JENKINS-73642 | Update S3 publisher plugin to use AWS SDK for Java 2.x | | |
JENKINS-73606 | Artifacts are not uploaded for ABORTED builds | | |
JENKINS-73574 | S3 publisher plugin doesn't delete the artifacts if a pipeline was deleted | | |
JENKINS-71836 | Support for selecting the checksum algorithm | | |
JENKINS-71424 | Not respecting 'Use IAM Role' selection | | |
JENKINS-70665 | Build Selector lastWithArtifacts() checks in the controller disk for existence of any artifacts for the build | | |
JENKINS-69492 | Unnamed Module and error while saving project with plugin enabled | | |
JENKINS-69362 | Add AWS S3 Publisher Plugin to CasC (Configuration as Code) | | |
JENKINS-65716 | S3 Publisher OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space | | |
JENKINS-64524 | s3 publisher config load is not updating role checkbox (alway false) | | |
JENKINS-62222 | log file spammed with a warning message | | |
JENKINS-62131 | java.util.ConcurrentModificationException | | |
JENKINS-61892 | Can't connect to S3 service: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. | | |
JENKINS-61227 | S3 publisher plugin : Make dontSetBuildResultOnFailure an Optional Field | | |
JENKINS-60916 | S3 upload fails with gzipFiles set to true | | |
JENKINS-60683 | Jenkins fails to launch S3-publisher plugin | | |
JENKINS-59549 | Jenkins is not responsive when s3 plugin upload many big files | | |
JENKINS-55754 | ERROR: Failed to upload files Expecting Ant GLOB pattern, but saw 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\CD Gateway API\' | | |
JENKINS-55595 | S3 plugin Configuration as Code support | | |
JENKINS-51635 | S3 Plugin doesn't respect Jenkins exclude proxy settings | | |
JENKINS-48588 | Artifacts uploaded to S3 does not show up in Blue Ocean | | |
JENKINS-48025 | Add Cloudfront support | | |
JENKINS-47046 | s3Upload with includePathPattern does not upload files | | |
JENKINS-46138 | When uploading many files to s3, the artifacts listing is too big | | |
JENKINS-46048 | Improve support for Pipeline | | |
JENKINS-44446 | Content-Type not set correctly | | |
JENKINS-44188 | Publish Failure Result Constraint not honored | | |
JENKINS-44090 | Specifying project dynamically (with variables) not working | | |
JENKINS-43756 | Delete content of the S3 "folder" before the save | | |
JENKINS-43698 | Can't Upload Artifacts to Buckets in us-east-2 (Ohio) | | |
JENKINS-43665 | Option to use single upload instead of multi-part upload | | |
JENKINS-42350 | Remove requirement for ListAllMyBuckets permission | | |
JENKINS-42345 | S3 credentials should be using jenkins credential storage instead of the system configuration | | |
JENKINS-40821 | S3 Managed Artifacts not respecting log rotation set | | |
JENKINS-40784 | s3 plugin xml parser error | | |
JENKINS-40690 | One of files fails with SdkClientException: Couldn't initialize a SAX driver to create an XMLReader | | |
JENKINS-40654 | Make plugin compatible with storage backends compatible with Amazon S3 (OpenStack Swift...) | | |
JENKINS-40709 | S3 plugin - Incomplete installation in clean installs of Jenkins 2.x | | |
JENKINS-40378 | ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target | | |
JENKINS-40173 | Conflict with aws-java-sdk 1.11.37 | | |
JENKINS-38898 | Managed artifacts fails to upload to S3 - no errors logged | | |
JENKINS-37135 | Unable to upload the build files to S3 bucket- ap-south-1 region | | |
JENKINS-37133 | S3 plugin - option for S3 Transfer Acceleration | | |
JENKINS-36807 | s3-publisher-plugin are not compatible with s3 buckets in cn-north-1 | | |
JENKINS-36430 | S3 plugin - Unable to load AWS credentials from any provider in the chain | | |
JENKINS-34837 | Uploading 'lots' of files gives 'too many open files' error | | |
JENKINS-34836 | Doesn't handle files with 'unusual' characters | | |
JENKINS-33765 | Configure S3 at folder level | | |
JENKINS-33088 | Can't upload to S3 direct from slaves if there is any "Metadata" field | | |
JENKINS-30233 | S3 sync rather than simple updoad | | |
JENKINS-29533 | Does not implement checkRoles(RoleChecker checker) from remoting-2.47 | | |
JENKINS-29532 | Does not export via JSON API | | |
JENKINS-29528 | ABI (message resouces) break in copyartifact-1.34 | | |
JENKINS-28141 | path prefix created but no files uploaded | | |
JENKINS-27576 | can't upload folder structure from Windows instance | | |
JENKINS-26614 | S3 plugin should use artifacts build in the job rather than content of the workspace | | |
JENKINS-26297 | S3 download link incorrect when Destination bucket includes a path prefix | | |
JENKINS-25509 | When a build is aborted, publishing to s3 should not be attempted | | |
JENKINS-24576 | option to fail the build when selector didn't selected any file to deploy | | |
JENKINS-24335 | S3 Managed Artifacts Improve Path for Multi Configuration Builds | | |
JENKINS-23441 | Settings ContentEncoding, HttpExpiresDate, etc when uploading to s3 | | |
JENKINS-22410 | Problem in interaction between Promoted Builds plugin and S3 plugin | | |
JENKINS-21965 | publishing to s3 bucket always failed authentication (us-east-1) | | |
JENKINS-20851 | S3 Uploader should allow ACLs to be specified on upload | | |
JENKINS-19725 | Unable to unmarshall response (Couldn't initialize a SAX driver to create an XMLReader) | | |
JENKINS-16025 | Allow full path when uploading a file | | |
JENKINS-14775 | Add build result conditions to S3 publisher | | |
JENKINS-12376 | [s3] optionally make objects uploaded to S3 public | | |