
List of issues
#1121Using containerd when container mode is Windows with DockerCE
#1117Windows container started by the plugin shows values of WORKSPACE and WORKSPACE_TMP environment variables in Linux format
JENKINS-74912Jenkins docker-image plugin does not work with non-C windows drives
JENKINS-74899Can docker plugin have the ability to retain node
#1116Allow randomizing cloud selection
#1115How to enable Docker containers launched by Jenkins to access certain ports on
JENKINS-73869Cloud setup - docker connection refused over unix domain socket
#1103Newer httpclient 5 API breaks tests of the docker plugin
#1098Trying to specify a user to run a container as using uid:gid or uname crashes Java
JENKINS-73553New permanent agent using incorrect Docker launch details fails with NoStaplerConstructorException
#1087Docker plugin stopped starting Docker containers
#1086Agents can't be reused - Broken Pipe
#1083Duplicated slaves spawned
#1073Support for sysctl settings
#1070Add Instance Number to Environment Variables
#1063Is there a way to add build time options like --add-host?
#1060Deprecated value in DEFAULT_ENTRY_POINT_ARGUMENTS
#1059No logs when using awslogs log driver
#1052Docker cloud does not show credentials dropdown
#1042Client certificate doesn't provide to remote docker daemon
#1036Dynamic provision of Docker Agent Templates
#1032Can't make plugin work over unix socket
#1031Add runtime docker agent template container option
#1030Add possibility to have a custom named Dockerfile
#1029Uninstallation Process
#1024docker build too slow
#1019NullPointerException on DockerComputerSSHConnector.getBindingForPort
#1005Port mapping example is sorely needed
#977Getting ERROR: Timeout after 1 minutes
#975Docker variant of Launch agents via SSH with SSH key injection always fails
#971Improving uniqueness of templateID string (via template name)
#963How to know the container/agent is for which job (name/id) ?
#940Shell Commands fail to ever start
#932Port Bindings is not respected for SSH port
#931do not push agent's running docker container when the job failed
#929Add variable value to be used for volume creation
#928SSH service hadn't started after 20 seconds and 48 milliseconds
#927Support podman --mount options
JENKINS-69921docker plugin agents fail with I/O error and timeout exception
#915docker node offline every two times
#914Docker Command setting is ignored
#906Workspace in jenkins ui
#903Passing job parameters into Docker build arguments does not work
#872WIP/RFC fix windows containers - ensureWaiting/injection of the agent
#856ipv6 port binding using classic swarm
#845Allow --security-opt systempaths to execute.
JENKINS-66025Builds lost with large projects repository
#830container cap not honored
#828Pull from ECR never completes (no errors)
#825"bad_certificate" on TLS connection to remote dockerd
#820Using Jenkins Docker Slaves on Amazon Linux 2 AMI
JENKINS-64179Docker Cloud Stops Creating New Containers
#816Wrong calculation of running Template agents when using the same image on multiple templates
JENKINS-63824running linux type dockerNode under windows node section causes failure due to workspace ambiguity
JENKINS-63724Add support for Direct JNLP Agent connection
#805[Feature Request] ssh connection to the docker daemon
#803Plugin Doesn't Respect ~/.docker/config.json "credHelpers" settings
JENKINS-61699NotExportableException in com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.DockerTemplate on job/(.*)/api/json
#779Short name for $class: 'DockerBuilderPublisher'
#778Allow restricting network during build
#772Race condition caused by not using image hash
JENKINS-60137JNLP method not working with generic docker images
#754Unable to bind mount Windows host volume
#753[Feature Request] Add support for Dockerfile
#745[Feature request] Windows container support
JENKINS-58390Docker cloud provisioning 1 slave behind
#739Plugin keeps spinning up new containers until first container is up in JNLP mode
#728RFE: Specify user to run a container (as docker run --user name:group)
JENKINS-55114Add a checkbox to enable privileged mode into pipeline step
JENKINS-55066Docker plugin erroneously terminates containers shortly after they start
JENKINS-55060Use GeneralNonBlockingStepExecution in DockerNodeStepExecution
JENKINS-54572Support connecting to a docker daemon over SSH
#697Docker "Use container only once" option is selectable for non-docker slaves
JENKINS-53746Add a new template to SOME docker clouds
JENKINS-53666Warn when cloud configuration requests volumes including FS root
JENKINS-53621Executors in-progress block container provisioning after configuration changes
#682RFE: Ability to restrict use of insecure options for user-defined containers
#664Node environment properties don't get precedence over global settings
JENKINS-51655Docker Agent Template options break job configure page
#655Template instance limit of '1' reached on cloud
#629Template instanceCap is ignored when defined in job config
#625RFE: Add a "Test Template" button to the configuration UI
#620NPE trying to execute system groovy script after upgrade to 1.1.3
JENKINS-48460When starting a node with dockerNode(), the error "uri was not specified" is thrown
JENKINS-47576Use volume for agent workspace and mount in a temporary container as "offline browser"
#491bad Volumes Option UX, require multiline input
#464Create/start slave docker container and attach to specific network?
JENKINS-39104Add new template build step should do variable substitution
JENKINS-38135docker plugin reads legacy network setting from docker
JENKINS-37908docker 1.12 swarm support for docker-plugin
JENKINS-36919Docker Instance Capacity counted across templates
JENKINS-35033Support for binding of port ranges
#392Non descriptive error messages
JENKINS-32467Unable to use Jenkins Global Properties for docker template image