GitHub Branch Source

List of issues
JENKINS-75058Implement new options for GitHub App credentials to dynamically restrict the repositories and permissions available to the access tokens
JENKINS-75055/rate_limit is queried despite NoThrottle being used
JENKINS-74926[github-branch-source] CSP violation reported when organization folder avatar is enabled
JENKINS-73920How is the status/result of rest api call to start scan determined
JENKINS-73898Use ClientID to get installation tokens
JENKINS-73887uncaught exception if repository URL is empty on GitHub branch source
JENKINS-73811Ignore draft PRs for branch detection
JENKINS-73787Revisit snapshotting of GitHubAppCredentials
JENKINS-73783GitHub branch source plugin cannot create webhooks
JENKINS-73559Controller freezes due to ratelimiting
JENKINS-73271Override organization discover behaviour on repository side
JENKINS-73227[GithubBranchSourcePlugin] wrong scm url when using Github enterprise specific API
JENKINS-73151Performance of CredentialsProvider lookups
JENKINS-73106Expose GitHub App ID/Username to the pipeline
JENKINS-72678Thread Deadlock during GitHub Organization Scan and WeatherColumn
JENKINS-72652New github org folder always enables child health metrics
JENKINS-72580Github APP. Submodule not found
JENKINS-72490Discovery trait to group branches and PRs in a single location
JENKINS-72330test connection fails for app credential with no owner set
JENKINS-72294GitHub Organization Webhook are not create
JENKINS-72132GitHub Branch Source w/ GitHub App Authentication fails to auth periodically
JENKINS-72056"Calculate changelog against a specific branch" doesn't appear in configuration
JENKINS-71887An anonymous call is made to GitHub URI when looking at the global config page
JENKINS-71862Scan fails on Could not fetch branches from source.
JENKINS-71849Request to not make an API limit decision for the user
JENKINS-71749Scan organisation incorrectly removes folders due to unstable GitHub search repository results
JENKINS-71601GitHub Сhecks rollback after a while
JENKINS-71599strategies for sub-dividing a github-org into different folders
JENKINS-70984Unable to clone repository when pr author has no push or admin permission
JENKINS-70546Organization folder multiple sources not honored
JENKINS-70519Add appropriate warning about files driving the build in trusted PR sources help
JENKINS-70459Duplicate builds leading to wrong commit status
JENKINS-70447Multibranch Scanning Hang(Gitlab Server Error)
JENKINS-70418deprioritize PRs created by user (dependabot)
JENKINS-70244Gradle jobdsl tests timing out since 2.357 - multibranchPipelineJob - loop over many repos
JENKINS-69918Ability to customize folder-icon of generated multibranch folders
JENKINS-69732Allow to trigger builds with github comment
JENKINS-69577Not able to see tags
JENKINS-69546Backward Compatibility issue with 'Github Branch Source' plugin
JENKINS-69326Github API rate plugin count is causing issues in Controller becoming unstable
JENKINS-68543Support for ChangelogToBranch
JENKINS-68444Jobs deleted during GitHub Organization Scan and Github Enterprise down
JENKINS-68437Owner mismatch
JENKINS-68321SCMEvent threads waiting on rate limit when rate limit isn't close to being hit
JENKINS-68299PRs auto-rebuilds - PRs still start running after merge to master
JENKINS-68259Cleanup of deleted branches and closed PRs does not happen automatically
JENKINS-68217GitHub rate limit during readTrusted step
JENKINS-68151Branch strategies not working with Behaviors
JENKINS-68116Slow processing of multi branch events
JENKINS-67888Allow filtering pull request events by type
JENKINS-67826Directly expose full payload from triggered GitHub webhooks
JENKINS-67600Support checkout with Github App credentials
JENKINS-67597Plugin processing only 100 repositories
JENKINS-67309Git plugin and GitHub Branch Source plugin both define branchDiscoveryTrait
JENKINS-67221Jenkins not triggering the job for pull requests when github actions
JENKINS-67023Github API usage rate limiting strategy NoThrottle is not getting used, instead it always moves to ThrottleOnOver.
