Reverse Proxy Auth

List of issues
JENKINS-74002?from= in login URL
JENKINS-74001LDAP user details search checks TLS certificate for wrong hostname
JENKINS-73624Document how groups are looked up when using API token
JENKINS-72709reverse-proxy-auth LDAP incorrect Manager Password prints unhelpful "Can't find bundle for base name org.acegisecurity.messages"
JENKINS-71319groups not shown; using comma delimiter
JENKINS-70407Migrate from acegisecurity to spring-security
JENKINS-69590Add configurable LDAP timeout properties
JENKINS-68300index.jelly missing for some plugins
JENKINS-53087Page load time increased to over 1 minute after upgrade to 1.6.3
JENKINS-45732Integrate LDAP ability to configure multiple LDAP configurations to connect to LDAP servers with different schemes etc.
JENKINS-36156reverse-proxy-auth-plugin Advanced LDAP Configuration is showing ERROR
JENKINS-32089Encoding issue causes login failure
JENKINS-29795add retries to mitigate LDAP failures
JENKINS-29331groups displayed as user in role-strategy-plugin screen assign roles
JENKINS-29330nested groups not looked up
JENKINS-24416Reverse proxy auth is preventing SSH CLI access