The Jenkins project announced unresolved security vulnerabilities affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):
List of issues
JENKINS-73290ERROR: Failed to monitor for Free Swap Space on z/OS agent
JENKINS-71751Jsch proposing keys unsupported by server key
JENKINS-70538Cannot execute builds using SVN SCM with SVN+SSH using private key with passphrase
JENKINS-69256Exception when publishing, exception message [Exec exit status not zero. Status [23]]
JENKINS-67564com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: USERAUTH fail
JENKINS-66334SSH agent not starting because of wrong cd command
JENKINS-66262CLI command using SSH failed with SSH server 3.1.0
JENKINS-64703Jenkins 2.263.2 Cannot SSH to server from agent node
JENKINS-64543Jenkins slows down after upgrade to 2.249.2
JENKINS-61077Impossible to save Publish over SSH settings: net.sf.json.JSONException: null object
JENKINS-61063Could not find a suitable ssh-agent provider
JENKINS-60152SSH plugin caches domain IP resolution
JENKINS-57227Unable to access the Repository
JENKINS-56031SSH plugin fails intermittently because of issue with JSch
JENKINS-55967SSH plugin injects null variable and attempts to run
JENKINS-53787The Add button for creating credentials has no effect.  No dialog, no nothing.
JENKINS-51546Build variables not working if "Execute each line" is active
JENKINS-46672Add posibility of creating hosts directly in the job
JENKINS-45781Remote ssh host management and configurable host name (or alias)
JENKINS-45203SSH Plugin : system configuration error : ClassNotFoundException : sun.reflect.ConstructorAccessorImpl
JENKINS-43209SSH connection with ProxyCommand times out
JENKINS-35910SSH Plugin and pipeline
JENKINS-35546Upgrade to Credentials 2.1.0+ API for populating credentials drop-down
JENKINS-34622Transfer files to SSH only get changed by SVN
JENKINS-30511Enject variable into the ssh username
JENKINS-30331Expect command issue
JENKINS-30319SSH - Ed25519 keys not supported
JENKINS-27095Unable to pass arguments to remote ssh (other than bash)
JENKINS-26807Create 'Remote SSH host' Job parameter type, whose value can be used by Remote Execution build step
JENKINS-26447Remote shell script should be killed when build is aborted
JENKINS-23911Shell command doesn't run in background
JENKINS-23812Add configuration option to enable/disable ciphers used for sshd
JENKINS-23135Option to disable echo of SSH command
JENKINS-20157Start program via ssh in Jenkins and using it in Jenkins build
JENKINS-17440SSH Plugin throws auth cancel
JENKINS-16067It keeps Jenkins HOME and other variables even I deselected checkboxes
JENKINS-12265SSH Plugin: Add timeout and/or abort