This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our
Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-64355 | bulk-builder uses first tab instead of "All"-tab | | |
JENKINS-62933 | BulkBuilder is not compatible with Multibranch pipeline | | |
JENKINS-57346 | plugins should not rely on help from jenkins core | | |
JENKINS-46543 | How to get the status of a jobs run by Bulk Builder in Jenkins using CLI | | |
JENKINS-34169 | Bulk Builder builds all jobs in the first view instead of 'All' | | |
JENKINS-31105 | Add Authorization, Require Job Build permission for BuildBuilder | | |
JENKINS-29148 | Bulk Builder Plugin - NOT_BUILT_ONLY enum missing | | |
JENKINS-23133 | Support Folders for Bulk Build | | |
JENKINS-17835 | Pattern Match for BulkBulder doesn't work | | |
JENKINS-14712 | Bulk Builder plugin doesn't show views created within a nested view | | |
JENKINS-14469 | anit-pattern for build exclusions | | |
JENKINS-12956 | Build all jobs that have not been built in N days | | |
JENKINS-12779 | Error when try to run all jobs in a view | | |
JENKINS-11445 | Improve input validation error message | | |