Bitbucket Server Integration

List of issues
JENKINS-75325serverId using JobDSL is not working
JENKINS-75277Pipeline Job configuration cannot suggest (autocomplete) the bitbucket project and repository fields
JENKINS-75228HMAC Capability for Atlassian Bitbucket Server Integration Plugin in Jenkins
JENKINS-75088Couldn't find any revision to build for PR build
JENKINS-74947Pull request builds dont show up in build list of the pull request
JENKINS-74935In 'Adding Bitbucket Server Instance', allow SSH URLs
JENKINS-74807Cannot send authorized callback to bitbucket
JENKINS-74799PR builds don't work on Bitbucket Server Integration
JENKINS-73854Bitbucket Server consumers with bitbucket app link is incompatible
JENKINS-73680Failures to fetch Pull request refs from a mirror
JENKINS-73637Project Name Must be Project Key When Configuring Webhooks via Job DSL
JENKINS-73502GIT_BRANCH Variable Now Contains the Remote Name
JENKINS-73494[QUESTION] How to set custom environments for JBitbucket server integration
JENKINS-73395Unable to Trigger a Jenkins Build manually
JENKINS-73117Support for the parameterized builds
JENKINS-73085Git Parameter does not work with BitBucket Server Integration plugin
JENKINS-73066This plugin inefficiently retrieves the credential from system configuration every time
JENKINS-73032Cannot use serverName as alternative to serverId using JobDSL
JENKINS-72907Triggering Bitbucket Pull Request Builds on the correct branch in Freestyle projects
JENKINS-72896Support custom refspec
JENKINS-72721Discovered Pull Requests are not merged against target branch when being built
JENKINS-72684Build notifications do not use job credentials but the global credentials
JENKINS-72681Discovered Pull Requests are named with the PR ID instead of the PR title
JENKINS-72680Filter by Name on Discovered Pull Requests filters against PR ID instead of PR title
JENKINS-72573The Bitbucket Server Integration plugin for Jenkins does not always report build status
JENKINS-72350Bitbucket Server Integration plugin does send correct Source Branch to build status API
JENKINS-72053Jenkins integration plugin: Add capability to use centralized Jenkinsfile for building multiple Bitbucket projects/repositories
JENKINS-71903Bitbucket Webhook starts new job on pipeline despite "Branches to build" configuration
JENKINS-71864Need a feature to continue build trigger from Jenkins when "Branches to Build" option in Pipeline Jobs is specified to specific branch and pull request is opened using different source branch to "Branches to build" relevant branch.
JENKINS-71826Authentication error when attempting to clone using secret text credentials
JENKINS-71770Document "branchName" serialization compatibility between Bitbucket Server Integration 3.5.0 and 3.6.0
JENKINS-71682Allow filtering of triggering per branch
JENKINS-71610Http timeout for bitbucket server is not configurable
JENKINS-71595Pull request update events do not trigger mirror jobs
JENKINS-71385Atlassian Bitbucket Plugin Support for CasC
JENKINS-70806Mirrors listening for pull request events building old commits
JENKINS-70720Bitbucket add-on used to allow SSH-only builds, but now requires a "Credentials (for build auth)" user/password to be specified
JENKINS-70696Plugin logging message showing class and instance ID and not actual status
JENKINS-70484Receive Webhook requests POST content in build
JENKINS-70285Document support for Secret Text credential type in the plugin
JENKINS-70012Perform lightweight checkout on tags
JENKINS-69745Allow refspec with Bitbucket Server Plugin (BbS)
JENKINS-69449any job connected to specific bitbucket repository with "Bitbucket Server" updates last commit status
JENKINS-69406Jenkins Templating Engine Support
JENKINS-69203Button to add new branches not showing in pipeline SCM configuration
JENKINS-69199Document how to restrict building to only build PRs
JENKINS-69004Allow configuration of how unstable build in jenkins maps to bitbucket
JENKINS-68921Add the functionality to support multi-folder configuration
JENKINS-68636Wrong tests and artifact url
JENKINS-68589Provide sysprop option to disregard HTTP/HTTPS protocol when accepting webhooks
JENKINS-68134Bitbucket link points to non-existant project on pipeline jobs
JENKINS-67890Specify a remote name different from the repository slug
JENKINS-67593Provide logging for BitbucketClientException when attempting to fetch mirror from non-DC instance
JENKINS-67437No build created on PR creation in mulitbranch
JENKINS-67377Add more Pull Request trigger events for plugin
JENKINS-67151Bitbucket Integration plugin triggers builds for wrong branches while set to work with PR triggers only
JENKINS-66940CAPTCHA challenges not addressable from within Jenkins
JENKINS-66844Add dependabot configuration to Github repository
JENKINS-66832Add release notes to GitHub releases of Bitbucket Server Integration
JENKINS-66685BitbucketWebhookTriggerImplTest#testTriggerPollingSubsequentBuildNow is unstable and ignored
JENKINS-66006Configure app link using jcasc
JENKINS-65509"Repository name" in the first Bitbucket Server branch source clears when I change "Project name" in another branch source of the same multibranch project
JENKINS-65487Bitbucket Server Integration vs. concurrent builds
JENKINS-65466Permit valid job configurations with SSH credentials only
JENKINS-65314Support Multi-configuration jobs of Jenkins in Bitbucket Builds
JENKINS-65309Creating pull requests through the commit id's
JENKINS-65050Support triggering builds on tag creation
JENKINS-64952Enable support for TLS Client Certificate Auth
JENKINS-64883Bitbucket triggers don't actually start Jenkins jobs
JENKINS-64801Support for Job DSL
JENKINS-64748Bitbucket Server Integration fails cloning submodule using relative path
JENKINS-64711Build status notification fails. But works without the Bitbucket server consumer configured?
JENKINS-64691Stable API for reading REST URL from BitbucketSCMSource
JENKINS-64484"Ignore on push notification" not working with multiple multibranch pipeline on the same repository
JENKINS-63725Support Bitbucket personal access tokens
JENKINS-63672Provide support for discovering pull requests from forks
JENKINS-63666Runtime Branch Specifier
JENKINS-63611Please provide pipeline step to notify build status
JENKINS-63390Personal access token should be optional in instance configuration
JENKINS-63349Multibranch Pipeline Source for Bitbucket server shows blank "Bitbucket Server instance" when Configured with Job DSL
JENKINS-63186Allow setting ID for personal access token
JENKINS-62919Specifying a committer whose commits should be ignored
JENKINS-62837Use SSH credentials stored in .ssh directory as well as those specified in Jenkins
JENKINS-62057Webhook triggering job with no SCM
JENKINS-62002SCM API 2.0 support for Bitbucket Server Integration
JENKINS-61606Gracefully handle missing Jenkins root URL
JENKINS-61431Automatically Scan Bitbucket Server Project for Repositories
JENKINS-61277Document that Bitbucket Server admin token credential secures itself by forcing to SYSTEM scope
JENKINS-60341Allow configuring the plugin to use Jenkins domain credentials
JENKINS-60340BitBucket payload information is not injected in the Jenkins build