Edgewall Trac

The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-43196Trac links missing on individual Build and Job Changes page for Pipeline builds
JENKINS-25850not working for matrix builds
JENKINS-20250NullPointerException when saving job config
JENKINS-17261Trac plugin not working with Jenkins 1.506
JENKINS-13456Improve Trac publisher plugin comment
JENKINS-13365Support multiple repositories URL
JENKINS-10353Support global configuration of trac url/scm browser
JENKINS-7032Trac plugin creates wrong links
JENKINS-2176link to changeset when browsing changes
JENKINS-592Adding new settings to the Trac plugin