JENKINS-75256 | throttleJobProperty Not Work As Expected When maxConcurrentTotal=1 | | |
JENKINS-72869 | Concurrent multi category throttleing not working with a single jenkins controller and a docker host running jenkins docker agents | | |
JENKINS-72669 | Throttling on manually first triggered jobs of multibranch pipeline does not work | | |
JENKINS-72506 | Builds of jobs with the same name in different folders throttle each other | | |
JENKINS-71636 | maxConcurrentPerNode not working | | |
JENKINS-71151 | Issues configuring ThrottleJobProperty as template parameter | | |
JENKINS-69648 | Plugin does not work when builders are dockers triggered | | |
JENKINS-69522 | throttle-concurrent-builds not work on scripted pipeline | | |
JENKINS-69025 | Massive build slowdown with scripted pipeline (and some plugins?) and many builds in queue | | |
JENKINS-68800 | Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin not working | | |
JENKINS-68728 | Abort previous builds with identical parameters | | |
JENKINS-67215 | Throttle Concurrent Builds of Declarative Pipelines triggered by Webhooks doesn't work | | |
JENKINS-67181 | Support paramsToUseForLimit as OR And not only as AND | | |
JENKINS-66534 | throttle current build not working when 2 or more build starts at same time with same parameter | | |
JENKINS-66278 | Facing intermittent throttling issue with Jenkins | | |
JENKINS-64606 | Throttled jobs get throttled when jobs running, but all throttled jobs start together once running job is finished | | |
JENKINS-63813 | Maximum Concurrent Builds Per Node: contradictory docs | | |
JENKINS-63120 | Builds not being throttled when using declarative pipeline and Docker swarm | | |
JENKINS-62580 | Spawn new agents when build is blocked by maximum builds per node | | |
JENKINS-61779 | Regression: Job stuck in queue waiting forever after upgrade | | |
JENKINS-61485 | Throttle Concurrent Builds not working when triggered from another job | | |
JENKINS-57110 | Different "Maximum Total Concurrent Builds" on differetn jobs | | |
JENKINS-54581 | Possibility to limit the amount of executed configurations of a matrix job | | |
JENKINS-54580 | Possibility to define a maximum value for jobs with identical parameters | | |
JENKINS-54579 | Allow the max builds value to be a parameter | | |
JENKINS-50306 | "Still waiting to schedule task" indicates a flaw in the Jenkins pipelining design in my opinion | | |
JENKINS-49940 | Concurrent build limits not honored on kubernetes container environment with Jenkins 2.89.4 | | |
JENKINS-49173 | Maximum Concurrent Builds Per Node option not respected for Declarative Pipeline | | |
JENKINS-48010 | Throttling a steps{} or stage{} block has no effect in declarative syntax | | |
JENKINS-45140 | Add support of throttling of the entire build in Declarative Pipeline | | |
JENKINS-44781 | Upgrading throttle-concurrent-builds-plugin 1.9 -> 2.0.1 made declarative script spin forever | | |
JENKINS-44756 | throttle(...) step can be ineffective at restart time | | |
JENKINS-44561 | Upgrading throttle-concurrent-builts-plguin från 1.9 -> 2.0 disables ability for nodes to connect in Jenkins LTS | | |
JENKINS-44411 | Support throttling of blocks without node() in the throttle() step | | |
JENKINS-44373 | TCB Plugin should record used labels in the flow graph for Pipeline steps | | |
JENKINS-42397 | We should have the option to throttle based on current SCM branch | | |
JENKINS-39472 | Allow job throttling based on job name regex | | |
JENKINS-37938 | Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin causing job config web UI to misalign badly | | |
JENKINS-37316 | After Jenkins restart, concurrent builds only work after clicking 'save' on each job. | | |
JENKINS-36915 | Throttle Concurrent Builds on scheduled builds at the same time | | |
JENKINS-35359 | Limit concurrent builds for 1 MultiBranch project | | |
JENKINS-34294 | Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin ignores builds on inheritance-projects. | | |
JENKINS-33940 | Throttle plugin "per project" doesn't work with Matrix jobs | | |
JENKINS-33279 | Concurrent builds in queue cause jenkins to use 300+%CPU | | |
JENKINS-32888 | Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin doesn't work | | |
JENKINS-32337 | Add ability to throttle a subset of a build | | |
JENKINS-32334 | Add option to throttle one job against a group of jobs | | |
JENKINS-32055 | Move TCB to use ExtensionPoints | | |
JENKINS-29141 | trottle-concurrent-build-plugin allowes concureent jobs under circumstances | | |
JENKINS-27968 | Throttle concurrent builds and lockable resource do not work with block on upstream | | |
JENKINS-27650 | Page loads slow with hundreds of throttled builds in queue | | |
JENKINS-27626 | Ability to define max number of concurrent build on node as a ratio/percentage of available node executors | | |
JENKINS-26716 | Jobs throttled via the Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin fail to launch new ec2 provisioned slaves when necessary | | |
JENKINS-26205 | Throttle matrix project doesn't work with label | | |
JENKINS-25327 | We should have option to create throttle category in job based on environment variable | | |
JENKINS-23591 | Job Configuration page jumps when Throttle Concurrent Builds is checked | | |
JENKINS-23558 | ThrottleCategoryProvider Extension Point | | |
JENKINS-23368 | Thottle Concurrent Builds - enforce start interval/delay between running builds. | | |
JENKINS-22127 | Exceptions for certain nodes | | |
JENKINS-21830 | Throttle-concurrents -plugin do not recognise new slave nodes generated after build are on queue | | |
JENKINS-14729 | Allow project to configure categories on an ad-hoc basis | | |
JENKINS-14084 | Throttle per axis | | |
JENKINS-13146 | Job config's "Execute concurrent builds if necessary" label could be clearer | | |
JENKINS-12559 | Do not allow to start new job in case another job that fits those conditions is already running | | |
JENKINS-12093 | Allow per-project & category throttling on the same job | | |
JENKINS-12092 | Allow a job to completely block a category | | |
JENKINS-10704 | Augment "waiting for executor" text when blocked by throttle | | |