Zephyr for JIRA Test Management

The Jenkins project announced unresolved security vulnerabilities affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-73326Whenever all the test cases gets passed from the automation, The result is successfully published to the Zephyr but whenever a single test case gets failed result is not published
JENKINS-70336UI issue on Jenkins Documentation page
JENKINS-69888Test framework Result File path for JUnit XML Result file does not retain path value
JENKINS-68314Jenkins config changes cannot be saved after installing zephyr-for-jira-test-management-plugin(v1.5)
JENKINS-62050Plugin only accepts one edition of Jira configuration
JENKINS-61829403 error while fetching the JIRA projects in jenkins
JENKINS-59963Cant save Jenkins config after installing Zephyr
JENKINS-58719Support for Configuration as Code
JENKINS-58059Invalid Zepher credentials Error occurs w/ valid credentials
JENKINS-56990 Executed with existing tests in Jira instead of creating new ones
JENKINS-52863Issue while publishing results to JIRA from Jenkins
JENKINS-51826Zephyr for JIRA not showing in list of available Jenkins post-build actions
JENKINS-51358Zephyr For JIRA connector form error: publish-over-ssh do not save configuration
JENKINS-50667Unable to add post-build action for Zephyr intergration
JENKINS-48658java.lang.NullPointerException when publishing to Jira
JENKINS-47873Receiving a different error now
JENKINS-53287[zephyr-for-jira-test-management] - ZephyrforJiraPlugin: Security risk when the job is misconfigured
JENKINS-44468Test results couldn't be updated in Jira sometimes
JENKINS-43884java.lang.NullPointerException when publish result to JIRA cloud
JENKINS-43833Problem to save options in Jenkins
JENKINS-43552The Zephyr for Jira LICENSE does not have a copyright owner
JENKINS-434781.5 Snapshot fails test
JENKINS-43146java.lang.NullPointerException when publish JUnit.xml result to Zephyr for Jira
JENKINS-42815Zephyr 1.4 breaks Configure page
JENKINS-40060Zephyr for JIRA can not list the projects
JENKINS-38137Adding Jira Server Error: This is not a valid Jira Server
JENKINS-36316Zephyr for jira plugin in Jenkins change to configure JIRA server inside of Jenkins job instead of global setting
JENKINS-34222Zephyr for JIRA hangs while recording results, and throws NPE while stopping the hanged job
JENKINS-32801Pipeline build step for Zephyr for Jira
JENKINS-32165Null pointer exception when importing xml result