Statistics Gatherer
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
JENKINS-66276 | Git information is not fetching through logstash and statistic gatherer plugin | | |
JENKINS-62681 | Plug-in calling Jenkins REST API fails with 403 when configured with pluginFirstClassLoader = true | | |
#42 | Option to send Failure Cause implemented | | |
#40 | Change Urirest to OkHttp | | |
#39 | This plugin is looking for a maintainer! | | |
#38 | Installation | | |
#37 | Enrich build finished logs | | |
#36 | Build on instead of | | |
#35 | Code fixes | | |
#34 | Queue Request: org.json.JSONException: A JSONArray text must start with '[' | | |
#33 | Queue requests - com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException | | |
JENKINS-59271 | Statistics Gatherer Plugin - org.json.JSONException: A JSONArray text must start with '[' | | |
JENKINS-59270 | Statistics Gatherer Plugin - com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException | | |
JENKINS-58259 | Option to ignore SSL certificate errors | | |
JENKINS-57878 | statisics-gatherer-pluging sends no requests | | |
JENKINS-57544 | statistics gatherer plugin - no audit for steps/stages in scripted pipeline | | |
#31 | Scm Checkout and Build Steps events are not triggered | | |
JENKINS-57142 | foundFailureCauses returning blank with new versions of Build Failure Analyzer | | |
#30 | RFE: send test results | | |
#29 | Improvements - wording & formatting | | |
#27 | Massive Improvements | | |
#26 | RFE: Support for authenticated http endpoints | | |
#25 | I am a little confused | | |
#18 | Reload config | | |