation out there on using Vault AppRole with AWS ?
#126Add support for aws ec2 backend
#125Read secrets from vault path gives access denied
JENKINS-63630Token is not getting stored on vault credentials token after saving it
#115Unable to retrieve secrets on pipeline
#114Pipeline with Vault doing LDAP auth to get a Bitbucket repository
JENKINS-63106KV v2 credentials wrong path
#112secret engine "/" can't be encode if use engine version 2.
#111Kubernetes authentication not working
JENKINS-63034unable to select credentials when using binding for ssh credentials
#110Add feature to make this plugin to work as a credential provider
#101Does not respect No Proxy Host
#100vaultAppRoleCredential is not available in the folder DSL
#96Feature request: TLS server naming
#75Access denied to Vault Secrets at 'path/to/secret'
#71Feature Request: Support environment+credentials syntax
JENKINS-60896Vault Plugin SunCertPathBuilderException for Custom CA. Unclear which cacerts to modify.
JENKINS-60440Invalid git username/password on Jenkins agent when using Vault Username-Password Credential with '@' in username
JENKINS-60091HashiCorp Vault plugin using approle is not working since v3.0.0
JENKINS-59902Additional credential types for HashiCorp Vault plugin
JENKINS-59085Ability use vault plugin in combination with other plugins that require credentials
JENKINS-58991Getting NullPointerException com.bettercloud.vault.api.Logical.read after upgrade to 2.3.0
JENKINS-52895Ability to read all key/value pairs at /secret/:path
JENKINS-48892Vault plugin exits on specifying a secret that is a large base64 encoded value
JENKINS-45685Declarative Pipeline Example
JENKINS-39374Add ability to get SCM authentication tokens from Vault
JENKINS-15912Shell script files output is not displayed