Xcode integration

List of issues
JENKINS-72880Default keychain unset during xcodebuild when keychainId is used instead of keychainPath
JENKINS-72791Xcode plugin should support downloading .xip files
JENKINS-70273The plugin doesn't catch unit tests's logs with XCode 14
JENKINS-69593Getting NPE when trying to build
JENKINS-63763xcode integration ipa file name is not change
JENKINS-62569profileId is not saved in config.xml
JENKINS-62471Xcode Plugin - Unable to run Unit Tests
JENKINS-59798Support notarizing as a build step
JENKINS-57359Info upgrade version
JENKINS-56153NullPointerException occur when xcodebuild -list -workspace
JENKINS-55753Not able to generate build With Xcode 10.1
JENKINS-55366I have build the .ipa file in mac i have issue
JENKINS-55207NPE at au.com.rayh.BuildConfiguration.<init>(BuildConfiguration.java:47)
JENKINS-54973Not able to generate build With Xcode 10
JENKINS-53966Import Developer Profile in to keychain.
JENKINS-53663Xcode 10 parallel builds are not supported
JENKINS-53647Xcode 10 Support for iOS Build Teams
JENKINS-52770started.FATAL: Log statements out of sync: current test suite 'Target_Test.xctest' not exists
JENKINS-52741have to supply all arguments when calling from pipeline
JENKINS-51850Functions of xcode plugin "Change Bundle ID" does not work properly.
JENKINS-51177For Xcode9 and above,not able to export the archive
JENKINS-48606dSYM being archived from the wrong directoty
JENKINS-48590Failed to export
JENKINS-47744xcodebuild export step fails due to empty exportPlist
JENKINS-46623evey build ending with ARCHIVE FAILED
JENKINS-46495You have to provide a value for either the marketing or technical version. Found neither.
JENKINS-45509Xcode 9 requires provisioning profile to be specified when using manual code signing
JENKINS-45363Build failed: No iOS profile matching 'xxx/xxx_dist' found:
JENKINS-45307Created Manifest Plist file does not contain bundle identifier and display name
JENKINS-45190Xcode plugin 2.0.0 no longer zips dSYMs as in previous versions
JENKINS-44744Cannot add a build step from XCode plugin 2.0.0 on IE 11
JENKINS-44574xCode plugin build Archives always.
JENKINS-43241String index out of range: 15
JENKINS-41052Wrong case when calling ld in xcode plugin
JENKINS-40923Need a way to set XCode capabilities
JENKINS-40588provisioning profile not found when build with jenkins
JENKINS-40186Unable to create IPA file for an iOS project (while build status is SUCCESS)
JENKINS-39886unable to add xcode buildstep in IE11
JENKINS-39666xcode plugin hangs when using workspace
JENKINS-39242Code Signing ==> user inetraction is not allowed
JENKINS-38792Xcode plugin crash
JENKINS-38757target parameter is not optional
JENKINS-38631NullPointerException when packaging IPA (XCode plugin 1.4.11 & Jenkins 2.23)
JENKINS-38500No failure tags in test reports
JENKINS-37560Export KEYCHAIN_NAME environment variable
JENKINS-37072Jenkins iOS Build Error - FATAL: Log statements out of sync: current test case was null"
JENKINS-36901Can I archive with xcode, but with Jenkins fail, error with bridging-header
JENKINS-36556xcode plugin still uses PackageApplication command which causes ResourceRules.plist problems
JENKINS-35325Cant build the Xcode based automated build - provisioning profile not found
JENKINS-34921Jenkins user isn't setup on mac with access to system keystore
JENKINS-34761Can not submit Build, as ResourceRules.plist is deprecated.
JENKINS-33697Documentation available but not showing for "Clean test reports?"
