🚀 New features and improvements
- Place plugin configuration page in the 'System Configuration' section (#1126) @MarkEWaite
🚦 Tests
- Skip Docker-based tests when Docker is not available (#1125) @basil
📝 Documentation updates
👻 Maintenance
📦 Dependency updates
🚀 New features and improvements
🐛 Bug fixes
👻 Maintenance
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump from 3105.v672692894683 to 3413.v0d896b_76a_30d (#1084, #1088, #1091, #1095, #1097, #1102) @dependabot
- Bump junixsocket.version from 2.9.1 to 2.10.1 (#1089, #1101) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.82 to 4.88 (#1085, #1090, #1092, #1094, #1099) @dependabot
👷 Changes for plugin developers
📦 Dependency updates
🚀 New features and improvements
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump from 3010.vec758b_8e7da_3 to 3041.ve87ce2cdf223 (#1075) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.81 to 4.82 (#1074) @dependabot
- Bump from 1.7 to 1.8 (#1072) @dependabot
- Bump from 2961.v1f472390972e to 3010.vec758b_8e7da_3 (#1071) @dependabot
- Bump from 2950.va_633b_f42f759 to 2961.v1f472390972e (#1068) @dependabot
- Bump junixsocket.version from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 (#1067) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.80 to 4.81 (#1066) @dependabot
- Bump from 2928.ved44ea_84e034 to 2950.va_633b_f42f759 (#1064) @dependabot
- Bump from 2839.v003b_4d9d24fd to 2928.ved44ea_84e034 (#1062) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.78 to 4.80 (#1061) @dependabot
- Bump from 2791.v707dc5a_1626d to 2839.v003b_4d9d24fd (#1053) @dependabot
- Bump junixsocket.version from 2.8.3 to 2.9.0 (#1054) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.77 to 4.78 (#1051) @dependabot
🚨 Removed
- Remove
(#1021) @basil
- Remove
argument from inbound agent connector (#1049) @jglick
🐛 Bug fixes
📝 Documentation updates
👻 Maintenance
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump bom-2.414.x from 2378.v3e03930028f2 to 2791.v707dc5a_1626d (#1012, #1014, #1017, #1020, #1023, #1028, #1048) @dependabot
- Bump cloud-stats from 316.vd6d6b_292238d to 336.v788e4055508b_ (#1011, #1044) @dependabot
- Bump junixsocket.version from 2.7.0 to 2.8.3 (#1015, #1018, #1022, #1026, #1034) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.72 to 4.77 (#1013, #1027, #1038, #1045) @dependabot
🐛 Bug fixes
👻 Maintenance
🚦 Tests
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump bom-2.387.x from 2357.v1043f8578392 to 2378.v3e03930028f2 (#976, #979, #981, #993, #994, #999, #1000, #1006, #1009) @dependabot
- Bump cloud-stats from 267.v577e3742c282 to 316.vd6d6b_292238d (#983, #1003) @dependabot
- Bump docker-commons from 419.v8e3cd84ef49c to 434.v3dc53576ec32 (#990) @dependabot
- Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.6 to 1.7 (#984) @dependabot
- Bump junixsocket.version from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0 (#998) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.66 to 4.72 (#978, #982, #985, #989, #991, #1001) @dependabot, @programbeginnerTW
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump docker-java-api from 3.3.0-77.vd409a_cdc37d5 to 3.3.1-79.v20b_53427e041 (#974) @dependabot
- Bump plugin parent POM from 4.64 to 4.66 (#972) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.375.x from 2102.v854b_fec19c92 to 2133.v2e6c00fe4d61 (#973) @dependabot
🚀 New features and improvements
🐛 Bug fixes
🐛 Bug fixes
- Prefer IPv4 localhost to IPv6 localhost (#962) @basil
📝 Documentation updates
- Document how to use
Docker image (#966) @basil
- Remove invalid characters from README (#965) @basil