
List of issues
JENKINS-73840Allow load command to read Jenkinsfile without occupying a node, or enable delayed execution after loading.
JENKINS-72453Groovy Map created via Map#withDefault does not insert unknown keys
JENKINS-69424whitelist java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger in pipelines
JENKINS-68026permissive-script-security didn't work with jenkins 2.332.1 LTS
JENKINS-67840Build containing empty password parameter is not allowed to be replayed
JENKINS-67152readYaml aborts silently
JENKINS-67095Groovy plugin tests are failed
JENKINS-67013replaying a broken jenkinsfile points to rights issue
JENKINS-66857Pipeline job fails with exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableMap.put(
JENKINS-66709Archive artifacts in console script in jenkins
JENKINS-66211jenkins pipeline jobs running outside groovy sandbox
JENKINS-66153Reload Configuration from Disk wipes out system Groovy build steps
JENKINS-64503Could not find or load main class h6296654658095391056.groovy-3.0.7.lib.groovy.icns
JENKINS-64466groovy job copy to sub-folder not working: ‘/’ is an unsafe character
JENKINS-62958Jenkins DSL Pipeline:No signature of method
JENKINS-62772Not able to send data to Influx DB using Groovy Closure
JENKINS-62680Groovy withIndex function doesn't work normally in pipeline
JENKINS-62563groovy variable multiassigment
JENKINS-62255Jenkins does not accept special characters in the password
JENKINS-61602Passing script parameters containing "|" works on Linux but fails on Windows
JENKINS-61000Storing "jenkins.model.Jenkins.get().nodes" in local variable and sleeping causes "NotSerializableException" in vSphereCloudLauncher
JENKINS-60844Apparent race condition in parallel steps (scripted pipeline) causes steps to be hidden from pipeline view
JENKINS-59920JsonSlurper errors within Jenkins Pipeline
JENKINS-59596hudson.remoting.Channel$CallSiteStackTrace: Remote call to JNLP4-connect connection from
JENKINS-59517How can I add groovy code to String parameter fields in pipeline?
JENKINS-58844Post view creation illegal null pointer
JENKINS-58619execute commands such as git inside jenkins DSL plugin for dynamic parameters
JENKINS-58598Nunit Integratiion in Jenkins Pipeline
JENKINS-57520Declaring Tools installation via JCasC doesn't work as expected method works incorrect
JENKINS-56313stage process fails after accessing parsed xml childNodes
JENKINS-55883vararg closure does not work in pipeline script
JENKINS-55748Jenkins cannot execute one job with the same (by value, not adress) parameters, more than once
JENKINS-55426Using "for in" loop for generating tasks for "parallel" execution, causes all tasks to have last value from iterated collection
JENKINS-55425Generating tasks in "for in" loop and executing them in parallel SOMETIMES causes failure of successfull task if another one failed
JENKINS-54012File handle leak in Groovy Script
JENKINS-53903'unable to resolve class hudson.util.Secret' exception in groovy script in ANT build.xml
JENKINS-53893org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use method hudson.model.Item getName
JENKINS-53702Groovy script build error
JENKINS-53544Jenkins pipeline as code is not accepting Maps returning from Groovy scripts
JENKINS-53512unable to pass params values to shared library vars .groovy
JENKINS-53344Getting MissingPropertyException when running Groovy script in freestyle job
JENKINS-52720Unable to access variables defined in groovy script
JENKINS-51166Closure delegation broken in shared libraries
JENKINS-50794Exception thrown when overriding inherited method
JENKINS-50338Groovy closure composition doesn't work properly in scripted pipeline
JENKINS-49065Unexpected groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException when extending Closure class
JENKINS-48508Storing parent job/build in property
JENKINS-47072Unable to upgrade Jenkins plugins due to Groovy security
JENKINS-46270Script works inline but not as extenal .groovy file
JENKINS-46019Cannot kill pipeline job. Server stuck.
JENKINS-45907use codemirror class and monospace font for input box
JENKINS-45899Not able to overwite Custom Job Parameters using Jenkins file or Jenkins pipeline
JENKINS-45543Not able to trigger Pipeline job
JENKINS-45234doCheckScript rejects other plugin classes
JENKINS-44709UI Layout Broken affecting Groovy Build Step
JENKINS-43844No way to configure classpath for groovy script files
JENKINS-43700No way to configure System Groovy Script step to not use sandbox
JENKINS-42307Please add general support for Grape (and ivy)
JENKINS-39826groovy does not find hudson.scm.SubversionChangeLogSet.LogEntry
JENKINS-38162Groovy list keySet() method crashes
JENKINS-36843DSL breaks when job run in folder
JENKINS-36272Groovy plugin puts temp file in workspace
JENKINS-36150Documentation on using the groovy plugin is weak
JENKINS-34974Pass shell object to groovy script
JENKINS-34970Display advanced details in job config for a groovy script if data is in there by default
JENKINS-34567Groovy-Closures do not behave correctly
JENKINS-34278Incorrect z-index value in CodeMirror-gutter class
JENKINS-31920System groovy, Variables Binding & Classpath properties don't evaluate jenkions variables
JENKINS-31855Screen not refreshed correctly when added a new step
JENKINS-31392Jenkins groovy script to get triggered build number
JENKINS-30754Groovy Script to kick off the jenkins job
JENKINS-30707Running scheduleBuild from system groovy script crashes Jenkins
JENKINS-29422Cannot run program "groovy"
JENKINS-28960parameters with spaces dont work on windows
JENKINS-28037Installing Groovy Plugin via CLI results in no Installs List
JENKINS-26880'Restrict where this promotion process can be run' doesn't work for new groovy process
JENKINS-26862Jenkins should set a SecurityManager (prevent rogue scripts exiting)
JENKINS-19578Multi-select feature at Dynamic parameter plugin
JENKINS-19102Support managed groovy scripts as sources
JENKINS-18349Allow to use @Grab in a Script Console
JENKINS-18112Token macro expansion for the system groovy build step classpath
JENKINS-17418Enhancement to all Groovy Editing Interfaces to allow easy use of External Groovy Editors
JENKINS-15516System groovy script file succeeds on build slave when script does not exist
JENKINS-15230Properties need some help
JENKINS-14044System Groovy - Unable to cast to AbstractBuild
JENKINS-13740How do we get Groovy to honor some sort of "class path" for finding Groovy classes
JENKINS-12989Improve behavior of "default" installation
JENKINS-10974Using a "Groovy Command" build step with the pre-scm-buildstep plugin returns a 500 server error