REST API for Blue Ocean

List of issues
JENKINS-75204Upcoming Deprecation of Jira Cloud Search APIs
JENKINS-75178Security Scan broken with Python 3.11+
JENKINS-74922"Display the log in new window" option is not visible in Blue Ocean for the steps
JENKINS-73874Blue Ocean no longer has 'Show complete log' button
JENKINS-73384404 Page Not Found - on refresh of pipeline page which is within folder
JENKINS-72948IOException: Cannot save actions for StepAtomNode is logged if Blue Ocean is installed
JENKINS-72913failFast true option does not show failed steps in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-72614ScmContainer improperly assumes request context for @Extension instantiation
JENKINS-72596Jenkins Blue Ocean UI Fails to Display Specific Stages
JENKINS-72348Remove not required dependencies from Blue Ocean plugin
JENKINS-72321Blue Ocean plugin installation leads to NoClassDefFoundError: ssegateway SubscriptionConfigQueue$SubscriptionConfig
JENKINS-72041BlueOcean causes controller slowness due to User Lookup
JENKINS-71857Indexing failed while saving a new Blue Ocean Pipeline
JENKINS-71560BlueOcean is exposing SonarQube token
JENKINS-71530Blue ocean not showing intermediate builds
JENKINS-71418Open Blue Ocean is not always helpful
JENKINS-71228adapting Caffeine API plugin 3.1.6-115.vb_8b_b_328e59d8 or higher
JENKINS-71031Blue ocean shows steps from post stage in every stage when the last stage is skipped.
JENKINS-71028User redirection was missing
JENKINS-70765blue ocean menu entry shall appear directly underneath console log entry
JENKINS-70709A bug about input function display in blue ocean
JENKINS-70670Do not hover "Run" icon
JENKINS-70486Blue Ocean Displaying every branch for pipelines at the root level, Search is also broken
JENKINS-70483Blue ocean - Error connecting to Aws CodeCommit repo when creating pipeline
JENKINS-70445Empty Password parameter in Blue Ocean when using HTTPS
JENKINS-70421Amount of failed tests not shown on overview
JENKINS-70340Blue Ocean bugs
JENKINS-70322Blue Ocean Status Not same as classic jenkins
JENKINS-70266Blue Ocean pipeline search does not work
JENKINS-70213Wrong rendering of dynamically created parallel sequential stages in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-70072Links from blue ocean to classic resolving to wrong address
JENKINS-70016Blue Ocean doesn't encode plus (+)
JENKINS-69960Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean force a dependency on GitHub
JENKINS-69704all the stages are not visible in blue ocean once run is completed
JENKINS-69673Let rerun in BlueOcean create a Rebuild, not a Replay
JENKINS-69616Blue Ocean plugin can't handle two password parameter in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-69443Enable an event-driven refresh of the "next" arrow in the navigation bar at the top of a job.
JENKINS-69407no failing test counter on navigation point
JENKINS-69377Blue Ocean Dashboard is not showing any pipeline related Information
JENKINS-69227pipeline.log artifact is downloaded as log.txt
JENKINS-68965unable to create pipeline for private github repo
JENKINS-68948create pipeline bitbucket cloud - Invalid username and/or password
JENKINS-68837Blue Ocean deleted all code in my branch.
JENKINS-68769Blue Ocean scrolls to bottom on load
JENKINS-68638Second level parallel steps not visualized correctly
JENKINS-68623Initially blueocean-plugin build failed
JENKINS-68523BlueOcean steps to use short description
JENKINS-68316Problem with pagination in jenkins
JENKINS-68300index.jelly missing for some plugins
JENKINS-68263blueocean view of dynamic parallel stages flattens the previous parallel bubbles if the iteration is single
JENKINS-68171Unnecessary Labels in Pipeline displays
JENKINS-68062blueocean not respect masked passwords
JENKINS-67810Cannot start a parametrized job using Run button from PullRequests
JENKINS-67579Jenkins become unresponsive - thread deadlocks and high CPU
JENKINS-67439Hyperlink rendering bug in BlueOcean
JENKINS-67397blueocean-plugin fails to build on OS X Catalina
JENKINS-67342Single stage on a parallel branch is shown green instead of skipped
JENKINS-66842wrong display of first matrix axis in blue ocean when skipping another axis
JENKINS-66466Blue Ocean does not allow us to list Bitbucket repositories
JENKINS-66377Blue Ocean Persitent Parameter types
JENKINS-66228Credentials problem not well explained in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-65753Overall build shown as red when all stages shown are green
JENKINS-65686Add hint in warning when username can not be found
JENKINS-65601BlueOcean should have an optional dependency on GitHub plugins
JENKINS-65271blueocean NullPointerException editing pipeline using gitea as scm
JENKINS-65229Add author column in blue ocean activity view
JENKINS-65153Blue Ocean starves browser of sockets
JENKINS-65082Test results don't have screenshot links when both blueocean and testcafe plugins are enabled
JENKINS-65081"Switch to classic" link does not respect the selected branch when directing back to Jenkins
JENKINS-65065Stop fetching data after build finishes or pause when tab is inactive
JENKINS-65060Don't fetch unnecessary data in build view Blue Ocean
JENKINS-64995Message column on BlueOcean activity page doesn't update without a full page reload
JENKINS-64930Empty Blue Ocean Job page for branches name include accented characters
JENKINS-64822Parallel stages not displayed correctly
JENKINS-64756Jenkins 2.263.3(LTS): token-macro plugin 2.14 downloaded by blueocean transitively is not compatible with Jenkins LTS
JENKINS-64645Its too hard to find the Jenkins pipeline console output from Blue Ocean UI
JENKINS-64525In BlueOcean, catchError() is always green even if the wrapped test failed
JENKINS-64296Blue Ocean fetches "eventsource" URLs for 30-60s, fails to ping, causes page refreshes
JENKINS-64274replay button on Blue Ocean run details page does not display when branch permissions allow it
JENKINS-64176blue ocean pipeline view not working
JENKINS-64174JSON.parse:unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
JENKINS-64123We need to disable restart stage from blue ocean