JENKINS-67005Disable build status notification for multi branch pipelines
JENKINS-66821Why are builds getting triggered when PR is closed?
JENKINS-66782Additional metadata for ChangeRequestSCMHead
JENKINS-66679[fr] New item > Github Organization is not tranlasted
JENKINS-66608Exclude internal repositories
JENKINS-66366Credential test does not detect missing access to collaborators
JENKINS-66356Org Scan with Bad Credentials cause IP blacklisting
JENKINS-66351( github repo name validation ) jobDSL configured github branch source complains of invalid GithubAppCredentials
JENKINS-66185Multibranch Pipeline triggers unnecessary jobs for pull requests
JENKINS-66102Branch Discovery Strategy: "Only branches that also filed as PRs" excludes "master" as well
JENKINS-65992CHANGE_ID should be set for GitHub branch builds discovered via "Only branches that are also filed as PRs"
JENKINS-65978Editing a GitHub PR description should not trigger a new build for the same commit
JENKINS-65970Jenkins cannot stat for Jenkinsfile in directory which is a submodule on some branches
JENKINS-65822Support multiple github checks against the same PR
JENKINS-65765Multibranch job (PR) continues even after failure due to merge conflict
JENKINS-65746"add description" does not work
JENKINS-65725Too many calls to the GitHub API cause throttling
JENKINS-65693Config for making UNSTABLE builds not fail commit
JENKINS-65493Multibranch reposiory filters should support exclusions and not just inclusions
JENKINS-65392jenkins throwing error "org.apache.commons.lang3"
JENKINS-65354One mis-configured job can be prevent all webhook triggered jobs from triggering
JENKINS-65253Pagination with github organisation scaning more than 100 repositories
JENKINS-65071Closing a github PR should not trigger tags examination
JENKINS-65029Github app credentials with camel case organization names
JENKINS-65007Resource not accessible by integration error authenticating with GitHub app with the wrong owner
JENKINS-65006Couldn't authenticate with GitHub app ID when app is installed in 2+ organizations
JENKINS-64987Skipping Build for multiple PR merge at same time with Branch source plugin
JENKINS-64896overrideIndexTriggers not respected on PRs
JENKINS-64824Cannot filter Pull Request jobs by title/description
JENKINS-64804After updating "GitHub Branch Source" version to github-branch-source:2.10.0, our jenkins is not loading, jenkins version updated to jenkins:2.263.3-lts
JENKINS-64791Scan organization fails with GHFileNotFoundException
JENKINS-64733Issues with untrusted PR build runs
JENKINS-64493Off-by-one in retry event log message
JENKINS-64441Cannot exclude branch of a single project in an organization
JENKINS-64389Multibranch GitHub Pipeline - Branches get wiped out randomly
JENKINS-64249GitHub App Credentials docs typos and fixes
JENKINS-64201GitHub Org Folders webhooks management
JENKINS-64016Add repo filtering by graphql query using GitHub search
JENKINS-63837github push trigger only on changes paths
JENKINS-63816configuring Github API settings with casc is broken
JENKINS-63555GitHub Org being reset randomly
JENKINS-62937Respond to more GitHub 'Repository' actions
JENKINS-62924pr-merge status notification sent to GitHub applies to multiple PRs if source branch has multiple PRs opened to different target branches
JENKINS-62922support directory symlinks
JENKINS-62595Help text does not mention GitHub App credentials
JENKINS-62116Organization Scan recreates hooks for all repository
JENKINS-61886Merge Conflicts should cause a failed status notification to be sent to Github
JENKINS-61490Support for 'wildcard' filtering with select repositories
JENKINS-61290Hard to see if branch was skipped because of discovery strategy
JENKINS-60714Cannot create jenkins ssh username with private key credential via rest xml api
JENKINS-60566Cancel Build on Update
JENKINS-60225Trigger builds only by PR comments
