GitHub Authentication

List of issues
JENKINS-74925Not able to loadMyself and then Fetch teams in org doesn't happen
JENKINS-73060Github Oauth authentication 'randomly' missing authorities
JENKINS-72268Users missing permissions at the controller level
JENKINS-72209Authorities are not immediately returned from github when login
JENKINS-70342Add CanonicalIdResolver for private GitHub emails
JENKINS-69518Login gets stuck in redirect loop when GitHub API rate limit is rached
JENKINS-67113Excessive SEVERE error logging in basic permission checks
JENKINS-66586GitHub Teams with names more than one word deny access to GitHub Users
JENKINS-66292Jenkins sessions with GitHub OAuth time out quickly, breaking usability
JENKINS-66128Github OAuth plugin should allow disabling rate limit checks
JENKINS-65937Github Committer Authorization Strategy: user repository permissions
JENKINS-64162Github Deprecating OAuth Authorization API
JENKINS-64090Plugin authorization is not correctly handling case
JENKINS-63565Receive HTTP 403 error authenticating with Github personal token
JENKINS-63421Agent/Connect and other Agent permissions
JENKINS-63051Child teams should inherit rights granted to parent group
JENKINS-61963Authenticate github pull requester and trigger the build as him/her
JENKINS-60767Make configurable call to authorize service
JENKINS-60472Jenkins authentication with GitHub not working
JENKINS-59372Support cctray-xml plugin
JENKINS-58479Failing to retrieve teams
JENKINS-52382Can't stop / cancel private repository builds
JENKINS-52218Creating a Multibranch pipeline job as an authenticated user via GitHub Committer Authorization Strategy results in error
JENKINS-50122Incorrect permissions with non Multibranch based Pipeline jobs
JENKINS-48601Warn admin if he tries to configure GitHub authorization without authentication
JENKINS-48423Jenkins CLI SSH auth does not return GitHub authorities
JENKINS-46962Github Users Outside Organisation get an authenticated user in Jenkins.
JENKINS-46413Unhandled SocketTimeOutException on GithubAuthenticationToken.getGitHub()
JENKINS-43214Support for multiple jenkins master with one github application using redirect uri
JENKINS-40081GitHub Authentication Plugin should support multiple Client ID/secret
JENKINS-37581Allow using environment variables for clientID and clientSecret
JENKINS-34649Get ssh public keys from github as well
JENKINS-27844Improve Use Github repository permissions