JENKINS-75309 | Version 2.0 of Sauce OnDemand plugin will not connect - timeout | | |
JENKINS-73566 | sauce-ondemand failing after Jenkins upgrade | | |
JENKINS-72393 | SauceLabs jenkins build jobs loose status when Jenkins restarts | | |
JENKINS-71585 | Bump dependencies to include latest Sauce Connect binary | | |
JENKINS-71488 | Sauce on demand plugin fails to retreive the webdriver browsers | | |
JENKINS-70081 | Sauce OnDemand plugin fails - "extra info is not valid JSON" | | |
JENKINS-69773 | Jenkins is throwing a NullPointerException at SauceConnectCloser of SauceOnDemandBuildWrapper while closing and deleting the tunnel | | |
JENKINS-60096 | Jenkins is throwing a NullPointerException at SauceOnDemandBuildWrapper when the jobs are created using a DSL script | | |
JENKINS-57554 | Sauce plugin jobs timeout | | |
JENKINS-57189 | Sauce Labs Test Publisher cannot find build | | |
JENKINS-56272 | saucePublisher does not honor SAUCE_REST_ENDPOINT | | |
JENKINS-54128 | Deprecated calls to Run.getLogFile | | |
JENKINS-53681 | build.xml not saved because: Failed to serialize hudson.plugins.sauce_ondemand.SauceParameterValue#selectedBrowsers | | |
JENKINS-52994 | Pipeline Syntax Generator for specifying browsers missing | | |
JENKINS-52073 | Unable to select supported WebDriver browsers | | |
JENKINS-51772 | Sauce Labs Test Publisher Failures | | |
JENKINS-51756 | SauceConnect fails to launch due to unavailable port | | |
JENKINS-44770 | No signature of method: javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.wrapper.SauceOnDemandContext.credentials() | | |
JENKINS-42242 | SauceLabs results not displayed on Blue Ocean | | |
JENKINS-39385 | Option under "Manage Jenkins" to disable "Enable Sauce Connect" checkbox in job configs | | |
JENKINS-32091 | Add functionality to let users download test assets into the build folder. | | |
JENKINS-31615 | Sometimes the plugin leaves behind a stale PID file or zombie Sauce Connect process, should the plugin handle this? | | |
JENKINS-30778 | Sauce Labs Test Publisher Configuration | | |
JENKINS-30064 | Optionally retry Sauce Connect failures when not related to credentials | | |
JENKINS-29341 | Duplicate platforms | | |
JENKINS-28758 | Provide additional details within list of Sauce jobs | | |
JENKINS-25627 | Support for available resolutions | | |
JENKINS-25435 | Embedded Sauce Report does not show up when session ID present in xunit file | | |
JENKINS-24711 | Allow specification of different supported browsers on Android devices | | |
JENKINS-24620 | Informational labels for OnDemand plugin | | |