JENKINS-64122Build time of stage is shown as wrong in the UI
JENKINS-64014archiveArtifacts not properly displayed in declarative pipeline with matrix
JENKINS-64010tomcat install, blue ocean pipeline Not an ISO 8859-1 character
JENKINS-63981Specify a custom icon for a stage in a pipeline
JENKINS-63952Incorrect visualization of matrix skipped stages in blue ocean
JENKINS-63950BlueOcean and Stage View display differently dynamic stages
JENKINS-63949BlueOcean displays unstable parallel stages as stable when other stages are still in progress
JENKINS-63735Maven Build Failure Blue Ocean plugin for Jenkins
JENKINS-63732"Open Blue Ocean" link broken when branch name contains "+"
JENKINS-63698BlueOcean plugin stops being usable when number of nodes in a pipeline passes 20
JENKINS-63493BlueOcean view mixes output from parallel pipeline stages
JENKINS-63481Blue ocean pipeline activity load is very slow
JENKINS-63400Blue Ocean stage jumps away while viewing a running job
JENKINS-63150javascript console error: Error fetching page TypeError: Cannot read property 'self' of undefined
JENKINS-63068Catch error block sets upstream job to aborted when downstream is aborted
JENKINS-62984Blue Ocean does not support validatingString parameter type
JENKINS-62814First attempt to unfavorite a disabled job fails in blueocean
JENKINS-62667BlueOcean Shows Only First 100 Steps in Any Stage
JENKINS-62662Pressing the escape key always returns to the job overview page
JENKINS-62453Restart from Stage for sub stages
JENKINS-62449BlueOcean continues refreshing a page for a completed build
JENKINS-62353Blue ocean log doesn't show colorized output
JENKINS-62338Blue Ocean displays stages as sequential instead of parallelized
JENKINS-62265Skipped stage marked as succeeded when there's options { timeout }
JENKINS-62250Provide the GIT_COMMIT variable without the need to checkout SCM
JENKINS-62058Display newlines in build description
JENKINS-62049BlueOcean ignoring defaultValue of password parameter type
JENKINS-62031"Page not found" on jobs created by Gitlab Branch Source
JENKINS-61907Developer can see ANSI color in full log view
JENKINS-61895Cannot see all logs after introducing a parallel run
JENKINS-61889BlueOcean: tests throws javascript error when duration is NaN
JENKINS-61816Connecting to Github with access token fails
JENKINS-61737Parallel Build job propagates FAIL while running when child job UNSTABLE
JENKINS-61705How to choose job name from Jenkinsfile when creating the pipeline from BlueOcean
JENKINS-61658Blue Ocean Pipeline: only first skipped cell of matrix shown as skipped
JENKINS-61472Jenkins blue Ocean connect bitbucket server is not work.
JENKINS-61281Render matrixes better in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-61195How to avoid "Checks if running on a Unix-like node" in BlueOcean output
JENKINS-61096Blue Ocean UI never allows you to have more than about 10 tabs open at a time
JENKINS-60983Incremental deploys broken on
JENKINS-60774Parallel stages are painted outside the lines for stages that will never happen
JENKINS-60651Nested Stages are Linear (not nested) in Blue Ocean Pipeline Visualisation, but should be nested like Parallel Stages
JENKINS-60639Display report link on tasks panel or build summary
JENKINS-60592Add new extension points in Pipeline UI
JENKINS-60586build step are not shown on pipeline visualization for Parallel multi Node
JENKINS-60585Jenkins triggers hundreds builds for one commit
JENKINS-60575Blueocean should show triggered jobs while pending
JENKINS-60540Blue Ocean View Not working When we open it in New Tab
JENKINS-60494428 response "Invalid Credential" when trying to edit pipeline by blueocean plugin
JENKINS-60387Getting HTTP 404 when viewing pipeline of branches containing a slash
JENKINS-60324nested Parallel in declarative results in temporary misrendering
JENKINS-60298Blue Ocean not working with Jenkins safe restart
JENKINS-60243Blue Ocean Input Step Json Error
JENKINS-60234Unable to connect to bitbucket cloud in Jenkins Blue Ocean with authentication through Microsoft
JENKINS-60198Blueocean doesn't load on IE11
JENKINS-60162Restore files previously stashed should mention the name of the stash
JENKINS-60023Blue Ocean UI isn't automatically refreshing
JENKINS-59929blueocean should indicate when a PR is closed
JENKINS-59928Add first and last build buttons to blueocean
JENKINS-59918labels and step script content shown inconsistently in blue ocean steps
JENKINS-59770Show current builds on dashboard
JENKINS-59757Discovered project-repositories should have Run button
JENKINS-59435Pull request blue ocean links should go to the relevant blue ocean view
JENKINS-59414Blue Ocean does not change focus with 10 parallel stages running
JENKINS-59398blueocean header should show who replayed a job run
JENKINS-59334Respect Log API parameters in Step Log API
JENKINS-59223[Blue Ocean] Cannot write inside text parameters
JENKINS-59214BlueOcean UI and pipeline steps view (FlowGraphTable ) reveal sensitive data
JENKINS-59144cleanWs in pipeline post block rendered after every stage
JENKINS-59092Blue Ocean does not allow us to list Bitbucket repositories
JENKINS-59067Add ability to create CasC credentials with BlueOceanDomainSpecification
JENKINS-58992Changeset Exceptions
JENKINS-58969Input step: BlueOcean UI does not recognize node, results in "This stage has no steps"
JENKINS-58948Easy way to downgrade Blue Ocean
JENKINS-58889Blue Ocean stage view, not build
JENKINS-58884Add statistics to blue ocean- mainly ability to view status on specific period returns 404 when accessing BO for the very first time
JENKINS-58850Steps from post actions are not visible when used with parallel stages
JENKINS-58704Flaky downstream job link display
JENKINS-58669BlueOcean displays wrong downstream time
JENKINS-58566UI not refreshing between pipeline steps
JENKINS-58564Blue Ocean visualization should indicate parallel stages killed with fastFail
JENKINS-58422Build parameters modal created as child of link
JENKINS-58406A pipeline is pending, I just want to continue not required any parameters, so check proceed without field "parameters", is will be return error: parameters is required.
