Artifact Manager on S3

List of issues
JENKINS-74876Incorrect Auth Region For Custom Endpoint
JENKINS-73915requested location il-central-1, which is not in the configured locations
JENKINS-73772AWS SDK Deprecation warning in artifact-manager-s3
JENKINS-7341160 Million ListBucket API call a month by Artifact S3 Manager
JENKINS-73077Exception when using a PrivateLink AWS VPC endpoint
JENKINS-73036Downloading S3 artifacts from Jenkins is taking forever
JENKINS-73019custom S3 service endpoint 400 deletion error
JENKINS-72204Folders created in bucket are prefixed with null
JENKINS-72064Artifacts are not displayed in the interface when using custom S3 endpoint
JENKINS-71768Race condition when copying archived artifacts in another job
JENKINS-71410Stashing fails with " This archive contains unclosed entries"
JENKINS-71078"GetBucketLocation" error when trying to use Digital Ocean Spaces
JENKINS-70651Allow retrieval of S3 paths for separate downloads
JENKINS-70605Unstash with custom endpoint still uses
JENKINS-70482java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.jclouds.softlayer.SoftLayerProviderMetadata not a subtype
JENKINS-70413Add ability to save artifacts in S3 Standard-IA Storage Class
JENKINS-70252Artifact Manager on S3 does not delete artifacts from s3 when job is deleted
JENKINS-69654Expose artifact S3 location
JENKINS-65682Artifact link is not shown when using the Google Cloud buckets
JENKINS-65323pipeline-maven-plugin + artifactsPublisher on S3 fail with jdk11
JENKINS-64961Can't preview and download as .zip artifacts when they stored in S3
JENKINS-64402Broken pipe (Write failed) on archiving large artifacts
JENKINS-61936AWS Artifact-Manager-S3-plugin uploads in series not parallel
JENKINS-61229Renaming a project makes it lose its artifacts
JENKINS-60415Deleting project does not delete artifacts from S3
JENKINS-57317Exception when checking 'Validate S3 Bucket configuration'
JENKINS-56795Inline single BlobStoreProvider into JCloudsArtifactManagerFactory in GUI
JENKINS-54865Can't store artifacts in the s3 bucket named with dots
JENKINS-52076NPE when the ~/.aws configuration does not exists
JENKINS-51771Use Jenkins proxy configuration
JENKINS-51535Warning in logs when Artifact Manager S3 is enabled && misconfigured but the build has not artifacts
JENKINS-51183Create a demo Integration testing flow for Artifact Manager S3