JENKINS-59929blueocean should indicate when a PR is closed
JENKINS-59757Discovered project-repositories should have Run button
JENKINS-59673Invalid Credentials Organization plugin job
JENKINS-59624Disable Scan Organization for users that are not authorized to do so - GitHub Branch Source
JENKINS-59576Branch source plugin seems to ignore certain tag names
JENKINS-59546Git submodule checkout not working
JENKINS-59435Pull request blue ocean links should go to the relevant blue ocean view
JENKINS-59321github-branch-source plugin throws InvocationTargetException when creating
JENKINS-59318fill in user-agent with something specific to github-branch-source-plugin
JENKINS-59186update documentation about credentials
JENKINS-59059Allow repository orga scan to filter on topics
JENKINS-58971GitHub Branch Source Plugin allow proxy configuration
JENKINS-58939Allow skipping pull requests by labels
JENKINS-58426Adding functionality to edit build configurations of child folders from parent organization
JENKINS-58115Tag not being picked up in organization scan
JENKINS-58111Github webhooks triggers a multibranch scan of all refs
JENKINS-57942Found multiple extensions which provide method originPullRequestDiscoveryTrait
JENKINS-57492Isolate errors during SCM scanning
JENKINS-57315Github folder should allow one reference repo per child repository
JENKINS-57153Allow building forks in addition to main repo and PRs
JENKINS-57026commit build status not always reported on github
JENKINS-57014Enable deployment web hooks
JENKINS-56565Retry on failure
JENKINS-56468githubPRComment throws NPE
JENKINS-56422JCasC doesn't export Github Enterprise Servers added
JENKINS-56395Expose "trusted" attribute of a PR to the Pipeline
JENKINS-56367squished dropdown
JENKINS-56255occasionally builds the branch for a PR also
JENKINS-56111closing a PR does not trigger a pipeline build
JENKINS-55949Arrange RSS (or something like it) as a transport for GitHub webhooks
JENKINS-55761Webhook not created for API created jobs
JENKINS-55726GitHub commit status context not unique enough or configurable - jobs always overwrite each other
JENKINS-55644Show up the pull request title in the column view
JENKINS-55602GitHub shows user's icon in check status instead of Jenkins one
JENKINS-55388multibranch pipeline deleting history and building unexpectedly
JENKINS-54902Github Enterprise webhooks not setup when creating a pipeline via blue ocean
JENKINS-54866github_branch_source.GitHubSCMSource is ~0 width
JENKINS-54495Better handling of GitHub Organization folder scan to avoid API quota
JENKINS-54265Sending Parameters or initialize environment variables
JENKINS-54045Jenkinsfile in subfolder not found
JENKINS-54033GitHub auth fails only for PR builds
JENKINS-53753Misleading documentation for permissions
JENKINS-53752Block PRs from forks from untrusted users
JENKINS-53624Branch indexing schedules builds for other branches and repos
JENKINS-53600I would like to be able to remove from the API Endpoint option
JENKINS-53451Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs doesn't exclude branches in include filter
JENKINS-53407NoSuchFieldError: ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES in GitHub Branch Source Plugin
JENKINS-53219Don't run build if merge commit is same as PR head (Github branch source)
JENKINS-53198Project level configuration for GitHub Organization (Github Branch Source)
JENKINS-52513Failed to add GitHub webhook for GitHubRepositoryName
JENKINS-52406Unexpected job deletion with "Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs" when opening a PR
JENKINS-52382Can't stop / cancel private repository builds
JENKINS-52364Checkout over SSH fails when using SYSTEM scoped SSH-credentials
JENKINS-52220Use Merge Commit SHA for building pull requests
JENKINS-52147Repository scan constantly checking tags, hitting rate limits
JENKINS-52002GitHub Plugin branch tags handling incorrect
