JENKINS-75104 | timestamper plugin stops adding timestamps part way through console log display | | |
JENKINS-73683 | Full log with ANSI output: Timestamps don't match records in log, some are missing | | |
JENKINS-72863 | Fail to show the timestamp when i have set the build environment of 'Add timestamps to the Console Output' | | |
JENKINS-72470 | timezone offset ignores DST in builds | | |
JENKINS-72411 | Gradle plugin pipeline console annotator doesn't work with global timestamper | | |
JENKINS-72301 | Wrong time zone | | |
JENKINS-71462 | Lack of timestamps | | |
JENKINS-71070 | Allow to disable timestamps for specific pipelines when "Enabled for all Pipeline builds" is enabled | | |
JENKINS-70291 | Support using Timestamper with Log Parser | | |
JENKINS-70235 | Timestamps are not monotone | | |
JENKINS-69130 | Confusing "System clock time" option in side panel when "-Dorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone" is set | | |
JENKINS-68760 | timestamper shows wrong time on [View as plain text] link | | |
JENKINS-68718 | Timestamper does not produce timestamps | | |
JENKINS-67723 | Programmatically set Timestamper plugin "Enabled for all Pipeline builds" option | | |
JENKINS-67266 | durationMillis must not be negative in timestamper | | |
JENKINS-66707 | Seemingly incorrect timestamps in console log | | |
JENKINS-66131 | Timestamps do not exist for job start and end | | |
JENKINS-65738 | File handle leak in timestamper plugin | | |
JENKINS-64266 | Timestamper script erroring on Firefox | | |
JENKINS-63991 | Unable to jump to specific timestamp in consoleFull log. | | |
JENKINS-63783 | timestamper plugin occurred file already exists exception after build a job | | |
JENKINS-60889 | Add example global config to Readme and wiki pages | | |
JENKINS-60888 | allProjects flag in config file not respected | | |
JENKINS-60726 | Print two lines to each line if use Timestamper and Color Ansi Console Output | | |
JENKINS-59788 | Timestamps missing for agent-based steps in Pipeline Job 2.190.1 | | |
JENKINS-57809 | Default timestamp formats should not be boldfaced | | |
JENKINS-57212 | Global setting to change the default for browser time zone | | |
JENKINS-57163 | Using timestamps prevents parallel thread's catch block from executing sleep | | |
JENKINS-57080 | Cannot hide Pipeline output when using Timestamps | | |
JENKINS-56457 | Regression in timestamper 1.9: Start of maven plugins is logged with different format | | |
JENKINS-55908 | Xvfb does not work when wrap([$class: 'Xvfb']) is defined inside timestamps | | |
JENKINS-52938 | Timestamper plugin does not produce timestamps in BlueOcean UI | | |
JENKINS-48482 | Timestamps relative to last line, arbitrary line, build step | | |
JENKINS-38789 | Provide pipeline example that enables timestamper if is available | | |
JENKINS-34019 | ANSIColor plugin leaks format onto next line's timestamp | | |
JENKINS-31168 | display current elapsed time (and time since) | | |
JENKINS-21453 | Add timestamps to console output for Promotions | | |
JENKINS-18826 | Ability to change the timestamp format on a per-job basis | | |
JENKINS-17312 | Additional option for showing elapsed time per line in the execution log | | |
JENKINS-7637 | Please support date format independent of language setting | | |