List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-74180 | [buildresult-trigger] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in org/jenkinsci/plugins/buildresulttrigger/BuildResultTrigger/config.jelly | | |
JENKINS-54608 | [BuildResultTrigger] Add multi-configuration project child jobs to the list of job to monitor | | |
JENKINS-31178 | BuildResultTrigger+Plugin is not triggering the job | | |
JENKINS-25998 | Ad execution schedules generated by BuildResult-Trigger-plugin. | | |
JENKINS-25753 | BuildResultTrigger doesn't trigger build | | |
JENKINS-20700 | Build Result Trigger plugin only sparks job intermittently | | |
JENKINS-19815 | Stack trace | | |
JENKINS-18716 | build is triggering to early | | |
JENKINS-13793 | Build isn't triggered after reboot | | |
JENKINS-13747 | Jira Jenkins components "buildresult-trigger" and "buildresulttrigger" should be merged | | |