JENKINS-58398Bitbucket feature works only when bitbucket online editor is enabled
JENKINS-58359Blue Ocean visualisation inaccurate while building
JENKINS-58342Activity and Branches views empty
JENKINS-58208Restart from stage from blueocean API
JENKINS-58189Submitting user input causes unhandledPromiseRejection in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-58166build step does not execute a job if the call is not different
JENKINS-58085BlueOcean UI stuck in "Waiting for run to start"
JENKINS-58019Builds created by Blue Ocean are not triggered by BitBucket
JENKINS-58015Blue Ocean show highlight wait time
JENKINS-57929BlueOcean steps do not appear green when they were successful when using parallel stages while still running
JENKINS-57859Creating new pipeline from Bitbucket cloud hangs fetching repos
JENKINS-57858Blue Ocean Pipeline description
JENKINS-57819Blue Ocean does not show all steps in stage
JENKINS-57546BlueOcean plugins use newer version of commons-codec than the core
JENKINS-57538Issues related to GitLab Blueocean plugin and GitLab Plugin
JENKINS-57526Blue Ocean Bitbucket : Failed to get "repositories" is very slow and loops for ever
JENKINS-57511Repeatedly seeing 'Failed to get "URL"' in Jenkins log
JENKINS-57473Replace second x with an up arrow
JENKINS-57305Copy/Paste from logs adds an extra blank line after every line
JENKINS-57301Blue Ocean Plugin does not support INPUT_PARAMS
JENKINS-57270Blue Ocean visualisation is very inconsistent with parallel sequential stages when previous builds exist
JENKINS-57243Page not found - on existing job list
JENKINS-57221Inconsistent log levels for exceptions
JENKINS-57213Blue Ocean changes nodes from red to green after some time
JENKINS-56977Input "ChoiceParameterDefinition" with same name make the UI bug (select wrong choice when clicked)
JENKINS-56949Support URLs for linking to an arbitrary log lines in a pipeline node / step
JENKINS-56941Declarative + Blue Ocean - Issue when conditional block having input steps inside parallel blocks return false
JENKINS-56929BO detect a disconnection when you have many tabs open
JENKINS-56880blue ocean tests page shows stale data after clicked
JENKINS-56866Everything is favourite, it is not useful
JENKINS-56639when viewing a pipeline in blue ocean, please stop auto opening console log of failed step
JENKINS-56635BlueOcean doesn't redirect to login page
JENKINS-56610Blue ocean pipeline editor 1.13.2 fails to edit pipeline with function
JENKINS-56562Parallel downstream jobs are not linked correctly
JENKINS-56496use blueocean tests results as pass/fail/unstable criteria
JENKINS-56352Blueocean input step does not respect "discover" permission
JENKINS-56329Blueocean hanging while loading
JENKINS-56316Unable to build blueocean-plugin\jenkins-design-language on Windows
JENKINS-56202Blueocean unable to display inline pipeline script stage details
JENKINS-56191Setup wizard does not install Blue Ocean by default under "Install Suggested Plugins"
JENKINS-56171blue ocean pipeline cache misleading, at least needs a mechanism to clear
JENKINS-56168Extrem long loading times, when opening Blue Ocean dashboard, activity or branches view the first time
JENKINS-56090BlueMessageEnricher: Unable to enrich message (Please log in to access {branch})
JENKINS-55849cannot stop auto-scrolling in blue ocean console
JENKINS-55691Cannot edit build information in Blue Ocean UI
JENKINS-55623Triggered Builds link not visible in pipeline visualization
JENKINS-55599Blue Ocean markup formatter
JENKINS-55590Jenkins Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor for Ansible Plugin not allowing ExtraVars to be entered
JENKINS-55588blue ocean test results page lists passing tests, not failing ones
JENKINS-55537Firefox - Newlines not displayed in Blue Ocean shell step textarea
JENKINS-55438Allow sequential stages inside parallel in Scripted syntax
JENKINS-55427Blue Ocean display of sequential stages in parallel stages is flaky
JENKINS-55395Allow plugins to add links to Blue Ocean Dashboard
JENKINS-55393blue ocean stage name truncation for parallel sequential is too aggressive
JENKINS-55201BO PR view does not honor "Discover pull request" settings
JENKINS-55129Create a 'Label' option for Shell Scripts
JENKINS-55100[blue-ocean] Visual flakiness in pipeline stages display
JENKINS-55093multi branch job limit offset issue
JENKINS-55054Job summary report
JENKINS-55047Failed to get _links error when opening blueocean
JENKINS-54987BlueOcean not opening builds created within folders
JENKINS-54902Github Enterprise webhooks not setup when creating a pipeline via blue ocean
JENKINS-54880Cannot update credentials in a pipeline created by bluce ocean
JENKINS-54876Blueocean doesn't show TestNG Results
JENKINS-54875Pipeline view "header line" shows escape sequences for echo step
JENKINS-54739Accessing tests from BlueOcean UI results in http threads pegging cpu in (put)
JENKINS-54734Blue Ocean view for pipeline doesn't show strings which contain any job parameter value
JENKINS-54726add gerrit code review as a scm tool
JENKINS-54704Problem with some paths (folder) blue ocean jenkins Nginx reverse proxy
JENKINS-54605Default stage for post section
JENKINS-54544Allow Pipeline to add Badges to BlueOcean
JENKINS-54381Allow to specify a different team when creating a pipeline
JENKINS-54365Branch and commit fields are empty in BlueOcean UI Header-details element
JENKINS-54349Logs are not correctly shown when parallel stage are skipped by when directive
JENKINS-54285Changeset not reflective of Pull Request
JENKINS-54276blueocean does not confirm build stop/cancel
JENKINS-54220Include node name in Pipeline Run Details View
JENKINS-54104Blueocean cannot display 10 downstream jobs
JENKINS-54034"Restart Build" button in BlueOcean causes build to fail when groovy load() method is used
JENKINS-54010Support the visualization of two levels of parallelity in stages
JENKINS-53990Pipeline scheduling errors do not show up in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-53984Parallel task is showing the wrong status since moving to nested parallels.
