Pipeline: Supporting APIs

List of issues
JENKINS-66001Want a way to disable fsync(2) for Pipeline but retaining atomicity
JENKINS-59990values set by environment directive are not captured for RunWrapper.getBuildVariables
JENKINS-57748CpsFlowExecution java.io.IOException in org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.support.DefaultStepContext.getListener
JENKINS-57103No signature of method: org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.getBuildVariables()
JENKINS-56252Futures.addCallback uses method deleted in Guava 21
JENKINS-54535Expose build parameters in RunWrapper
JENKINS-54477Getting an accurate build result when sending a notification from Pipeline is harder than it needs to be
JENKINS-52416Random AccessDeniedExceptions in jenkins.err.log
JENKINS-51091Make test results available on currentBuild
JENKINS-46376Allow getting log through RunWrapper
JENKINS-40057Stage view is completely missing for long durations after restarts
JENKINS-32192Hyperlinks quietly fail when JenkinsLocationConfiguration incorrect
JENKINS-32146Last step misleadingly marked as blue even though build status is FAILURE
JENKINS-27574RunWrapper.setResult() should be force set
JENKINS-25925More polite reporting of NotSerializableException