JENKINS-73082 | Compile plugin with parameter names | | |
JENKINS-72733 | Documentation withGradle | | |
JENKINS-72411 | Gradle plugin pipeline console annotator doesn't work with global timestamper | | |
JENKINS-71141 | Build Environment does not show gradle plugin option for scan | | |
JENKINS-68482 | Add support for "Build Environment" | | |
JENKINS-67803 | parameterized scheduler jenkins DSL freestyle fails to build | | |
JENKINS-66188 | Gradle automatically install failed. | | |
JENKINS-62353 | Blue ocean log doesn't show colorized output | | |
JENKINS-61600 | Stop using shaded snakeyaml from configuration-as-code plugin | | |
JENKINS-59108 | Artifactory plugin can't publish build info for Gradle builds | | |
JENKINS-58255 | Running build marked as FALURE with Process leaked file descriptors warning | | |
JENKINS-55317 | Gradle build failure was not setting jenkins build status as failure | | |
JENKINS-54698 | Jenkins in Docker invoke gradle build failed after the local docker become a swarm manager | | |
JENKINS-54379 | Jenkins gradle java.lang.interrupted exception for Jbehave Automated test | | |
JENKINS-50753 | Always said that sdk license is not accept,but I do all accept the licenses | | |
JENKINS-50276 | Could not find method google() | | |
JENKINS-49310 | Gradle plugin: passAsProperties(false) not working in Job-DSL | | |
JENKINS-47512 | Missing checkboxes in Configure tab | | |
JENKINS-46570 | global gradle properties defined in Jenkins configuration | | |
JENKINS-45206 | Task Links missing when using Pipeline/Workflow Task | | |
JENKINS-44834 | Gradle pipeline support: withGradle and ConsoleAnnotator | | |
JENKINS-38118 | Document job creation | | |
JENKINS-37058 | change term "switches" to "options" | | |
JENKINS-34193 | Integrate with the config file provider plugin | | |
JENKINS-34033 | When Gradle Version set to (Default), cannot find "gradle" | | |
JENKINS-29916 | Gradle 2.6 Automatic installation | | |
JENKINS-27393 | Workflow step for Gradle invocation | | |
JENKINS-26287 | long tasknames in console-outline overlap console output | | |
JENKINS-21653 | Gradle build command not working as Gradle version is unavailable for selection in Configure | | |
JENKINS-19941 | Gradle Plugin: Add Support For Downstream Dependencies | | |
JENKINS-19624 | Allow to run a Gradle Script in a post-build action | | |
JENKINS-19417 | Jenkins Gradle Plugin - 2nd invoke call to "Invoke Gradle Script" within a Jenkins job, makes first call lose Gradle version list/box | | |
JENKINS-15457 | Passwords leaked in logs | | |
JENKINS-14562 | Gradle Plugin generates incorrect URLs for test reports | | |