
List of issues
JENKINS-73528No data found in Disk Usage Plugin
JENKINS-71740no data for disk-usage:0.28 plugin
JENKINS-62617Disk Usage plugin icons missing if --prefix used
JENKINS-59100Support Pipeline jobs
JENKINS-57398Jenkins Build disappears in jenkins UI but is present in master machine?
JENKINS-55779BranchIndexing deadlock with health check - Jenkins slowness
JENKINS-53622Disk Check Plugin giving java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "76.168"
JENKINS-53457disk-usage plugin gives warning on upgrade
JENKINS-47546SEVERE: Timer task hudson.plugins.disk_usage.BuildDiskUsageCalculationThread
JENKINS-46412Disk-usage plugin slows Jenkins startup, causing outage
JENKINS-44096ClassCastException: jenkins.security.ImpersonatingScheduledExecutorService cannot be cast to java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
JENKINS-40643Disk Usage plugin does not show single or multibranch pipeline jobs
JENKINS-39597Plugin produces broken links
JENKINS-33219Job.updateNextBuildNumber can cause deadlock
JENKINS-31000Plugin assumes that port 8080 is used
JENKINS-29147java.lang.NullPointerException in DiskUsageUtil.java:439
JENKINS-29127Exception in getBuildUsageString()
JENKINS-28603Separate configuration from history
JENKINS-25770Run Disk Usage as pre-build step for every project
JENKINS-25715Disk usage figures are clearly incorrect
JENKINS-25599NPE: failed to send event to listener of class hudson.plugins.disk_usage.DiskUsageItemListener
JENKINS-25382Support for the Folder plug-in
JENKINS-24476class hudson.plugins.disk_usage.BuildDiskUsageAction doesn't have @ExportedBean
JENKINS-23347Several minutes delay at end of job
JENKINS-23298No summary shown for projects inside folders
JENKINS-22773OutOfMemoryError when "calculateWorkspaceDiskUsage"
JENKINS-22753Disk Usage graph doesn't display on project pages
JENKINS-22684testCalculateDiskUsageForMatrixBuild fails on CloudBees
JENKINS-22389Job directory size shown in trend graph does not show the trend
JENKINS-22355Add the support of additional ListView columns in the DiskUsage dashboard
JENKINS-22345disk-usage-plugin causes jobs to hang at the end for 5min
JENKINS-22335The disk usage size displayed for each build in the Build History is sometimes incorrect
JENKINS-22122Update plugin's doc page
JENKINS-22121Items order in graph legend should match listed order in disk usage row
JENKINS-21409Add extension point to register new disk usage metrics collector
JENKINS-21003ProjectDiskUsageAction.getBuildsDiskUsageAllSubItems breaks lazy-loading
JENKINS-20193disk usage plugin seems to scan /
JENKINS-20176Disk usage plugin write job config.xml after every build
JENKINS-19960Add trend graph for artifacts Disk Usage
JENKINS-11546disk usage plugin: wrong workspace size with global workspaces
JENKINS-7910Show free disk space
JENKINS-7706incorrect disk usage report and disconnection of slaves with multiple partitions
JENKINS-3433Enhance 'Discard Old Builds' option to discard if build disk size is greater than X