Sonar Gerrit
List of issuesKey | Summary | Created | Updated |
#216 | Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 4.88 to 5.6 | | |
#214 | Bump from 1.3 to 1.8 | | |
#213 | Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:sonar from 2.13.1 to 2.18 | | |
#212 | Bump from 4.29.2 to 4.29.3 | | |
#211 | Bump org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common from 2.0.0 to 2.0.21 | | |
#203 | Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:pipeline-maven from 3.10.0 to 1469.ve15ca_a_b_90b_44 | | |
#186 | Bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.21 to 1.27.1 | | |
#179 | Bump org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient from 4.5.13 to 4.5.14 | | |
#177 | Only fetch unresolved issues | | |
#161 | Bump com.cosium.code:git-code-format-maven-plugin from 2.7 to 5.3 | | |
#155 | Fixed issues are falsely reported with SonarQube 10.4 | | |
#154 | Can't enable pullRequest mode using jenkins job DSL | | |
#150 | Can't change Gerrit server in Override Credentials | | |
#140 | New Security Hotspots failures ignored when reporting to Gerrit | | |
#139 | Support/use installation configuration ServerUrl instead of action ServerUrl | | |
#130 | ERROR: Unable to find credential with id '' | | |
#127 | Sonar violations are commented with 'unresolved' status | | |
#125 | Silently fail if the build is not triggered from Gerrit | | |
#74 | Add logging allowing to track reasons for filtering out files from report | | |
#75 | Make enum values case-insensitive | | |
#77 | Add setting to mark build as failed if corresponding issues are found | | |
#79 | Add Project name to the Gerrit comment | | |