
The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-74346[testlink] Migrate legacy checkUrl attributes in hudson/plugins/testlink/TestLinkBuilder/global.jelly
JENKINS-74345[testlink] Migrate legacy checkUrl attributes in hudson/plugins/testlink/TestLinkBuilder/config.jelly
JENKINS-56519Jenkins-TestLink Integration (Test Cases are not automate in testLink)
JENKINS-53137Automated cases found, but I cannot find them in job workspace at Jenkins
JENKINS-52177ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException retriving Test Result Trend Chart
JENKINS-51774I can't run testlink iterative build steps and generate report
JENKINS-49293Create new test suites and test cases if not found during results.xml parse.
JENKINS-47346Can not get TestSuiteID
JENKINS-46343testlink plugin: iterative build steps - add action failed
JENKINS-46032TestLink plugin issue
JENKINS-45104Testlink plugin doesn't update testlink 1.9.16 test cases
JENKINS-44175TestLink is not updated based on the Junit result
JENKINS-42838Support for additonal testlinkfields as environment variables
JENKINS-42704Can not find automated cases with Testlink 1.9.16 and Testlink Plugin 3.12
JENKINS-42496Pipeline support
JENKINS-41768testlink status not run with TAP and junit-xml
JENKINS-40067Add support for enviroment variables
JENKINS-36800TestLink Plugin has no way to update build custom fields
JENKINS-36657Add ability to filter test cases for selection by TestLink labels
JENKINS-36656Add ability to set individual test case steps result to testlink plugin
JENKINS-36012Testlink plugin can't update the tests in Testlink when the build fails due to failed tests.
JENKINS-34383Testlink-Plugin is unable to read multiple suites from a single testNG result file.
JENKINS-34248Testlink plugin : all testcases of testlink is being updated with the first line of TAP result
JENKINS-33964Execution Time not being updated when testcases are run in Jenkins
JENKINS-33644Error verifying developer key: Failed to read server's response
JENKINS-33642Error communicating with testlink
JENKINS-33120TestLink plugin reports ALL test failed when TAP file indicates only 1 'not ok'
JENKINS-32114Jenkins TestLink plugin "Found 0 automated test cases in TestLink." for newly added platforms
JENKINS-32051Testlink plugin doesn't update Testlink 1.9.14 TC's
JENKINS-30674Testlink testcase external id
JENKINS-30332TAP result files are not used for updating Testlink.
JENKINS-30066Installing testlink plugin and restarting Jenkins corrupts jobs having nothing to do with testlink
JENKINS-29911results from TestLink are not visible on Jenkins
JENKINS-29716Incorrect Execution Results when using TestNG class name results seeking strategy
JENKINS-28819TestLink build Execution status always "Not Run"
JENKINS-28589[JENKINS][TestLink] integration does not work
JENKINS-28209[Testlink] : Junit test case are not running into testlink "not run"
JENKINS-28122Plugin doesn't update the test cases status properly on testlink (ver:1.9.13)
JENKINS-28036Unable to mark Test execution using Jenkins TestLink plugin
JENKINS-26656Undefined index: testprojectid
JENKINS-26386test Link plugin in3.10 with Jenkin 1.588 and testlink 1.9(customized) throwing error-
JENKINS-26000Invalid processing of suite-files in testng
JENKINS-25062Jenkins Testlink plugin cannot find testing result, shows "Not run"
JENKINS-24424TestLink Plugin - Does not show "Execution Status"
JENKINS-23955TestNG: Error inserting attachment on DB
JENKINS-23265TestLink plugin indicates test case as "not run" and TestLink is not updated with build status
JENKINS-23261Unable to establishing the connection between TestLink 1.9.8 and Jenkins ver. 1.565
JENKINS-22220TestLink Plugin is not executing testng method and showing Not Run in jenkins excution report
JENKINS-21998Testlink plugin - Unable to retrieve test-steps
JENKINS-21620Test Link - Update the Jenkins Build URL in to Notes
JENKINS-21535TestLink plugin - cant get custom field values as variables in job
JENKINS-21442Problem on testlink reporting of phpunit tests
JENKINS-21441Testlink plugin problem in parsing JUNIT XML test result file
JENKINS-21049Failed tests mark build as failure option resets when changing the configuration
JENKINS-21011Testlink plugin throwing Exception "cannot be cast to java.util.Map"
JENKINS-20880cannot retrieve the next custom fields value
JENKINS-20865Jenkins Testlink plugin cannot find testing result, shows "Not run"
JENKINS-20624TAP result seeker's include test notes adds poor values
JENKINS-20590New batch build step
JENKINS-20381ResultSeeking Strategy "jUnit Suite Name" not working
JENKINS-20371Would like to have the option to set "Copy tester assignments" when creating the TestLink build via the plugin
JENKINS-20338Error inserting attachment on DB
JENKINS-20039TestLink plugin indicates test case as "not run" and TestLink is not updated with build status
JENKINS-19549 TestLink plugin + TAP plugin problem (Skipping a non-existent field comments)
JENKINS-19369Testlink "test error" results not selectable
JENKINS-18916Jenkins TestLink Automated Testing Help
JENKINS-18821Jenkins-Plugin 3.5 working with Testlink 1.9.7 ?
JENKINS-17802TAP files with platform information and recursive result seeking strategy
JENKINS-17608Test Link plugin, show the test results in the category "notes"
JENKINS-17586Test Link plugin to show the status of execution type manual
JENKINS-16698immediately update and show the result of one test case when it completed
JENKINS-16577TestLink plugin Result Seeker
JENKINS-16294windows managed batch looses arguments when used within testlink
JENKINS-15937TestLink Plugin prevents Jenkins from parsing Jobs
JENKINS-13629When creating a new build in TestLink, plugin should automatically assign test case execution to a user