JENKINS-53862Blue Ocean spinner animation uses 25-50% CPU
JENKINS-53809There is no correct "lastBuild" link when using the BlueOcean view.
JENKINS-53803Parallel sequential stages in Blue Ocean showing wrong status when one of the stages is UNSTABLE
JENKINS-53766Blue Ocean doesn't properly redirect when retrying stage in Firefox
JENKINS-53762Wrong graph when parallel stages block contains only one stage
JENKINS-53735Parallel sequential stages not showing Triggered Builds while Processing
JENKINS-53698edit git pipeline can not enter username/passowrd
JENKINS-53637Autocomplete plugin does not work in blueocean
JENKINS-53584Replayed build message is "replayed # $2"
JENKINS-53547Parallel sequential pipeline rendering appears distorted while jobs are running
JENKINS-53519"Caught a IllegalStateException traversing the graph for run" using currentBuild.rawBuild.delete()
JENKINS-53501Render sequential stages that are not in parallel
JENKINS-53496Artefact display should be collapsible and navigable as a tree structure
JENKINS-53375Edit pipeline icon missing if user does not have Job.Create permission
JENKINS-53350Pipeline graph fails to display per-step ErrorAction
JENKINS-53340If the step does not belong to the node, then the step information should not be returned.
JENKINS-53295error log should be collapsed by default too
JENKINS-53261Blue ocean should handle non-encoded URLs for jobs in folders
JENKINS-53258Allow adding blue ocean only descriptive text
JENKINS-53195Skip message for JUnit tests is not displayed in Blue Ocean interface
JENKINS-53169Classic UI: Add link: Click here to visualize pipeline in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-53141Test results: cannot hyperlink directly to a log line
JENKINS-53089Flow is not displayed correctly when sub pipeline is loaded
JENKINS-53069BlueOcean list view
JENKINS-53054blueocean should not show branches for non multibranch build
JENKINS-53043"This stage has no steps" error when using sshagent
JENKINS-53037Input approval not always updating UI
JENKINS-52976Blueocean Stop and Go to classic buttons not aligned
JENKINS-52938Timestamper plugin does not produce timestamps in BlueOcean UI
JENKINS-52923Error Signal Description not displayed in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-52900Invalid refspec in pull request. Doesn't check for changes in origin branch
JENKINS-52676Blue Ocean tests results should allow a cross-cut of test results per stage
JENKINS-52675Test executions in BlueOcean should show test ages
JENKINS-52595Blue Ocean dashboard long load due to parameterized builds?
JENKINS-52575[Blue Ocean] Visualization of sequential stage should be red when a child stage terminates with error()
JENKINS-52573Creating Jenkinsfile through blueocean for gitlab fails
JENKINS-52480blue ocean maven build issue
JENKINS-52276Unable to access BlueOcean from public IP
JENKINS-52227Cannot Connect to a Git repository using ssh
JENKINS-52100Blue Ocean Pipelines view does not reflect favorite pipelines in bottom non-favorite list
JENKINS-52065Blue Ocean not showing input step
JENKINS-52025I can edit my sequential declarative pipeline stages in the pipeline visualization plugin
JENKINS-52005catchError should give a visual hint in which stage the error occurred
JENKINS-51745Wrong elapsed time showing in blueocean
JENKINS-51636No pipeline when branch name contains space
JENKINS-51536Blue Ocean link on Pipeline Multibranch branch page redirects to wrong page
JENKINS-51529Use a single jenkinsfile across multiple git repos for pull requests?
JENKINS-51513Pipeline run results screen low-hanging fruit
JENKINS-51508Blue Ocean does not visualize failures in parallel stage post directives properly
JENKINS-51433Exactly same project one always pass but another one always failed with BlueOcean
JENKINS-51230Blue Ocean UI 1.5.0 gets stuck while running a big Pipeline job with parallel stages
JENKINS-51208Execution time of parallel steps displayed as max time among all steps in block
JENKINS-51186Possibly to have the options for input message restriction
JENKINS-51172wrong pause image in the train after accepting an input step
JENKINS-51050Blueocean paused for Input requested, but never asks for it
JENKINS-51022Last step of a multi-step always block fails if other steps in the stage failed
JENKINS-50943Increased code coverage for blueocean-personalization
JENKINS-50942Increased code coverage for blueocean-jwt
JENKINS-50941Increased code coverage for blueocean-dashboard
JENKINS-50923Blue Ocean: When step failed, the last step also marked failed
JENKINS-50905Number of failed Tests tops out at 99 - could be misleading?
JENKINS-50856Cannot connect to bitbucket server from Blueocean.
JENKINS-50818Activity/branches for some pipelines fail to load with no errormessage
JENKINS-50778step log does not auto-refresh
JENKINS-50715Pipeline fails with NPE due to Blue Ocean favorites
JENKINS-50657Blue Ocean should not display not ran parallel stages as success
JENKINS-50646There is no way to trigger a branch build in BO when no build exists yet
JENKINS-50596Average time display
JENKINS-50589Need to view Performance Plugin test results in BlueOcean UI
JENKINS-50580Use Full Display Name in Triggered Builds UI
JENKINS-50555BlueOcean Pipeline View - Add build time information
JENKINS-50531add the runPCT step to BO on a PR basis
JENKINS-50530Determine critical upstream dependencies of BO
JENKINS-50511BlueOcean quality audit for Evergreen
JENKINS-50464Add a Maven archetype for BO plugins
JENKINS-50462Artifacts tab presents everything as a flat list, making navigation time consuming
JENKINS-50449Post build steps appear in previous stage's steps
JENKINS-50387Don't working Blueocean with JWT
JENKINS-50337BlueOcean does not show steps after a parallel step inside a script block
JENKINS-50341Allow BlueOcean to add a mercurial local repository
JENKINS-50213SEVERE Could not find execution for run
JENKINS-50193Add Gitea support in blueocean plugin
JENKINS-50185Support Setting default language and ignore browser language
JENKINS-50183Blue ocean console logs are not real time.
