WebSphere Deployer

The Jenkins project announced unresolved security vulnerabilities affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-69855Unable to deploy application in IBM WAS using Websphere Deployer plugin
JENKINS-67481unable to deploy ear into ibm websphere9 using Jenkins
JENKINS-65742WebSphere 9.0 deployment - Could not determine if artifact is installed - General Exception
JENKINS-62554Unable to deploy EAR to Websphere using deployer plugin
JENKINS-62480Deployment to Web sphere- Replacing existing ear along with web sphere configuration
JENKINS-61874WebSphere deploy fails due to missing dependencies
JENKINS-61128Unable to install EAR through websphere-plugin to Remote WebSphere v9.0.0.11
JENKINS-60760Pipeline For WebSphere Deployment procedure
JENKINS-59997Websphere deployment plugin expects ant GLOB pattern while deploying a war file to WAS 8.5
JENKINS-55286Websphere Deployer should be able to include the deployejb flag
JENKINS-54882Websphere Deploy Plugin Error ADMC0016E
JENKINS-53278unable to connect to webspehere liberty 8.5
JENKINS-52705WebSphere Deployer Plugin Results in No Such Algorithm Exception
JENKINS-52355Deploy Plugin Fails in WebSphere 7.0
JENKINS-52219Deploy Plugin Fails to deploy an ear file properly in WebSphere
JENKINS-51167Unable to inject job parameter in Websphere Deployer plugin ear path
JENKINS-51017Unable to determine Parameter value in parameterized job with Web Sphere Deployement (EAR path)
JENKINS-50159connection Issue with web-sphere liberty profile.
JENKINS-48550Cannot find the required IBM WebSphere Application Server jar files in '<Jenkins_Root>\plugins\websphere-deployer\WEB-INF\lib\'. Please copy them from IBM WebSphere Application Server (see plugin documentation)
JENKINS-48444always got null problem when building the job
JENKINS-48240How to configure parameters in websphere from jenkins, before a deployment
JENKINS-46392Class Not Found error when testing WAS 8.5 Connection
JENKINS-41536IBM Websphere resource mapping
JENKINS-41160java.lang.LinkageError :loading constraint violation:loader "hudson/PluginFirstClassLoader..."
JENKINS-40089Error while deploying ear to WAS
JENKINS-38574Add Support For Cert Chain
JENKINS-37375Pipeline build step for Websphere Deployer plugin
JENKINS-31713Need a feature to allow mapping the deployed application with the specified modules. Also a function to restart the application servers
JENKINS-30250StackOverflowError in Websphere Deployer when running Jenkins with IBM J9 JVM
JENKINS-29384Support deployment to Liberty apps directory