JENKINS-74917 | ssh-credentials is not updating the form validation after updating the passphrase | | |
JENKINS-73458 | Add checks for invalid keys in ssh-credentials plugin | | |
JENKINS-72786 | After "add" of new credential: "The selected credentials cannot be found" | | |
JENKINS-72785 | Add ability to generate an SSH private key | | |
JENKINS-70538 | Cannot execute builds using SVN SCM with SVN+SSH using private key with passphrase | | |
JENKINS-69552 | Passphrase Authentication Fails | | |
JENKINS-68162 | NullPointerException from withCredentials > sshUserPrivateKey | | |
JENKINS-67886 | WARNING com.trilead.ssh2.crypto.PEMDecoder decode | | |
JENKINS-67564 | com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: USERAUTH fail | | |
JENKINS-67534 | "invalid format" error when pasting SSH private key without armor | | |
JENKINS-60215 | Show ssh public keys in ssh key editing ui | | |
JENKINS-58213 | Jenkins Slave Can't reach Gitlab, but Server can | | |
JENKINS-57810 | Pipeline build succeeded but the file was not sent to the ssh target host | | |
JENKINS-57227 | Unable to access the Repository | | |
JENKINS-56940 | Show asciiart fingerprint of SSH keys | | |
JENKINS-56381 | 'Enter directly' should be selected by default when creating SSH key credentials | | |
JENKINS-55136 | Log an error when ssh private key is empty | | |
JENKINS-53954 | Cannot connect to slave/agent Linux anymore | | |
JENKINS-52232 | Credentials not usable after upgrade to 1.14 | | |
JENKINS-52179 | Wrong data mapping on serialization | | |
JENKINS-42280 | Nullpointer on BasicSSHUserPrivateKey passphrase | | |
JENKINS-32154 | Allow prompting for passphrase before starting build | | |
JENKINS-29647 | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError thrown by jenkins slave while the class is in the class path. | | |
JENKINS-26600 | Add support for SSH signed user public keys | | |
JENKINS-25412 | Update JSch to 0.1.49 | | |
JENKINS-18729 | Verify passphrase in form validation | | |