AWS Secrets Manager Credentials Provider

🚀 New features and improvements

  • [feature] Use Jenkins proxy settings for Secrets Manager communication (#306) @presPetkov

Installation options

✍ Other changes

📦 Dependency updates

Installation options

🚀 New features and improvements

✍ Other changes

📦 Dependency updates

Installation options

✍ Other changes

📦 Dependency updates

  • Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.3 to 1.4 (#244) @dependabot
  • Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.0 (#240) @dependabot
  • Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df to 1.12.287-357.vf82d85a_6eefd (#241) @dependabot
  • Bump joda-time from 2.10.13 to 2.12.0 (#239) @dependabot
  • Bump bom-2.289.x from 1461.vb_3c6de28f2b_a_ to 1500.ve4d05cd32975 (#223) @dependabot

Installation options

🚀 New features and improvements

Installation options

👻 Automatic releases are now enabled

This comes with a new version number format, see the README (and

✍ Other changes

📝 Documentation updates

📦 Dependency updates

Installation options

🚀 New features and improvements

📦 Dependency updates

Installation options

🚀 New features and improvements

👻 Maintenance

📦 Dependency updates

  • Bump plugin from 4.33 to 4.37 (#191) @dependabot
  • Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.12.131-302.vbef9650c6521 to 1.12.163-315.v2b_716ec8e4df (#184) @dependabot

Installation options

This major version update removes the AWS Secrets Manager SecretSource plugin dependency. As a result, this plugin and that plugin are now fully independent.

To continue using both plugins, you will now need to ensure that both are installed:

  • If you manage your Jenkins plugins manually, check the Plugin Manager page on your Jenkins installation to confirm that both are present. Recent versions of the Credentials Provider plugin have brought in the SecretSource plugin as a transitive dependency, so in many cases no further action is needed.
  • If you use a config-as-code mechanism to manage Jenkins plugins, you will need to update the config to include the SecretSource plugin.

To use just one plugin or the other, you can now install and uninstall whichever you please.

💥 Breaking changes

📝 Documentation updates

  • Adding aws.region to the authentication documentation (#160) @jandroav

📦 Dependency updates

Installation options

🐛 Bug Fixes

📦 Dependency updates

Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options
Installation options