GitHub Checks

List of issues
#426Checks can not be published with classes extending GitHubAppCredentials
#423Truncate Logs from bottom up
#422Plugin publishes check to the wrong commit when using with GitHub Pull Request Builder
#401Make the configuration independent from SCM
#390More descriptive Github checks log message
#380Plugin not publishing completed status checks back to the correct commit under rare cases
#364Couldn't authenticate with GitHub App for Checks without owner defined (single org)
#362Issue-361: Add prudent information about a publishing of checks.
#361Checks fail if run on system locked out of public internet.
#360Configuration ignores app credential override
#355Chess incorrectly report success on failed stage if junit is enabled and not failing
#350GitHub checks not published despite successful job execution
JENKINS-71510Unsupported credential type: com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey
JENKINS-71475Checks are sending to instead of our github server
#345Failed Publishing GitHub checks - Only 65535 characters are allowed; 65537 were supplied.
#343Head of build log is not useful in failures
#340Pick up organization name in GitHub multi-branch job
#333Updating status checks on merge of PR instead of head
#318Using environment variable for status checks name
#317Dependency Dashboard
#299Change default behaviour of "Suppress progress updates in job check"
JENKINS-69825jenkins unable to send build status to github
#298Unable to connect using GitHub SCM and github app credentials
#296Allow a configurable credential for github checks plugin instead of using the cred from the initial clone
#279When multiple builds are enabled for a single commit, GH checks get overwritten by the latest to finish
#275Jenkins in monorepo with multiple multibranch pipeline jobs
#271`GitHubSCMSourceChecksContext` failing to load `SCMRevisionAction` from branch build
#253Unable to re-request Github check via Github following upgrade from 1.0.16 to 1.0.18
#243Log spam `Pull request … : Not mergeable` from `BuildStatusChecksPublisher$ChecksGraphListener`
#225PR is displayed as "pending" when `warnError` is met
JENKINS-66852Using GitHub instead of plain Git makes builds noticeably slower
#211skip github status checks through parameters in Jenkinsfile
#205github-checks-plugin enables status checks in Bitbucket Server repository
#203Github Checks configuration not available after installing the plugin
#196Status check "COMPLETED" skipped if branch deleted in the meantime
#189Skip publishing status checks - no effect
#176Re-running Checks Programmatically
#136Cannot set `GitSCMStatusChecksExtension` when `GitSCMChecksContext` uses `BuildData`
#112Skip status checks on Pipeline Libraries
#100Output summary to PR comments