
The Jenkins project announced an unresolved security vulnerability affecting the current version of this plugin (why?):

Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed, or may no longer work.

More information about the cause of this deprecation, and suggestions on how to proceed may be found at
List of issues
JENKINS-74544[recipe] Extract inline script block in WEB-INF/classes/org/jenkinsci/plugins/recipe/mechanisms/CommunityMechanism/trampoline.jelly
JENKINS-23696When exporting a job recipe with a NodeParameterDefinition the ignoreOfflineNodes is not handled correctly
JENKINS-22241Recipe export does not properly quote non-ASCII characters in the job description field
JENKINS-20727Cannot recreate job
JENKINS-20726JobIngredient does not handle folders