JENKINS-50182Create Pipeline may time out
JENKINS-50150Parallel stage with when shown as ran, but it haven't
JENKINS-50139Blue Ocean UI on a failed build is confusing.
JENKINS-50117Overview of advanced pipeline is incorrect
JENKINS-50049Finally block with multiple statements shows try block status
JENKINS-49992The main page sorts pipelines alphabetically
JENKINS-49990Blue Ocean pipeline branches are not sorted by completion date
JENKINS-49966How to set parallel step results in Jenkins Pipeline?
JENKINS-49941IE stage name cut off
JENKINS-49828Commit viewer in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-49790Jenkins - Pipeline doesn't allow to execute external batch files with "Start" command in it.
JENKINS-49698Show/Enable "Run" button in Jenkins Blue Ocean multibranch pipeline activity tab
JENKINS-49694NPE in io.jenkins.blueocean.preload.PipelineActivityStatePreloader.getFetchData
JENKINS-49680[Blue Ocean][Jenkinsfile] repeat stage requests for both sequential and parallel stages
JENKINS-49656Input step link to Classic Jenkins navigates back to Blue Ocean
JENKINS-49655Limit to number of steps shown per parallel section
JENKINS-49654Display current pipeline state in dashboard
JENKINS-49637Simplify BlueOcean JS development experience
JENKINS-49571Post Section not available in Blue-Ocean
JENKINS-49569Pipeline archives artifacts with weird untraceable folder name
JENKINS-49516Blue-Ocean multibranch pipeline projects ignore system ssh_config
JENKINS-49354unable to configure private GitHub repository with collaborator token
JENKINS-49348BlueOcean misses a button to re-run a build
JENKINS-49277Show context dropdown for triggered jobs in Blue Ocean UI
JENKINS-49276Support for Copy Artifact input parameter type
JENKINS-49248Keep stage state after job finished instead of showing global job state in all stages
JENKINS-49190Text field for shell step does not show line breaks but saves them
JENKINS-49189Invalid pipelines cannot be edited and fail to show errors
JENKINS-49131Steps are not shown up in Blue Ocean when one of parallel stages is skipped due to "when" condition
JENKINS-49080Pressing 'Escape' in a Save File dialog closes build page
JENKINS-48980Add ability to hide skipped stages/ignore stages altogether (support DRY)
JENKINS-48973Add prev link to Blueocean API response
JENKINS-48903Blue Ocean job gets 404 when user isn't logged in
JENKINS-48879User is trapped if a parallel stage is skipped. Blueocean shows "Waiting for run to start" instead of log messages.
JENKINS-48859BlueOcean API parallel node duration in ms incorrect in declarative pipeline
JENKINS-48763Rebuild the jenkinsci/blueocean container immediately after the upstream container is built
JENKINS-48646Deleted branches are still Runnable from Blue Ocean
JENKINS-48554time displays are not localized correctly (on UK English)
JENKINS-48524Misc infrastructure errors are missing from step view. Blue ocean should default to showing a log tail at end of failed build.
JENKINS-48457Exclude user input delay from time estimates
JENKINS-48440Downstream Maven jobs have incorrect job URLs in SSEs
JENKINS-48373Running the ATH with Firefox Quantum (and MS Edge, and others)
JENKINS-48305Inconsistent rendering for WorkflowScript errors
JENKINS-48219Cannot create pipelines using BlueOcean as a non-Admin user
JENKINS-48198"TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined" for i18n title
JENKINS-48141Logging framework improvements
JENKINS-48125Automated Blue Ocean test cases using complex and/or buggy pipelines
JENKINS-48068Run Details screen shows stale data in pipeline graph when open/closed more than once
JENKINS-48066Activity tab for multibranch pipeline doesn't display new runs when branch filtering is active
JENKINS-47944Testability: Allow data- attributes to be added to RadioButtonGroup
JENKINS-47929Extensible run details tabs
JENKINS-47872Navigating from Classic to BO: projects w/o Jenkinsfiles go to Branches tab, where no "Create Pipeline" button is shown
JENKINS-47816Test coverage for clicking on a commit lozenge JENKINS-44888
JENKINS-47811Implement keyboard shortcuts in Selenium tests
JENKINS-47810Enable "flow" in CI build and fix flow errors
JENKINS-47799Blue Ocean shouldn't visualize the parallel keyword of a scripted pipeline directly
JENKINS-47694keyboard focus highlight color definition and implementaion
JENKINS-47654Page up / page down does not work on pipeline result screen
JENKINS-47638HTML publisher step cannot be edited in the pipeline editor
JENKINS-47633Unable to perform branch indexing when using Git SSH + auto-generated private key
JENKINS-47619Blue Ocean does not support ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition
JENKINS-47604blue ocean URL redirection converting %2F to %252F%
JENKINS-47592Blue Ocean auto-bundling can get into an infinite loop
JENKINS-47583BlueOcean cannot be build on windows
JENKINS-47568POST-JENKINS-42602: move core-js i18n to core-js plugin
JENKINS-47556Port highly problematic Nightwatch.js tests to Java Selenium
JENKINS-47489Opening and closing run will always open with the previous node selection
JENKINS-47419Check webhook create permissions on github pipeline creation
JENKINS-47417BlueOcean + Bitbucket Cloud always show "You don't have any open pull requests" in the PR tab
JENKINS-47396ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on some fast searches
JENKINS-47380Weird message for queued state in pipeline detail
JENKINS-47379Tagging and Release Management
JENKINS-47360Incorrect tooltip `common.state.aborted` and `common.state.queued` displayed for Pipeline branches
JENKINS-47349Parallel stage tool tip shows 0s for every stage irrespective of the execution time.