JENKINS-51930Executors lock when github api quota is hammered
JENKINS-51146Github Branch Source does not allow `#` character within branch names
JENKINS-51020Filter by name (with regular expression) not applied on tags during scanning causing overconsumption of API quota
JENKINS-50871Filter git branch source Pull Requests by description
JENKINS-50832PollSCM triggers jobs even if there are no changes jenkinsfile declarative
JENKINS-50747GitHub Organization Scan only evaluates the first 300 repositories
JENKINS-50549PR from master to branch deletes master
JENKINS-50522New jobs not validating github webhook filters
JENKINS-50055GitHub Organization job configuration page missing some strings
JENKINS-49800Use Pipeline name on Pull Request status for GitHub to ease multiple Pipeline in a single repository
JENKINS-49354unable to configure private GitHub repository with collaborator token
JENKINS-49336Plugin should be able to use SYSTEM scope credentials
JENKINS-49187Use the GitHub Search API rather than the GitHub Repository API
JENKINS-49149Use Github REST API caching with last build timestamp to avoid drain of quota allowance
JENKINS-48906Add option to automatically abort old builds on new commits in GitHub pull request
JENKINS-48848Discover permissions check doesn't work
JENKINS-48581Pipeline should gracefully error when receiving: GitException: Failed to merge AnyObjectId[
JENKINS-48408GitHub status updating and exposing URL should be an option
JENKINS-48303Review SCM, Branch, Bitbucket and Github branch source PRs
JENKINS-48294GitHubSCMBuilder does not respect clone depth parameter in pull requests
JENKINS-48226MultiBranch doesn't distinguish Branches and PRs
JENKINS-47515Pipeline rebuilds commits which have already passed without stating why
JENKINS-47377GitHub Branch Source should correctly clone submodules
JENKINS-47155Improve the visibility of "Loading trusted files from base ..."
JENKINS-46803Github web hook doesn't work when creating new pipeline
JENKINS-46068Do not detect renamed GitHub repos under the old name (bonus points if job can be renamed when rename detected)
JENKINS-45731Unable to PR check status back to Github Enterprise with org-owner account
JENKINS-45503Consolidate common traits into SCM-API
JENKINS-45435Allow overriding configuration in a per-project basis
JENKINS-44954Give Organization owner rights to the job
JENKINS-44611Any way to restrict build for non-whitelisted users?
JENKINS-44598git workspace should be reset before build PR merged with base branch
JENKINS-44562getTrustedRevision for a non-merge untrusted PR build should be common ancestor with base branch
JENKINS-44360'%' in branch name causes GitHub multi-branch job failures
JENKINS-44170Support for initializing and updating submodules before automatic merge
JENKINS-43996Improve message "Could not update commit status." when credentials are readonly
JENKINS-43958Project based authorization for GitHub branch source plugin
JENKINS-43806Ability to exclude commit author (system user) from triggering builds
JENKINS-43313Provide test results in Github Status Update (like ghprb)
JENKINS-42822Github organisation PR -merge builds don't run if master updated
JENKINS-42270GithubSCMFile should expose file attributes exposed by GitHub api
JENKINS-42032Support for Pull request testing by trigger
JENKINS-41933it should be possible for the folder health to only look at branch jobs and not PRs to compute the health stats
JENKINS-41750commit status updating broken
JENKINS-41072Poll the GitHub Events API as an alternative to webhook
JENKINS-41048Allow to not build commits of a PR
JENKINS-37939Provide the option to exclude forks
JENKINS-36724Branch indexing hangs
JENKINS-35694Make customizable timeouts to fail when GitHub peer is unreachable
JENKINS-35359Limit concurrent builds for 1 MultiBranch project
JENKINS-34219Work with github oauth (plugin)
JENKINS-33228GitHub server configuration undocumented / duplicated