
List of issues
#56Check start before stop in the rancher plug-in advanced options, then save the job task, and enter the job task again to check that start before stop is not checked.
#55Doesn't work with Jenkins 2.387.1
#54how to setup development env
#53'Allure Report' changed build result to UNSTABLE
#49Choice NetWorking
#47Excuse me, how can I get this id(Rancher Environment id)
#44Message "step <object of type jenkins.plugins.rancher.RancherBuilder>" in Jenkins
#39no upgrade operation was performed
#37[Feature Request] Finish upgrade as a separate step
JENKINS-52723Add start first option
#29envid and servicename not support variable?
#28java.lang.RuntimeException: Some Error Happen statusCode 422 response
#26Select host to deploy service in
#24Private Docker Host
#21Double( : ) parameters in Environment Variables Cannot be Applied in Rancher
#13the not's admin user Can't change the Credentials
#9Support for volumes and labels