JENKINS-47343"Unhandled rejection: TypeError: Already read" error on pipeline creation
JENKINS-47250Support running a pipeline using specific git tag in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-47151Ability to completely disable the Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor
JENKINS-47149Validate accessibility of BO regarding recommendations from react/WAI
JENKINS-47057Trends support for JaCoCo in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-47044Test failures that are archived while a build is still running don't show up until run is finished
JENKINS-46941Parameters default to last ones provided in UI, instead of the one provided inside the Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-46904Smallish screens and larger zoom levels cause "Create Pipeline" button to not be clickable
JENKINS-46890Show start and end logs under 'Start' and 'End' node.
JENKINS-46875Jenkins Blueocean - Provide alternate/custom Jenkinsfile to pipeline editor
JENKINS-46867Move http publisher and jira extensions upstream to respective plugins
JENKINS-46801Jenkins Declarative Pipeline does not Support tags or filtering + other errors
JENKINS-46780Wallboard for Blue Ocean
JENKINS-46740Blueocean link to lastCompletedBuild results
JENKINS-46715Error steps may change to show up as errors in pipeline view
JENKINS-46707New login screen design
JENKINS-46656Bitbucket integration should use Atlassian Connect
JENKINS-46571Update URL scheme to remove URL encoding issues
JENKINS-46532Got "Error rendering PipelineRunGraph: TypeError: nodeStage is undefined" when removed steps from previous run
JENKINS-46521Non-multibranch pipelines do not have any changeset information
JENKINS-46490Dynamic parallel step appears two times with one element
JENKINS-46475Dockerfile panel does not support args or additionalBuildArgs in Blue Ocean Editor
JENKINS-46441After moving the job to a folder, the editor link is not available anymore
JENKINS-46372Lost full pipeline state on first run
JENKINS-46308Clicking pipeline name and 'activity' tab should clear branch filter
JENKINS-46303Hitting a GitHub Rate Limit in Pipeline creation flow gives ambiguous error
JENKINS-46240Too many favorited jobs causes loading issue with Blue Ocean
JENKINS-46231hidden parameter type is not supported by Blue Ocean
JENKINS-46223Multi-branch pipelines opened in the Editor are unable to display the correct default branch in the save dialog
JENKINS-46170Capability to add notes to stages (regardless of the actual result)
JENKINS-46126Multi-org support for PageStatePreloader
JENKINS-46015Specify parameters for input step
JENKINS-46014Specify parameters for build step
JENKINS-46012Set credentials as environment variables
JENKINS-45923Design for hosting distinct sets of unit test results per stage
JENKINS-45918Not able to view all change sets in blue ocean pipeline
JENKINS-45869Enforce @Restricted api calls and correct any faults found
JENKINS-45850Move "download all" artefacts into the message
JENKINS-45761Developer wants to see cucumber test results in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-45744Bitbucket support
JENKINS-45719Description for a pipeline run is not compatible and cannot be disabled
JENKINS-45671Developer wants to see the reason for the aborted run
JENKINS-45604Code has to use AbstractOrganization yet all API uses BlueOrganisation
JENKINS-45559Unstable tests in non CI environments (mac, windows)
JENKINS-45524Developer should be told which input type is not supported
JENKINS-45511Blue Ocean Favorite bug
JENKINS-45408Expanding collapsed steps on a failed Pipeline run causes the view port to scroll to the bottom of the page
JENKINS-45394ATH for Github Enterprise
JENKINS-45392ATH for Bitbucket Cloud
JENKINS-45389Activity/Branch page not multibranch after github creation
JENKINS-45380Errors on block-scoped steps not represented in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-45371incorrect message in multibranch pipeline Pull Requests view
JENKINS-45302Git creation not reliably showing the activity page with discovered pipelines
JENKINS-45251User Input text doesn't be formatted in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-45238Add support for organization avatars during GitHub Enterprise creation
JENKINS-45166Blue Ocean doesn't render exceptions in hidden stages
JENKINS-45118Per-test history in Test tab
JENKINS-45094Memory usage on dashboard, activity pages after browser is open a long time
JENKINS-45048Pipeline metrics
JENKINS-45022Pipeline duration should not include the time it was paused for input or waiting on resources
JENKINS-45014Developer is able to see which tests are intermittent
JENKINS-44982Filter branches and PRs by name/description on branch tab
JENKINS-44981Developer can see node steps within the step listing
JENKINS-44962Empty states for run screen
JENKINS-44934"Waiting in queue for…" indicator seems broken in some circumstances
JENKINS-44916Overloaded use of "X" for different behaviour
JENKINS-44912blue ocean test visualisation not showing reason for a skipped test
JENKINS-44869Activity tabs Run id column should expand to fit value
JENKINS-44867PR tab takes forever to load
JENKINS-44863Show only Pipeline jobs in Blue Ocean Dashboard
JENKINS-44731Migrate css for fast search out of core-js
JENKINS-44699Limit the number of lines that are shown for the log in the results page
JENKINS-44656Conflict between a folder named "pipelines" and the REST resource called "pipelines"
JENKINS-44637Investigate SSE/pubsub code quality
JENKINS-44622JDL form component improvements
JENKINS-44614Logs from wrapper steps are not shown in the step list
JENKINS-44593Upgrade to React 16
JENKINS-44592Upgrade nodejs, npm
JENKINS-44573User can show more log lines for a step
JENKINS-44549multibranchpipeline.branchNames is not updated when new branch is created (or deleted)
JENKINS-44493Missing nodes in during input step with parallel jobs
JENKINS-44466Allow plugins to override aspects of the Blue Ocean theme
JENKINS-44431content being loaded before CSS making horrible flickers
JENKINS-44353Log noise from PipelineEventListener after build fails with syntax error
JENKINS-44350Multibranch project gets confused and shows up as non multibranch on activity screen after a clean build
JENKINS-44326Admin Monitor visible in blue ocean
JENKINS-44273Blue Ocean does not show pre-steps logs
JENKINS-44197Support Perforce in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-44195Add timestamps to Blue Ocean log
JENKINS-44135Show message on activity screen if Pipeline is scanning
JENKINS-44134Release blue ocean javascript minified sources
JENKINS-44094Hide specific steps in build view
JENKINS-43988Support Subversion repositories in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-43976Support Gitlab in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-43956Handle when run is not found
JENKINS-43955Inconsistent design
JENKINS-43953Pipeline visualization
JENKINS-43952Pipeline usability
JENKINS-43951Allow use of double quoted strings for pipeline variables
JENKINS-43925Personal credential management
JENKINS-43843Developer should get feedback when declarative is pulling a docker image
JENKINS-43792Tidy up a sample plugin repo
JENKINS-43712unit test <LogConsole>
JENKINS-43706Replace PhantomJS as it is retiring
JENKINS-43689BlueOcean UI does not scale properly with custom font sizes.
