JENKINS-70890 | unable to store configuration | | |
JENKINS-69065 | Icon size "S M L" at the left bottom of the page doesn't work any more | | |
JENKINS-64517 | Sectioned View Plugin regular expression suddenly not working | | |
JENKINS-62881 | listView projectDescription method not available through JOB-DSL, only through GUI configuration | | |
JENKINS-59551 | jCasC: enable colums for sectionedView | | |
JENKINS-54912 | TestResult-Section renders imagemap-div's to body | | |
JENKINS-34778 | Unable to Create or Modify List View Section within a Sectioned View | | |
JENKINS-32942 | Sectioned View plugin CSS changes display of all panes. | | |
JENKINS-30987 | Add security matrix to views | | |
JENKINS-29954 | views lost due to error parsing config.xml after copying jenkins to another system | | |
JENKINS-29766 | views not displayed - NullPointerException on SectionedView.getItems within NestedView | | |
JENKINS-29204 | Build description is not updated when job displayed by Sectioned List View | | |
JENKINS-28923 | Nested View causes StackOverflowError | | |
JENKINS-26389 | Test results trend empty for some jobs | | |
JENKINS-24804 | javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form too large 227340>200000 | | |
JENKINS-21801 | Hability to choose jobs in a list view section by selecting their parent folders | | |
JENKINS-21764 | Add hability to load checkstyle, ccpcheck and nsiqcolletor trends | | |
JENKINS-21755 | Create HTML anchors for sections | | |
JENKINS-20631 | View Listing Section shows only current level's sections for Nested View | | |
JENKINS-19894 | Links between related jobs don't respect ancestory of the last loaded view | | |
JENKINS-18570 | Entire view fails if user does not have read permissions to every job within a view (project-based security) | | |
JENKINS-15798 | Allow changing order for Sections in configuration | | |
JENKINS-13212 | "Advanced" button fails for newly created list view section | | |
JENKINS-13211 | Cannot make three adjacent columns | | |
JENKINS-5487 | when adding "List View" or "Job Graphs" section: TypeError: Property 'push' of object #<an Object> is not a function | | |