
List of issues
#203chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1319.v7eb_51b_3a_c97b_ to 1405.vb_cda_74a_f8974
#202chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 789.v57a_725b_63c79 to 840.v812f627cb_578
#198chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 789.v57a_725b_63c79 to 822.824.v14451b_c0fd42
#197chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:structs from 325.vcb_307d2a_2782 to 338.v848422169819
#196chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1319.v7eb_51b_3a_c97b_ to 1371.1373.v4eb_fa_b_7161e9
#195chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plain-credentials from 179.vc5cb_98f6db_38 to 183.va_de8f1dd5a_2b_
#191chore(deps): bump org.codehaus.mojo:native2ascii-maven-plugin from 2.0.1 to 2.1.1
#190chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api from 6.4.2-1 to 6.6.0-2
#189chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:plugin-util-api from 3.8.0 to 5.1.0
#187Merge release 4.0 commits on master back to develop
#170Why can't I use version UiPath.CLI.Windows.23.4.8853.17107 with version UiPath Plugin 3.1?
#166CloudBees CI Support
#157Nuget is Unable to load the service index for source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json.
#155UiPath Jenkins Plugin publish Process when created with “Windows” Compatibility Failing
#154UiPath Jenkins Plugin publish Process/Package when created with “Windows” Compatibility
#153UiPathPack output package doesn't have lib directory, the package cannot run on uipath cloud
#151Multibranch pipeline Workspace env var fix and refactoring the code
#150Unable to override default UIPath version with latest 3.0 plugin
#138Issue packing library with non-public xaml files
#112Unnecessary dependency on localization-support plugin
#110UiPathTest Not able to Write Test Result even if test set executed successfully on Orchestrator
#107Unable to package a library using UiPathPack
#89Deactivate Remote Package Feeds
#88Error after Update to Version 2.8.0 Unable to connect to the remote server