Poll Mailbox Trigger

This plugin is up for adoption! We are looking for new maintainers. Visit our Adopt a Plugin initiative for more information.
List of issues
JENKINS-74253[poll-mailbox-trigger-plugin] Migrate legacy checkUrl attribute in WEB-INF/classes/org/jenkinsci/plugins/pollmailboxtrigger/PollMailboxTrigger/config.jelly
#64I built jenkins pipeline project with Poll MailBox Trigger but it didn't work although it worked well with freestyle project
JENKINS-71703Can not download attachment with poll mail box plugin
#63Please update javax.mail to version 1.5.5 for SASL OAuth2 support
#62Download attachment option is not working
#61Mail content multi line
#60email subject is ????
#59Using ExtendedChoiceParameter in our Jenkins build process, build parameter comes as empty
JENKINS-60416Poll MailBox Trigger : The attached files are not found on the server
#58How to add Jenkins Pipeline support
#57jenkins mailbox polling showing log
#56Poll Mailbox Trigger plugin issue when connecting to office 365
#54Can I replace the equal sign with other custom sign
JENKINS-58800Poll Mail box plugin not able to connect to Gmail account
#53Poll Mailbox Trigger, polls but job is not started
JENKINS-57592Office 365 mailbox connection timing out in poll mailbox trigger plugin
#51Jenkins StackTrace while using pulgin with pipeline
JENKINS-54533Polling is not working with Poll mail box trigger plugin even it is finding the mail
#50Poll mail box plugin is able to read the mail, but polling is not working or running very late..
#49Poll an email inbox Schedule dosen't work
JENKINS-53963No login methods supported exception using Poll mailbox trigger plugin
#48No login methods supported exception using MS exchange
JENKINS-53848Poll-mailbox Plugin can not communicate with DavMail
#47Add top-level help file for the plugin
#46Can I use multiple `subjectContains` rows or enter masked text in Advanced Email Properties?
#45Support Exchange Server - EWS Managed API 2.0
#44Clicking the inline help-button of the "Poll Mailbox" build trigger does NOT show the plugin help
#43Option for a Jenkins job to process emails without marking them as read on the mail server
#42Connecting to Mail Server
#41incomplete custom variable
#40subjectContains not triggering when there is more text in subject
JENKINS-49570Poll mail box plugin is not able to read the mail box of MS exchange but able to connect
#38Add Jenkins Pipeline support
#35Connecting with UPN to shared mailbox
#27Error when downloading attachments with French character within the file name
#26Unable to download email attachments with .msg extension
#24Add "DELETE" Function To Mailbox Trigger?
#23Request to filter subject on 'not contains'
#15Provide an option to activate/desactive key-value overriden
#10Option to sanitize mail content (pmt_content)
JENKINS-29272Add ability to continue to poll while job is running