Salesforce Migration Assistant

List of issues
#31Getting null pointer exception while consuming Salesforce Migration assistant plugin in Jenkins
#30Use HTTPS URLs in pom.xml
#29Salesforce migration assistant plugin not work
#28While running Jenkins using this version, there are no SMA folder created
#27No error message if there is no src folder.
#26Pull Request for 24th issue (
#24Not able to push codes available in email, translations and reports folder
#22Receiving unknown failure
#21Salesforce Migration Assistant Plugin
#19New Releases?
#18Support for MyDomain Urls
#17Support for Custom Fields of Managed Packages
#14Issues in configuring the plugin
#13Add ability to toggle metadata types included in deployment
#8Add support for other git hosting providers
#7Add support for the jenkins credentials store.
#4Lightning Support
#2Prevent Null Pointer Errors when proxy configuration isn't set