JENKINS-43508Developer can specify parameters on rerun
JENKINS-43445Steps from shared libraries should be available from the editor
JENKINS-43435User education empty state updates for Run Details - Pipeline tab
JENKINS-43400Autofavorite broken on remote agents
JENKINS-43398Error within stage does not get shown as a step
JENKINS-43377Allow plugins to redirect to a custom index and not force /pipelines as default
JENKINS-43366Developer can see all the runs executing or queued
JENKINS-43359Cold boot and page load times improvements
JENKINS-43318Not built nodes should not be selectable
JENKINS-43317When developer opens/closes a step it should stop karaoke
JENKINS-43316 When developer selects text it should pause karaoke
JENKINS-43262It's difficult to tell whether the build is still running
JENKINS-43255Make refresh behaviour organization specific
JENKINS-43254After login, sometimes the UI does not get updated when the token is provided
JENKINS-43253When JWT token cannot be issued or is invalid the screen is blank
JENKINS-43251All links to the dashboard should link to the organization dashboard
JENKINS-43250Landing page route is made extensible
JENKINS-43206relax limit for karaoke nodes
JENKINS-43151Allow organisation to be set (randomised) in tests
JENKINS-43149Investigate breaking apart modules into separate repos
JENKINS-43114Artifact download button does not include pipeline.log
JENKINS-43113Release engineering
JENKINS-43096Form submission progress / error / success states
JENKINS-43082Investigate TypeScript
JENKINS-43001Editor should offer to save without running the Pipeline
JENKINS-42995Pipeline stages which include a shell script to cat a long log file can lock up the browser
JENKINS-42993The activity page will hang if too many jobs are run
JENKINS-42925Navigating to a folder results in an empty screen
JENKINS-42924Favourite pipelines working oddly when there is no default branch to favourite
JENKINS-42919Log improvements
JENKINS-42901Developer can sort the dashboard by name and recently run
JENKINS-42871Multibranch pipeline - unable to re-run branch job when there is other running job waiting for user input
JENKINS-42870Fragment remains part of the URL when navigating away from a build after showing full log of a build step
JENKINS-42869Navigating away from a build showing a very long 'full build log' freezes Firefox
JENKINS-42867Repeatedly updating the branch filter to the same value creates browser navigatione entries
JENKINS-42866Bogus line numbers shown for truncated output
JENKINS-42781Load more than 100 steps in a node
JENKINS-42750Developer can see Pipelines they have contributed to but have not favourited on the dashboard
JENKINS-42624Custom title for build steps
JENKINS-42601reduce or eliminate core-js footprint
JENKINS-42594Merged pull requests should be differentiated on Pull Request tab
JENKINS-42554Add steps has no "enter" action or "Add" button to get back to list or confirm
JENKINS-42507SCM Buttons should be disabled while pipeline creation is in-progress
JENKINS-42488Failed Pipelines have a confusing header with double X's
JENKINS-42451Developer can trigger a run from Activity when it is filtered to a branch
JENKINS-42434Support git parameter in Blue Ocean
JENKINS-42385Clean up JDL css colours
JENKINS-42358Internationalize creation strings
JENKINS-42353Should not be able to re-run a successful pipeline from a favourite card
JENKINS-42333Consolidate all the annoying urlconfig's and tidy up how corejs exports stuff
JENKINS-42242SauceLabs results not displayed on Blue Ocean
JENKINS-42218Refactor branch filtering control to share logic with JDL controls
JENKINS-42173Blue Ocean SDK design document - extensibility improvements
JENKINS-42137Don't fetch run data on an event if it not already in the store
JENKINS-42086Convert Blue Ocean Jenkinsfile to Declarative Pipeline
JENKINS-42081Inconsistent folder title "compaction"
JENKINS-42003Failure error when loading stalls
JENKINS-41971Support for parameters in editor
JENKINS-41970Configurable retention of runs
JENKINS-41969Support "when" in stage level config
JENKINS-41963Developer can configure tools
JENKINS-41962Environment variable and Tools widget needs a better empty state
JENKINS-41961Developer can change the order of stages
JENKINS-41912Investigate running ATH on all supported browsers
JENKINS-41869Pipeline views header max width of 1200px
JENKINS-41786Return a flag saying there is more data vs overfetching
JENKINS-41735Investigate acceptability of overall performance
JENKINS-41734User Education
JENKINS-41723Extension points for input parameters
JENKINS-41718Support Build Failure Analyzer with Blue Ocean
JENKINS-41709Blue Ocean doesnt render Active Choices parameters
JENKINS-41662Proceed button fails (investigate)
JENKINS-41644SCM providers could provide the format for their "commit id"
JENKINS-41643Developer should receive a notification if someone is editing the same Pipeline and branch
JENKINS-41552Header update
JENKINS-41534Classic parity
JENKINS-41533Username and password login, signup and reset pages
JENKINS-41509FavoriteCards which has no last run cannot be linked to detail view
JENKINS-41500Blue Ocean 404 page should set a 404 status code
JENKINS-41488Pipeline view automatically scrolls down
JENKINS-41460Escape to close the modal does not stop propagation (JDL)
JENKINS-41406Opening Blue Ocean from classic PR tab does not take you to the PR tab
JENKINS-41404Bitbucket support
JENKINS-41344Steps with "causeOfBlockage" should show indeterminate indicator
JENKINS-41281Improve test plugin compatibility
