
List of issues
JENKINS-75216Unable to get password from credentials during git fetch using App password
JENKINS-74964Error messages are not shown when adding invalid certificate credentials
JENKINS-73790Jenkins Token expiry after 2 hours on login
JENKINS-73739Syntax error near unexpected token '(' in with jenkins credential
JENKINS-73665Credentials became unusable after it's update.
JENKINS-73629Credentials ID and description have no character limitations.
JENKINS-73517c:select triggers two times the doFillXxxItems requests
JENKINS-73512Regarding credentials binding plugin to support credentials of type GitHub App
JENKINS-73277After changing the Password, Usage shows "This credential has not been recorded as used anywhere."
JENKINS-73151Performance of CredentialsProvider lookups
JENKINS-72727Odd Interaction with SSH Build Agents plugin
JENKINS-72658c:select with readonlyMode still shows an add button and dropdown works or is empty
JENKINS-72618remove legacy support for non ID based credentials
JENKINS-72442Warning about "insecure interpolation of sensitive variables" when password parameter is null
JENKINS-71446Document creation of Secret File or Secret Text credentials (plain-credentials) plugin via API
JENKINS-71109CSS misalignment of nested form entries when editing credentials
JENKINS-70982Creating certificate credentials without uploading a certificate file causes unwanted behavior
JENKINS-70837Credential UI shows giant plus sign in Firefox (102esr) is back
JENKINS-70719Creating a new credential with an existing ID returns a 302 response code instead of blocking the submission
JENKINS-70549Built-in Credential Plugin issue
JENKINS-70355Allow credentials binding in options block
JENKINS-70101http-request-plugin fails using Certificate authentication from a remote (SSH) agent
JENKINS-69641Secret file for credentials as build parameter does not get passed to workspace
JENKINS-68817Credential IDs are not uniformly urlencoded for display in the Web UI
JENKINS-68794ConcurrentModificationException while checkout
JENKINS-68185vSphere agent disconnected after we check the agent status page due to credentials problems
JENKINS-67778Certificate authentication not working when called within a node block
JENKINS-67324docker.withRegistry fails to escape quotes (") on Windows when performing docker login
JENKINS-67142Snippet generator credentials drop-down empty in multibranch branch
JENKINS-66865NPE with ConjurCredentialProvider
JENKINS-66636Jenkins Credentials missing and corrupt
JENKINS-66597credentials.jpi.tmp does not match expected SHA-256
JENKINS-66267Global credential names cannot be edited from update screen
JENKINS-66085Unable to assign the credentials ID when using Credential Plug-in
JENKINS-65991Unsafe characters in Credentials Domain
JENKINS-65215Credentials plugin doesn't appear in the Jenkins' sidebar container
JENKINS-65213the global-scoped credentials cannot be read
JENKINS-65090withCredentials is not honoring authorization role base strategy
JENKINS-65067Add Credentials domain is unavailable when assigning Administer on Overall scoop
JENKINS-64974Not able to set credentials for docker instances
JENKINS-64915Credentials plugin (v2.3.15) fails to load when optional dependency is at lower version
JENKINS-64489Change Log - Credentials is 116G folder: stop updating password if identical
JENKINS-64482Credentials page is insecure when using anonymous read access
JENKINS-64209System Credentials are Available in Run Parameter with Configure
JENKINS-64096To automatically update the credentials in credentials manager in jenkins from windows
JENKINS-64079Credentials are not properly merged when applying JCasC
JENKINS-64029Credential manager scopes missing
JENKINS-62997AsyncAperiodicWork to be able to call CredentialsProvider.findCredentialById
JENKINS-62819CredentialsPlugin + long certificatename = missaligned job configuration UI
JENKINS-62704Jenkins agents can't make git pull if bitbucket password contains skandinavian characters
JENKINS-62494Allow disabling credential
JENKINS-62429Read-only system - Configure credentials
JENKINS-62143System read for credentials dropdown
JENKINS-61979cannot select/add credentials in settings -> github server
JENKINS-61977Adding a credential of specific type
