JENKINS-67553 | Support @PostConstruct on Describable | | |
JENKINS-59642 | implement organizationChildTriggersProperty | | |
JENKINS-55868 | org.kohsuke.stapler.NoStaplerConstructorException: There's no @DataBoundConstructor on any constructor of class java.lang.String | | |
JENKINS-52996 | Snippetizer listing arguments alphabetically without regard to mandatory vs. optional | | |
JENKINS-49321 | Pipeline build failure with structs plugin version 1.12 | | |
JENKINS-38180 | Report conflicting @Symbol annotations somehow | | |
JENKINS-35393 | Fix problems with Pipeline's Snippet Generator | | |
JENKINS-34173 | DescribableModel rejects PasswordParameterValue due to use of Secret | | |
JENKINS-34105 | Add support for parameters of type java.util.Set | | |
JENKINS-31532 | snippet generator produces invalid output with latest git 2.5.0-beta2 plugins + submodule option. | | |
JENKINS-28510 | DescribableHelper error with @DataBoundSetter on Map<String,String> | | |
JENKINS-26535 | DescribableHelper does not handle wildcards well | | |