Venafi CodeSign Protect

This is a patch release with backward compatible bug fix!

Bug fix:

  • Add public getCredential method to solve Syntax generator bug that throws an UI error step <object of type io.jenkins.plugins.venaficodesigning.SignToolVerifyBuilder> exception.

Installation options

This is a new minor release with backward compatible changes!

New feature for handling Folder credentials using a Role authentication plugin like Role-based Strategy plugin

Breaking changes:

  • After installing this release you should reassign all credentials, since they are moved over to the Build / Pipeline section.
  • Consult the for examples how to include credentials into a freestyle project or pipeline function.

Non-breaking changes:

  • Minor documentation updates regarding product naming.
  • Added a new dependency in the pom file for using the cloudbees folder plugin.

Installation options

This is a new minor release with backward compatible changes!

Important to ensure you are running at least version 2.361.2 or greater!

Possible breaking changes:

  • Updates to Jenkins core 2.361.2 and introducing JDK11.

Non-breaking changes:

  • Upgrades credentials plugin (included in bom) to solve outstanding issue.
  • Upgrade base plugins towards bom-2.361.x, version 1607.va_c1576527071
  • Bumps various dependencies versions in order to fix their security issues.
  • Minor documentation updates.
  • Minor Actions updates to make the workflow JDK11 compatible.

Installation options
Installation options