A plugin for Jenkins CI that gives you the ability to monitor successful build on a remote Jenkins server.
Build project and pull docker images on a remote server(having public ip), Customer didn't having a public ip and we dont want to share source code.
Enable the trigger within the "Remote Build Result Trigger" section of the build's configuration page.
When remote server build successful, plugin will trigger a local build and inject remote envs to job.
ENV_NAME | description |
REMOTE_BUILD_NUMBER | The remote build number, such as "153". |
REMOTE_BUILD_TIMESTAMP | The remote build timestamp, such as "1676017363424". |
REMOTE_BUILD_URL | Full URL of this build, like https://server:port/jenkins/job/foo/15/ (Jenkins URL must be set). |
REMOTE_BUILD_RESULT | The remote build result, such as "SUCCESS", "UNSTABLE", "FAILURE", "NOT_BUILT", "ABORTED". |
REMOTE_PARAMETER_${PARAMETER_NAME} | If remote job use buildWithParameters, use remote parameters replace ${PARAMETER_NAME}. |
REMOTE_RESULT_${PUB_RESULT_KEY} | If remote use pubResult, use result json key replace ${PUB_RESULT_KEY} |
REMOTE_JOBS | ex: ["Unique Identifier(Optional) | Remote Job Name"] |
If monitor more than one remote job
The Unique Identifier(Optional) used to replace injected envs, If didn't set, it will be replace with Remote Job Name
ENV_NAME | description |
REMOTE_JOBS | ex: ["Unique Identifier(Optional) | Remote Job Name"] |
REMOTE_${uid}_BUILD_NUMBER | The remote build number, such as "153". |
REMOTE_${uid}_BUILD_TIMESTAMP | The remote build timestamp, such as "1676017363424". |
REMOTE_${uid}_BUILD_URL | Full URL of this build, like https://server:port/jenkins/job/foo/15/ (Jenkins URL must be set). |
REMOTE_${uid}_BUILD_RESULT | The remote build result, such as "SUCCESS", "UNSTABLE", "FAILURE", "NOT_BUILT", "ABORTED". |
REMOTE_${uid}_PARAMETER_${PARAMETER_NAME} | If remote job use buildWithParameters, use remote parameters replace ${PARAMETER_NAME}. |
REMOTE_${uid}_RESULT_${PUB_RESULT_KEY} | If remote use pubResult, use result json key replace ${PUB_RESULT_KEY} |
Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Remote Result Trigger Configuration > Remote Jenkins Server
Job > Build Triggers > Checked Remote Build Result Trigger
pubResult(result: '{"key": "value"}')