JENKINS-41212Analyse and optimize SSE event traffic going to browser
JENKINS-41155User can see the current running and queued jobs from blue ocean UI
JENKINS-41141Integrate with new SSE / error API's for better creation feedback
JENKINS-41139Refactor Creation UI code into git, github and bitbucket modules
JENKINS-41088Show "latest" run results via fixed URL (dashboard like feature)
JENKINS-41045Support ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition plugin
JENKINS-40980Slow connections can cause module loading to time out
JENKINS-40946Better client side logging
JENKINS-40941OPTIMIZATION: Pre-load /steps and /nodes REST calls on run details page
JENKINS-40933Optimize cold load time by concatinating common JS files
JENKINS-40888Developer can paginate through the changesets of a run
JENKINS-40887Update ChangeSet API for a span of failing runs to be inclusive
JENKINS-40884Display job parameters used for the run
JENKINS-40871UI support for milestone and lock
JENKINS-40672Display accepted Pipeline input parameters
JENKINS-40616publishHTML on blueocean
JENKINS-40407Clearer NPM dependency version synchronization across Blue Ocean HPIs and NPMs
JENKINS-40405Combined global "watch" + "slink" for multi-module
JENKINS-40404Javascript "slink" (or other) for multi-module projects
JENKINS-40403Javascript bundle:watch for multi-module projects
JENKINS-40401Automatic NPM dependency update in node_modules when working in "Dev Mode"
JENKINS-40397Support for run "list subversion tag" parameter type
JENKINS-40396Support for run input parameter type
JENKINS-40395Support for file input parameter type
JENKINS-40392Improving developer experience for blue ocean core developers and extenders
JENKINS-40367Investigate making use of categories in with SCM 2.0 API
JENKINS-40341Can not view stack trace for NUnit tests
JENKINS-40302Handle Pipelines that have many stages
JENKINS-40301Create ATH test for pull requests using mocks
JENKINS-40298Include automatically extracted licenses in plugin(s)
JENKINS-40211Developer can modify the settings of a Pipeline
JENKINS-40206Eliminate shrinkwrap pain
JENKINS-40108Plugin Compatibility
JENKINS-39892When the run fails with tests or another analysis then it should be more obvious
JENKINS-39847Improved visualization for multiple "parallel"s within the same stage block
JENKINS-39770Pipeline visualization not rendered when there is more that 100 nodes
JENKINS-39730Developer wants to see a list of JIRA tickets on changes tab
JENKINS-39660Blue Ocean weather icons are difficult to distinguish at smaller sizes
JENKINS-39659When I start a build I want it to be shown somewhere prominently
JENKINS-39634Support downloading of attachments for tests
JENKINS-39549Navigate back to Blue Ocean page after saving config
JENKINS-39544In app messaging for how to use autofavorites feature
JENKINS-39464Pipeline with parallel and no stages does not get visualised correctly
JENKINS-39426Favorite card should show ETA and current stage (if pipeline) for executing run
JENKINS-39227Link plugin dev docs on website
JENKINS-39124SSE ping check to confirm operational (diagnostic helper)
JENKINS-39039Fix and re-enable auto publishing of JDL doc site
JENKINS-38979Investigate tree api for plugins + dashboard
JENKINS-38883Stage circles fill in when ETA data is known per stage
JENKINS-38882Avoid browser cache busting after Jenkins restart
JENKINS-38876extension point improvements using decorators
JENKINS-37980Remove unneeded props passed to rendering of "" extension point
JENKINS-37909BlueOceanConfig does not set allowAnonymousRead correctly
JENKINS-37876Notify user of JWT clock skew
JENKINS-37840Cope with timed out JWT token
JENKINS-37742JWTAutheniticationToken does not play nice with session cookies
JENKINS-37379Some real-time favorite card statuses are not accurate
JENKINS-37251JDL button style should promote the secondary style as the default
JENKINS-37199Developer can see how long ago the run finished executing on the dashboard
JENKINS-36858Allow plugins to consume the less from the JDL
JENKINS-36296Test reporting
JENKINS-36291Pipeline Editor
JENKINS-36178Acceptance tests
JENKINS-36083Improve Error handling
JENKINS-36081Pipelines need to be marked as disabled when disabled
JENKINS-36058Show SCM repository where relevant
JENKINS-35809CI Job to run blueocean-acceptance-test on Windows
JENKINS-35757Building and running Blue Ocean On Windows
JENKINS-35223Allow configurable date/time format for all temporal fields in output
JENKINS-35874Stage duration trends
JENKINS-35806Make it clear when current run broke the build
JENKINS-35821API to return per node averages, and ETA based on history of execution
JENKINS-35801Replay of a run with modified Jenkinsfile
JENKINS-35739Log component
JENKINS-35776Bundle all licenses in the license directory and display them on /legal
JENKINS-35737Client side events
JENKINS-35867Motion for status indicators changing status
JENKINS-35762HipChat, Slack and Email notifications
JENKINS-35784Mobile/tablet friendly UI
JENKINS-35753Applications and Environments
JENKINS-35751Standalone administration tasks
JENKINS-35880UI for managing credentials
JENKINS-35758Getting started experience for Blue Ocean
JENKINS-35754User profiles and settings
JENKINS-35759API infra
JENKINS-35760Data Science
JENKINS-35851Inject static App Config into bootstrap page (index.jelly or whatever)
JENKINS-35761Dashboard and Personalisation
JENKINS-35742Pipeline summary
JENKINS-35750Pipeline Run result screen
JENKINS-35738Jenkins 2
JENKINS-35749UI Plugins
JENKINS-35747Tech Preview