JENKINS-61918Jelly forms control: server-side methods (e.g. doFillXyzItems) are not invoked based on @QueryParameter credentialId when credentials are selected from drop down list in case if credential field property expressionAllowed is set to true in jelly
JENKINS-61900CredentialsProvider implementations are ignore by JCasC
JENKINS-61880`GlobalCredentialsConfiguration` JCasC compatibility
JENKINS-61828Failing with java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException while using environment block
JENKINS-61653Cannot "Add" credentials when configuring some components at the global level
JENKINS-61430Credentials 2.31 dramatically slows lookups
JENKINS-61386Declarative `credentials` step should allow override-able variable names
JENKINS-61025Unable to update private key using CLI
JENKINS-60897JEP-225: Folders-based access control for any credentials provider
JENKINS-60766Credential icon names should be extracted as string constants
JENKINS-60714Cannot create jenkins ssh username with private key credential via rest xml api
JENKINS-60693Allow editing credential id
JENKINS-60349User credentials not usable by Git plugin
JENKINS-59626Global configuration page blocks may try to load credentials before credentials providers are ready
JENKINS-59568Users can use system credentials although they don't have permission
JENKINS-59482Improve UX for selecting user-scoped credentials
JENKINS-59109Allow user scoped credentials to be used by build step
JENKINS-58902Non-user-scoped credentials are not shown when build authentication is configured
JENKINS-58344Add support of project-level credentials management
JENKINS-58071Cloudbees error upon initial install - FolderCredentialsProvider
JENKINS-58061Can't configure SonarQube User Token (text field replaced with credentials drop-down).
JENKINS-57845provide configurator/databound setter for certificate credential (PKCS12 and so on)
JENKINS-57681Setup wizard does not take into account optional dependencies when ordering plugin installations
JENKINS-57518Remove XMLUtils from the plugin when it is unrestricted in core
JENKINS-57429SYSTEM; is prohibited as a username for security reasons.
JENKINS-57406credentials plugin user guide is system-centric rather than user-centric
JENKINS-57346plugins should not rely on help from jenkins core
JENKINS-56985Jenkins is exposing credentials when no build steps but post build steps
JENKINS-56550Credentials fail if password has dollar sign ($) in it
JENKINS-56537Gitlab ID could not be found but is set and works
JENKINS-56362When the Jenkins server is restarted, any DEFAULT password parameters set in jobs are getting clobbered.
JENKINS-55583Credentials Binding Plugin batch command not working properly
JENKINS-54573secret file not accesible to containerized stages
JENKINS-53806Class-based DomainSpecification filter for more flexibility of restricting credentials
JENKINS-53152MultiBranch Pipeline repository scan broken
JENKINS-52634Job configuration screen stuck on LOADING after upgrade.
JENKINS-52291Plug-ins should define their credential type. This type should be pre-selected.
JENKINS-52179Wrong data mapping on serialization
JENKINS-51912Unable to add user scope credentials in jenkins 2.74 version
JENKINS-51763Hide credentials given to the dockerfile
JENKINS-51694Fix tracking for credentials against cloud agents
JENKINS-51051Trying to start new docker container and get credential error on login
JENKINS-50998Credentials selector "Add" button doesn't work in a repeatable property
JENKINS-50160Can't add credentials through https
JENKINS-49645Dynamically added credentials Add button doesn't work
JENKINS-49566credentials-plugin 2.1.16 breaks ssh-private-key connection to docker slaves
JENKINS-48772Overescaped description of credentials
JENKINS-48241Credentials being masked when passed to a shell script
JENKINS-45540Refactor id-and-description tear-off
JENKINS-45254credential ID accepts a too narrow set of characters
JENKINS-43633Scope credentials to branch being built
JENKINS-42599Newly added module locations' / additional credentials' "Add" credential button seems out of work
JENKINS-40703Support injection of maven-gpg-plugin:sign config params in Maven Settings files
JENKINS-40293"Add" button should allow opening the dialogue with a specific "Kind" of credential pre-selected
JENKINS-39623Add Symbols for credentials-plugin
JENKINS-20075Support moving credentials between credential stores
JENKINS-20073Add an action to allow moving credentials between credential domains