Change Log History

List of issues
JENKINS-69512commit-id details are missing in change summary
JENKINS-64489Change Log - Credentials is 116G folder: stop updating password if identical
JENKINS-58774Could not parse Perforce changelog
JENKINS-57962Jenkins log is flooded with 'You must override the newer overload of annotate from org.jenkinsci.plugins.issuelink.IssueLinkChangeLogAnnotator'
JENKINS-50919Ephemeral/Cloud Slaves History Present (in massive quantities)
JENKINS-46061Not able get SVN change history content from Jenkins.
JENKINS-24477class com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.changelog.ChangelogAction doesn't have @ExportedBean
JENKINS-16791Changelog history plugin alongside Multiple SCM plugin
JENKINS-16221Job changes pane hides changes for cancelled builds.
JENKINS-15227changelog.xml is NOT a xml style file
JENKINS-11400More history link is not shown for builds which had no history originally