JENKINS-73786 | Support all `ReviewInput` fields when reporting | | |
JENKINS-72303 | Link in BlueOcean "Opens Pull Request in a new window" is not correct | | |
JENKINS-70368 | Cannot use gerrit trigger with gerrit code review | | |
JENKINS-70077 | "checks" plugin is deprecated | | |
JENKINS-68395 | Multiple Project Repositories under Branch Sources behavior | | |
JENKINS-67904 | NullPointerException when handling a Gerrit Webhook | | |
JENKINS-67317 | Unable to execute multibranch job on Changes in Kubernetes environment - No such property: POD_LABEL | | |
JENKINS-65491 | gerrit-code-review-plugin will find branches even though it does not contain the specified jenkinsfile | | |
JENKINS-65433 | Gerrit Multibranch Pipeline fails branch indexing when an change has an unpublished revision | | |
JENKINS-65120 | Gerrit review authentication error | | |
JENKINS-64899 | UnsupportedOperationException during checkout | | |
JENKINS-64199 | Use "lightweight checkout" when scanning multibranch pipeline | | |
JENKINS-63887 | Gerrit server context path is ignored when accessing checks API | | |
JENKINS-63695 | Add ability to determine the gerrit event which triggers a job | | |
JENKINS-63692 | Implement Checks API | | |
JENKINS-63642 | Gerrit- Jenkins Integration | | |
JENKINS-63439 | CHANGE_TARGET is not set to the target branch | | |
JENKINS-63398 | Pipeline randomly skips SCM Checkout step | | |
JENKINS-62816 | Group patchsets into a single change | | |
JENKINS-62537 | Failed to download changes from gerrit | | |
JENKINS-60965 | Not able to build changes in multipipeline branch | | |
JENKINS-60948 | Branch indexing is ~5x -> 20x slower in v0.4.1 vs v0.3.3 | | |
JENKINS-60881 | Changeset doesn't get filled on Gerrit change requests | | |
JENKINS-60645 | Gerrit Code Review plugin requires dependent plugins that require Jenkins 2.150.1 or newer. | | |
JENKINS-60365 | Environment variables not being set on post-submit | | |
JENKINS-60301 | Cancel builds on new patch sets | | |
JENKINS-59845 | Whitelisting of Gerrit-users/groups whose changes are built | | |
JENKINS-58958 | Use the same Jenkins workspace on a Change basis | | |
JENKINS-56661 | Add suppot to discover tags | | |
JENKINS-56478 | Invalid branch name when running a build on a regular branch | | |
JENKINS-54721 | Show changelog messages for review changes | | |
JENKINS-50586 | SSH support | | |
JENKINS-49897 | gerrit-plugin pr branch names are incorrectly name | | |
JENKINS-48975 | Jenkins build using TOPIC | | |