Publish Over SSH

List of issues
#376Bump from 3850.vb_c5319efa_e29 to 4136.vca_c3202a_7fd1 No valid crumb was included in request for /jenkins/manage/configSubmit by admin. Returning 403.
#366Jenkins FreeStyle And Pipeline supports log support for uploading files and executing remote commands
#362Can't avoid send file that haven't change
#357All the servers configured for Publish-over-SSH are wiped out post Jenkins upgrade to 2.452.3.2
#353Install and uninstall publish over ssh
#348Publish over SSH plugin not using Jenkins credentials
#343Obsolete links to
#341Upload File to remote server using ssh-ed25519 algorithm for sever_host_key
#338Failed to instantiate class jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ssh.options.SshDefaults
#331Is it possible to use different user credentials in the same job and enter password each time the job is started.
#329download only specific files for #245
#328skip `excludes` from downloading from github
#327job-level config for #245
#324ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [argument "outputFile" is null]
#323How do I add a single SSH server using jenkins-rest OR http request?
#320Exception on sftp publish with 1.25
#312jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection. Message: [Failed to connect session for config [ansible]. Message [Auth fail for methods 'publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password']]
#311Publish Over SSH fail to Connect remote server
#309Remote call on EC2 failed
#308Plugin is not seeing settings in my config file
#305SSH connexion error to an ubuntu 14.04.6 LTS server
#304Publish Over SSH fails to connect to Serv-U servers
#301Complete compatibility with Jenkins configuration-as-code
#299Facing High CPU and JAVA Heap memory issue.
#295error on publish over ssh
#293Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection: Algorithm negotiation fail
#289Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection.
#284feat: Bind host configuration to job using id instead of name
#278SSH connections to FIPS enabled hosts fail
#275ssh not working
#271Proxy info can't getValue
#268Failed to connect remote server throuth socks5
#264Add ssh server does not work with aws pem file
#261please edit a doc for Jenins-pipeline
#256Wrong baseDirectory when using publish-over-ssh via promotion
#253Publish over ssh
#251Copy directory permissions
#247Failed to connect and initialize SSH to the Remote Server (Tried All the Possible Ways )
#246Private Key Not concealed
#242Error using an intermediate host
#66[JENKINS-67614] When I update Jenkins version, failed to publish my file through agent node
#68[JENKINS-67236] Remove agent-to-controller FilePath calls from Publish over SSH plugin
#70[JENKINS-66851] Publish over SSH plugin not using Jenkins credentials for providing username, key and passphrase
#71[JENKINS-66253] publish-over-ssh-plugin: Update the minimum Jenkins version from 2.235.1 to 2.263.1
#73[JENKINS-66132] publish-over-ssh-plugin: Update the parent pom from 4.12 to 4.19
#74[JENKINS-66129] publish-over-ssh-plugin: Correct spelling errors in the documentation file
#75[JENKINS-65927] There are something wrong when publish over SSH
#76[JENKINS-65263] Project configuration page is not displayed correctly
#78[JENKINS-64264] jenkis publish-overssh plugin error
#79[JENKINS-64101] Publish over SSH log the output of the exec global option
#81[JENKINS-62620] Publish Over SSH Invalid Private Key
#83[JENKINS-61777] SSH job configuration wrong when value deleted
#84[JENKINS-61587] don't create remote directory when there are no files to publish
#85[JENKINS-60020] Wrong baseDirectory when using publish over ssh via promotion
#86[JENKINS-60003] Publish Over SSH Plugin - Exclude Files From Clean Remote Operation
#87[JENKINS-58741] Ability to use Environment Variables in Server Name and Label in Publish to SSH Server Plugin
#88[JENKINS-58543] sort ssh server list in job configuration page
#89[JENKINS-57495] Publish with ssh plugin does not work with openssh key
#90[JENKINS-57446] Add JCasC support for publish-over-ssh hosts
#91[JENKINS-57418] Plugin Over SSH
#92[JENKINS-57310] Publish Over SSH can't connect when PasswordAuthentication is set to "NO"
#93[JENKINS-56119] jumphost not working in "Test Connection"
#94[JENKINS-55722] jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect and initialize SSH connection
#95[JENKINS-54744] Publish over ssh is not transferring directories created by file operations plugin
#99[JENKINS-54129] Jump Hosts need their own configuration
#102[JENKINS-52972] Send artifact over ssh command has an error, but result is success
#105[JENKINS-52357] After upgrade 2.100 --> 2.129, publish-over-SSH config disappeared
#107[JENKINS-51773] Not able to export the war from the maven project to linux machine using Publish Over SSH Plugin
#117[JENKINS-49119] Support suppression of SSH server inactivity timeouts
#119[JENKINS-48520] Publish over SSH timeout
#120[JENKINS-47102] Add syntax highlighting
#124[JENKINS-43100] bapSshPublisher closure requires sshCredentials in Jenkins DSL.
#125[JENKINS-41975] Multiple servers configuration ssh : jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect session for config
#126[JENKINS-40311] Add option to preserve modification and access time of files
#128[JENKINS-39626] Advanced PseudoTTY support is needed.
#129[JENKINS-39315] Cannot delete transfer set
#131[JENKINS-37695] Folders support for publish-over-ssh
#141[JENKINS-33764] Configure SSH credentials at folder level
#143[JENKINS-33455] Option to disable echo of executed commands
#144[JENKINS-33056] Please add clean remote option
#145[JENKINS-32733] Publish over SSH plugin doesn't preserve permissions
#146[JENKINS-32288] Environment variables not expanded for "hostname" in publish over ssh plugin
#147[JENKINS-31810] Publish over SSH plugin : cannot use build parameters filters in transfer set fields
#156[JENKINS-29596] Always publish option is needed
#158[JENKINS-28315] publishOverSSH support incomplete
#159[JENKINS-27979] PublishOverSSHPlugin stops at 130MB on MacOS
#161[JENKINS-27903] Allow ssh server definition from job configuration
#163[JENKINS-27521] Delete files not existing on target-server (any more)
#165[JENKINS-26439] Build does not abort when «Send files or execute commands over SSH» fails
#168[JENKINS-25931] File transfer progress feedback
#170[JENKINS-25122] Permanent error message "Either Source files, Exec command or both must be supplied"
#175[JENKINS-22731] publish over ssh can't find a promotion folder
#176[JENKINS-22676] Collapse list of servers for Publish Over SSH by default
#177[JENKINS-22217] Integrate with Jenkins Credentials Management
#179[JENKINS-20933] Can't publish over ftp with files having an asterisk in their name
#180[JENKINS-20729] provide "Tranfers" default settings in "SSH Servers" configuration
#181[JENKINS-20694] When attempting to connect to destination we receive: jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to connect session for config [BETA Unix Server]. Message [Auth cancel]
#187[JENKINS-19356] utf file names
#195[JENKINS-18796] Promoted Parameter String not valorised in publish-over-ssh Script (Exec command)
#198[JENKINS-18448] Symbolic Links not followed
#205[JENKINS-17052] Change to root directory of host configuration didn't work
#206[JENKINS-16894] Doxygen publish very slow
#207[JENKINS-16240] Problem with NOT_BUILT build result
#215[JENKINS-14340] Remote directory of a Transfer Set should resolve env variable more than once
#228[JENKINS-12014] Jenkins Free-form Project Execute SSH build step default timeout not obvious