JENKINS-33696No test results generated
JENKINS-33267Write CFBundleVersion aka BuildNumber in plist
JENKINS-33179Only one Xcode step, needs to be many
JENKINS-32977Support test log parsing for the cases when multiple destinations were specified
JENKINS-32873check expiry date of certificate
JENKINS-32699Allow piping output from XCode plugin through xcpretty
JENKINS-32576Add feature to export xcarchive into IPA
JENKINS-32380can't build ios Project which has two targets and has the different buddle id and profile
JENKINS-31723Developer profile is broken after saving credentials again
JENKINS-31506Distribution plist doesn't expand variables
JENKINS-31452IPA and DSYM files are not cleaned the right way
JENKINS-31398Archive no longer works
JENKINS-31147Jenkins Xcode plugin cannot build IPAs anymore
JENKINS-31072Xcode Plugin produce many diagnostic messages from ibtool, that are not surfaced by the default Xcode build process
JENKINS-31051Need Xcode plugin update for building iPhone apps which has iWatch extension
JENKINS-31048X code Integration plugin problem
JENKINS-31016when build workspace wrong build output directory detected
JENKINS-30979Unlock Keychain integrate with Developer Profile
JENKINS-30714Changing product bundle identifier is not it in all the places.
JENKINS-30610Unparseable date when executing unit tests
JENKINS-29487stringRep should be a non-empty string, but it's an empty string
JENKINS-29480Xcode plugin: dSYMs for embedded frameworks are not packaged
JENKINS-29106Cannot have more than one Apple Developer Profile
JENKINS-28563allow configuration of derivedDataPath parameter
JENKINS-28267When building IPA - Expand 'Output directory' with extra variables
JENKINS-27854iOS Unit Tests hang after Jenkins Update
JENKINS-27579Jenkins error: /usr/bin/codesign --force failed exit code 1
JENKINS-27196CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR custom value is partly ignored for Archive action
JENKINS-26978Wrong capitalization in "Build step 'XCode' marked build as failure"
JENKINS-26924Building Test Target with xcode - XCTestCase
JENKINS-26534Cannot run tests and set custom arguments
JENKINS-26368Technical Version / Marketing Version Not Updating
JENKINS-24980Keychain Management issue.
JENKINS-24077Expose some environment variables of xcodebuild command
JENKINS-22883Building the xcode project on real iOS devices.
JENKINS-22802assets.car code sign failure
JENKINS-21825Xcode Plugin does not override code signing and provision settings
JENKINS-21375XCode 5 needs more parameters to store xcarchive
JENKINS-21237Jenkins should use LaunchAgents under OSX
JENKINS-20916Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found
JENKINS-20653support xctool to build without xcodebuild
JENKINS-20577Add support for buildaction like "test"
JENKINS-20206Packaging an IPA failure
JENKINS-20048Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found.
JENKINS-19924Removes previous .ipa files
JENKINS-19595Support multiple targets to be specified
JENKINS-18181INFOPLIST_FILE with Environment Variable breaks IPA Packaging
JENKINS-18056Collect set of projects for integration tests
JENKINS-17729Parsing issues with XCode plugin
JENKINS-17457get a "non-existing directory" problem when making an IPA after building a workspace.
JENKINS-17455need documentation about using this with the Xcode plugin, to build an ipa file
JENKINS-17184Allow setting a custom timeout when unlocking the keychain
JENKINS-16771Xcode plugin doesn't read the Source Trees setting from the IDE
JENKINS-16658Job run from Jenkins is removing the 'Yes' option in 'Generate Test Coverage Files' and 'Instrument Program Flow' in X code
JENKINS-16113Quiet Feature - I would like to be able to suppress everything except warning and errors. Too much information gets posted to the console.
JENKINS-15941Xcode PlugIn can't properly build an IPA when the "Info.plist File" build setting contains a variable
JENKINS-15708Xcode Plugin not expanding $(SRCROOT) variable
JENKINS-15623Enabling parameters for Target and Configuration
JENKINS-15118Avgtool does not Find Project File when Setting Technical Version in Xcode Build Step for Workspace-Based Project
JENKINS-13772Produce tokens with Token Macro plugin
JENKINS-12852Automating the management of iOS provisioning profiles
JENKINS-12653Need Plugin for passing credentials to Post Script in XCode Builds
JENKINS-12563Build multiple configuration
JENKINS-12534Problem with swedish char åäö
JENKINS-12153Setting bundle identifier and app display name from build settings