The Jenkins project announced unresolved security vulnerabilities affecting the current version of this plugin (
This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our
Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-74236 | [ftppublisher] Extract inline event handler and migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in WEB-INF/classes/com/zanox/hudson/plugins/FTPPublisher/global.jelly | | |
JENKINS-73878 | ftpPublisher not creating directories on FTP Server. | | |
JENKINS-71705 | Connection refused error does not fail the step | | |
JENKINS-70589 | Issue in Publish over FTP plugin, unable to transfer file on FTP server | | |
JENKINS-36051 | Exclude files in FTP plugin is not working | | |
JENKINS-24973 | Enable ftp deployment to z/OS | | |
JENKINS-24035 | Publish over FTP plugin throws SocketException while uploading to goDaddy | | |
JENKINS-22891 | Not able to FTP using SSL (FTPS) | | |
JENKINS-21868 | FTP-Publish-Plugin: Reports error even if the file was transferred correctly | | |
JENKINS-18946 | FTP Publisher can't read file | | |
JENKINS-17182 | After upgrade of Jenkins and FTP Plugin, transfer set being ignored | | |
JENKINS-15222 | FTP Publisher broken for concurrent builds | | |
JENKINS-11831 | Allow files to be transferred even for a failed build | | |
JENKINS-8080 | Target directory is created but is ignored | | |
JENKINS-7320 | Doesn't seem to run from slave | | |
JENKINS-6638 | FTPPublisher doesn't work when port 20 is blocked (creates 0 byte files) | | |