Allows Jenkins to push source and build artifacts to Code Dx and display the aggregated results of its full suite of analysis tools.
- This plugin is maintained by Synopsys, Inc.
- Plugin version 3.0.0 and later support Pipelines projects as well as Freestyle
- Plugin version 4.0.0 includes fixes for CVE-2023-2195, CVE-2023-2631, CVE-2023-2633, CVE-2023-2632, CVE-2023-2196
- This is a breaking change - see for more info and guidance
- Upload your source, binaries, and/or scan file(s) from your Jenkins jobs to your Code Dx installation easily
- Scan your source and binaries for potential vulnerabilities and quality issues using Code Dx
- Code Dx is an application vulnerability correlation and management system that supports C/C++, C#, Java/JSP, Javascript, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Scala, and Visual Basic .NET
- See Code Dx finding trends right in Jenkins
- Prevent serious issues from slipping through the cracks by configuring Jenkins to fail your builds with customizable Code Dx findings criteria
Jenkins 2.200 or later, and a Code Dx server deployment with an API Key created from the Code Dx admin page.
Consult the latest Code Dx online documentation for instructions on how to configure your build.